The hero who saves the world in the first eye, and the devil king in the second eye

Chapter 21 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds left before the arrival of the demons

Chapter 21
Jingle bell. Jingle bell.
As the bell rang, Professor Yeno put away his lecture notes, wiped the blackboard filled with ancient history, and then ignored the students who were still sleeping on the table even after class was over, and prepared to leave the classroom. .

But at this moment, the sound of hurried footsteps from behind made Yeno stop.

"Professor! Professor!"

The one who chased out from the classroom was the little girl with freckles.

Yeno adjusted his glasses and recognized this student, after all, she was the only student attending the class.

The girl asked Professor Yeno for some knowledge.

It's all about ancient history, about demons.

Professor Yeno patiently answered everything in detail and clearly. It can be seen that he is very thorough in ancient history, especially in the study of demons.

"Professor Yeno, do you think the demons are really as low-level and inferior as written in the textbooks? I have read many historical books, and there are very few records of the war between humans and demons thousands of years ago. They all end with great victory for humans, as if the demons are really vulnerable, this, this seems to be different from what you taught us, Professor."

Hearing what the freckled female student said, Professor Yeno adjusted his glasses.

He shook his head and said with a smile: "Kid, history books will only be written by the winners."

"Professor Yeno, I don't quite understand, then professor, do you think the demons are really extinct?"

"Child, it depends on how you understand it. It's like for a person who hides his ears and steals the bell, the bell does not exist."

The comprehension ability of the female student with freckles obviously cannot keep up.

Completely confused.

"I'm sorry, it's time for me to go home. If you still don't understand anything, you can come to the office to find me tomorrow."

"Or." Professor Yeno paused.

Afterwards, he handed a card with a simple magic spell to the freckled girl.

"Hold this, kid."

"Professor, this is...?"

"This is an invitation to a rally."

"It's a gathering organized by people who can hear the ringing without covering their ears. After activating the card with your magic, you can get the location and time of the next gathering. Maybe you can learn more there. The knowledge you want is about ancient science, about demons, and about the truth."

Professor Yeno left.

He was staggering and emaciated. No matter the students or other teachers in the corridor, they all avoided this "freak" professor who was usually taciturn and never participated in any school activities.

The freckled girl stayed where she was.

She carefully put the invitation to the meeting that the professor had given her, with some strange purple and black patterns printed on it, into her notebook.

Leaving the Royal Academy in Wangcheng.

Yeno took a carriage and returned to his residence in the civilian area.

After entering the house, his virtuous wife and two lovely daughters had been waiting for him for a long time.

"Dear, dinner is ready."

"Dad! I want to hear a story! The story you told me about Commander Anna last time!" The seven or eight-year-old daughter made a fuss and acted coquettishly towards Jeno.

The other eldest daughter, who was already slim, Hela was more sensible, and immediately said: "Nana! Father has been tired all day, let father have a good rest!"

"No, no! Nana just wants to hear it! Dad!"

A smile spread across Professor Yeno's wrinkled face.

He picked up his little daughter, sat on the dining table, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, where did Dad tell you last time?"

"Speaking of Commander Anna being lured by a traitor, and the lone army trapped in the siege of the demons, Dad quickly tell me, what happened to Commander Anna afterwards, she must have successfully broken through from the demons!"

"Unfortunately, my child, Commander Anna and her soldiers stood firm for three days and three nights surrounded by the demon army, but finally failed to wait for reinforcements and died at the hands of the demon army."

"Ah! How did this happen?" The little girl looked frustrated and lost when she heard the continuation of the story.

She quickly became angry and waved her small fist.

"Damn it! If it weren't for that human traitor, how could Commander Anna be surrounded! Woohoo! Dad, I like Anna. I will become a person like Commander Anna in the future, a hero like that, fight against the demons! Protect! Humanity!"

"Okay, okay! Let's eat quickly. Even a hero should eat well!"

Yeno's wife rubbed her outraged young daughter.

I feel a little helpless in my heart.

In fact, she wants to guide her daughter to become a mage, a doctor, or a civil servant like her who serves the empire.

rather than a commander.

To defeat some non-existent demons.

But after all, this is the husband's profession.

No matter how unpopular ancient history is, they are also professors of the Royal Academy, which is why they can afford to live in civilian areas today.

Fortunately, the eldest daughter is more competitive.

Thinking of Ye Nuo's wife here, she gave Hela a look of encouragement.

Hela hesitated for a moment, but still mustered up her courage at the dinner table, and said to Yenuo, "Father, tomorrow is my coming-of-age ceremony at the Sword Art Academy, can you...can you come over to attend the ceremony?"

Yeno is a socially unsocial man.

Hela was originally unwilling to force her father, but her mother felt that for such an important ceremony, it would be better for her parents to bless her together.

Yenuo's wife shot from the side at this time: "Honey, Hela's swordsmanship instructor came to see me yesterday. Hela's grades and talents are all top in the academy. It is very likely that he will be able to enter the establishment in the future and become a High-ranking swordsman of the empire."

Hearing that his daughter was so good, Yeno showed a gratified smile and patted his eldest daughter's head.

"of course."

"I'll be there on time."

Both the wife and the eldest daughter breathed a sigh of relief. The ignorant little girl was cooking dinner, as if she was venting her anger for Commander Anna. The warm and well-off family had fun at the dinner table. Although it was not rich and luxurious, it was at least happy of.

All of this was broken with a "snap".

The bowl that Professor Yeno picked up didn't seem to be finished, and fell to the ground.

The food inside was spilled on the floor.

The red sap of the tomatoes stained the carpet.

Before he could wait for his wife and children to ask what happened to Yeno.

This professor seemed to have suffered some great stimulation - an exciting stimulation.

His usual taciturn and casual manner is gone now.

Instead, it was a father's expression that his wife and daughters had never seen before.

That is

As if.
What had always been purely a matter of history and legend really appeared before us.

Yeno didn't care about anything.

He rudely pushed the chair away, left the dining table as fast as he could, and ran towards his study.

The wives and daughters who were left behind looked confused and confused.

And the reason is only known to Yeno himself.

After he entered the study room excitedly, he forgot to lock the door, and directly used his trembling hand to reach for his chest. There was an emerald pendant there, which was always carried by Professor Yeno.

Most of the time, no, I should say, when you get this emerald pendant from Yeno, it seems to be just an accessory.

Now when Professor Yeno put the emerald pendant on his palm, the pendant's intense green light covered the entire study.

Yeno's whole face.


"Is it you, Lord. Lord!?"

Yeno shook his head frantically, looking at the study wall, ceiling, or something farther away.

The paleohistory professor's voice trembled as much as his body.

"The time has come"

From the miserable green necklace in Professor Yeno's hand, an evil voice came out, a voice that only he could hear.

"Lord! When? When? What do you mean? Could it be that!!!"

"That's right. When it proves you. When it proves that your ancient history proves that the things you have studied so hard are not just waste paper in the eyes of other ignorant people."

"The demons will return to the world and you will enjoy our new world as a new human being."

Gu Luodan's voice was tempting.

The darkness in Yeno's heart and the grievances he has been enduring have been magnified infinitely. This ancient history professor who is regarded as a "freak" now has a crazy smile on his face.

"Lord, I, we have been waiting for this day for too long. Lord! What do you need us to do for you? We"

Yeno was interrupted before he finished speaking.


"Establish a coordinate anchor point for our arrival in the human world. Next, I will give you power. Let us open the tunnel together."

Glordan cultivated such a group of forces in the human world.

Next, he wanted to test the devil and verify his guess about Liao Yu, relying on these human beings.

Therefore, Grodan needs to let the devil come to the area within his sphere of influence.

That's why he deliberately donated his soul to the magician to stabilize the portal, so that he can cooperate with the human side, and he can control the location of the teleportation more or less secretly.

So far, everything is going as planned.

The evil miserable green energy poured into Professor Yeno's body along the emerald pendant.

There was another sound of bowl breaking.

The youngest daughter, Nana, who came to deliver food to her father, stood at the door of the study, as if she was frightened, looking at her father who was absorbing the power of the demon in the room.


"Get out!"

Yenuo's eyes were also glowing with a miserable green light at this time, and with his ferocious and angry expression, he looked like a monster.

He angrily asked his little daughter to leave, but at this time, the demon's dissatisfied voice sounded.

"kill her"

"Kill it...? No! Lord, she is still young and doesn't understand anything, so it won't affect us."

"Kill her!"

The demon's tone was a little bit more serious, with no doubt, and at the same time, a little bit of power transmission was added, and the evil desire swallowed up Professor Yeno.

The struggle and hesitation on his face were fleeting. Yenuo was completely reduced to a demon puppet, and even his skin turned green. The half-human, half-demon Yenuo stretched out his paws to his crying little daughter at the door.

"Honey, what's the matter, why is Nana here... Ah!!"

Yenuo's wife was also attracted by the noise at this moment, but what she saw was a heart-piercing, bloody and terrifying picture.

"Monster monster!!"

"Run Hela! Hurry up."

With a scream, his wife fell into a pool of blood, and Ye Nuo, who was corrupted by the power of the miserable green demon, turned his bloodthirsty and evil eyes to look for the remaining eldest daughter in the room, but found a trace of teleportation magic.

It was her wife who released Hela with her last strength before she died.

Actually let one go.

The demonized Yeno made a beast-like angry sound, and was about to rush out the door. It was obvious that he had lost his mind.


It was still the voice of the demon from the emerald pendant that stopped Yeno.

"This is. Randomly shifting the spell to rush her. Most likely she has been smashed by the space turbulence. Don't go. Chase her."

"Coordinate anchors. That's... the most important thing."

Yeno regained some sense, some things are like Pandora's box, once opened, there is no turning back.

The professor's cold eyes, looking at the restaurant that was warm a few minutes ago, are now blood-red. He stepped over the corpses of his wife and daughter and returned to his study.

"Obey, my lord."

With Yeno's help from the human world, it didn't take long for Glordan to successfully get the anchor he wanted.

"Lord, what else can we do for the Lord?"

of course.

I saw the pool of blood under Yeno's feet, wriggling quickly under the power of the demon, and finally formed a portrait of a human being in front of the professor.

The portrait of human youth—it is Liao Yu.

"Find him and kill him," the demon's voice echoed in Yeno's head.

Like a seductive whisper that makes people fall into the abyss.

"This is when the task entrusted to you is completed. You will leave the human body and become a member of our clan."

"I will not disappoint the Lord!"

With Yeno's final promise, the satisfied demon ended the connection, the miserable green light on the pendant disappeared, and Professor Yeno returned to his original state. Everything seems to have never happened—if you don't look at the red carpet and two bodies in a pool of blood

So what?

Wasn't that the same for the "Son of Destiny" back then?
That's right.

I am on the right path.

He is not a traitor to humanity.

He is saving this, which is now rotten and rotten, saving this hopeless human world!

Will become the new savior of mankind a thousand years later!

[There is still time left before the demons come.
——0 hours, 05 minutes and 27 seconds]

Chaos Rift.

Although Liao Yu came with only three apostles, before leaving, the other six demon apostles still lined up respectfully, as if they were seeing Liao Yu off.

What surprised Liao Yu even more was that not only the Wisdom Demon, but also the Shadow Demon Hill and the Sorcerer Dadaya all chose to come together with him, not as projections, but as their "real bodies".

The Void Passage is fully prepared.

Liao Yu looked at the human world presented on the opposite side of the passage. At this moment, his heart was full of expectations.

Although saving the world in one week is just a game, Liao Yu also invested a lot of emotions.

In the world a thousand years later, mankind should have developed civilization to a higher level by relying on the inheritance left by its powerful protagonist at the end of the game, right?

Are the descendants of those partners who fought alongside him thousands of years ago still there?How are you doing?
And what Liao Yu misses the most is also the glorious holy religion that has the closest relationship with him.

With such an impatient mood, Liao Yu finally joined the three apostles. Accompanied by the deafening roars of the demons, their figures disappeared into the passage. At the same time, it also symbolized a new chapter for the demons since they were sealed for thousands of years.

imperial capital.

Outskirts forest.

Five or six "human beings" with pointed ears surrounded a well. The dim moonlight shone on the surface of the well, and a line of complex characters that kept beating emerged on the deep well water.

That's Elvish script.

The translation is probably
[There is still time left before the demons come.
——0 hours, 00 minutes and 03 seconds]

As the number of seconds continued to shrink, several "human beings" beside the well held their breath, with serious and nervous expressions.

at last.

The moment this number becomes zero.

I saw a huge ripple on the surface of the well, and a blurry picture was quickly reflected in the moon well.

That is the demon clan.

After being sealed in the chaotic rift for thousands of years, the demon race opened the void channel again, and is about to bring disaster and destruction to the world.

"Elder! The prophecy turned out to be true, and several young "humans" from the Demon Race and the Demon Race fell into panic.

Only the head old lady's expression remained the same.

"What? Are you scared? Have you forgotten why we came here?"

"Master Elder! We have never forgotten the bloody shame of the elves! The destruction of their homeland by the demons is the unforgettable hatred of every elf!"

Revenge triumphed over fear.

And this is also the reason why the elven survivors whose homes were destroyed and fled to this world did not hesitate to expose themselves and take action.

Their homes and worlds have been destroyed by the demons.

In order to avenge and avoid such tragedies from happening again, they followed the prophecy and went to remind mankind to wake up the human world that once repelled the demons, but now it is completely depraved.

"The princess has already gone to the Academy of Humanity in Wangcheng to study further. Go and meet the princess quickly, and report the news of the prophecy to the princess. Humans have defeated the demons once. This time, with the help of our elves, we must completely wipe out the demons." Exterminate! Drive them out, leave no one behind!"

"Yes! Great Elder! Drive them out. Not one left!"

Under the moonlight, in the forest, there are elves who resolutely swear, and it is their brave faces.

(End of this chapter)

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