Chapter 22
King City of Illinois.


The night sky is dark and the stars are twinkling. It is a peaceful and beautiful scene, no different from ordinary days.

Until a few birds flew across the night sky.

They couldn't even make a sound, as if they were swallowed by an invisible black hole. As soon as they took half a step into this airspace, their bodies were instantly strangled and annihilated.

Sixth-order advanced technique - prison world

When the spell is launched, it will instantly cause huge damage to all non-friendly units within the range, and within the duration of the subsequent spell, it will cause a damage determined by [instant death] to any unit that steps into the field.

For units below level 50, it is basically a spike.

"King, it seems we are lucky." Leon's voice came from the side.

Liao Yu followed Zhimo's words and looked at a human city not far from them.

They arrived at this time, with the blessing of the "Fifth Level Technique - Controlling the Sky", and were located at an altitude of [-] meters.

But even so, the scale of the huge city below is still endless at a glance, and the whole city is still brightly lit in the middle of the night. From their high-altitude perspective, it looks like a twinkling night pearl.

Obviously, such a level of prosperity is at least a first-tier city, and it is even possible that it is directly the royal city or imperial capital of a certain country.

And this is undoubtedly good news for them.

After all, it is more efficient to appear directly near the core of the human country than to descend into the wilderness, whether it is to gather information or make further plans.

"Dadaya, is there any response to the anti-reconnaissance technique?" Liao Yu quickly turned his head and asked the other apostle who was walking next to him.

Under the crow mask, Dardaya waved his hands in the air like a pianist, outlining complex and profound high-level techniques one after another.

In response to Liao Yu's question, the magician shook his head: "King, I have not sensed any fluctuations in the magic from humans."

Looking from the outside, the airspace where Liao Yu and the four apostles are now is just like the opening scene, it is an empty ordinary night sky.
Both their figures and their conversations were obscured by the "Sixth Level Spell - Absolute Concealment".

Liao Yu felt that "Prison World", "Controlling the Sky" and "Absolute Concealment" were not enough. To be on the safe side, Liao Yu asked the magician to activate the sixth-level "master anti-reconnaissance" in advance at the moment of its arrival. .

After all, in Liao Yu's memory, in the game of the first week, even the lowest border town of human beings, there will be a mage tower for reconnaissance, 24 hours a day, to maintain the tower that was once invented by him and the great guardian of Melvin. It came out of the "Bright" reconnaissance technique specifically aimed at the demons.

result now
Are there no spell fluctuations?
Liao Yuming didn't change much on the surface, but he was a little frowning and strange in his heart.

After all, it stands to reason that judging from the scale of the royal city not far away, if it were placed a thousand years ago, there would have been at least over fifty human beings in my game, each of which would be commanded by a mage of level 40 or above. The magic tower is the right one.

Such a glorious formation composed of fifty magic towers can cover the entire area of ​​the royal city for dozens of kilometers, and any abnormalities in the wind and grass can be quickly known.

But right now, they are located at a high altitude a few kilometers away from the royal city.

But the magician didn't even sense the fluctuation of human's magic.

This can only illustrate.
"King, it seems that humans in a thousand years will indeed live a happy life."

Dada has always spoken very politely.

The translation of this sentence means that human beings after a thousand years seem to have no awareness of defense, have forgotten war, and have...
The demons were forgotten.

"Dadaya, this is a good thing for our people." Zhimo's voice came from the side.

"Of course, Mr. Leon."

Asking the magician to put away both "absolute concealment" and "prison world", Liao Yu landed in this city with three apostles.

Although in terms of vigilance, mankind after a thousand years is obviously much laxer, in terms of prosperity and civilization, it seems that mankind has developed to a good height after thousands of years of peaceful existence.

At least there is no late-night curfew anymore. After midnight, many pedestrians can still be seen on the main street of Wangcheng, and more than half of the surrounding shops and stores are still shining with warm lights.

Speaking of this light.

Liao Yu glanced at the street lamp next to him.

【Light Brightness】

(A first-order technique that can maintain stable lighting for a long time at night with low consumption)
Although it was just a trivial little technique, it finally allowed Liao Yu to regain some sense of intimacy and familiarity.

The origin of the "Light Light Technique" was a small magic technique invented by the Saint of Radiance in order to allow human armies to move at night.

And at that time, as the commander of the army, Liao Yu remembered very clearly the option of dialogue with the saint in the plot.

"Such a good technique should not be used only in war."

"After we win this war, let's transform it and improve it together, so that humans in the future can also enjoy the beauty of the night."

There are quite a few other games like this about flirting with girls.

Even if the favorability of the Radiant Saint is already full, Liao Yu still has to choose every time.

It's not for anything else, but I like to see the glorious saint, even if she blushes after being teased, she still maintains a pure and innocent look in front of his "glib" son of destiny, pretending to be cold and cold.

My mind wandered a little bit.

Liao Yu drew his attention back.

Seeing the small Easter eggs in the original game, which were successfully realized after a thousand years, Liao Yu felt both satisfied and regretful in his heart. After all, if there were "patent rights" in this world, then he would probably be the richest man in all mankind now. Bar.

The luminous technique is just a very insignificant little technique.

If you really want to do the math, your game character and the partners he cultivated after being "bonded" with him should have left many, many precious inheritances to mankind in a thousand years, involving various fields.

Liao Yu walked into a prop shop with two apostles who had achieved "anthropomorphism" with disguise rings.

Since he was exploring the changes in the world a thousand years later, Liao Yu naturally chose the field he was most familiar with first.

As a player, props are undoubtedly the most sensitive.

This props shop called "Lanqi" is very large, with three floors, all of which are here. There are many customers, and among them, many of them are familiar and kind to Liao Yu, and they wear classic leather clothes. Adventurers who wear a three-piece set of leather pants and boots, and carry a bow bag or sword.

The store is large and there are many customers, and with the blessing of "Third-order Art - Quick Look and Forget" by Jumo, the three Liao Yu who walked in did not attract the attention of other people in the store at all.

In the war between humans and demons thousands of years ago, one of the main factors for humans to defeat the demons was that humans had a variety of props to assist them, which could be replenished in time during the battle.

Liao Yu was able to single-handedly swipe the devil, and his continuous "drug addiction" is absolutely indispensable. After all, a bottle of small red medicine can instantly restore 15% of the maximum health, and the big red medicine can directly fill up the blood.

So now Liao Yu is very curious about how far humans have progressed in terms of props after a thousand years.

It doesn't need to be complicated.

Liao Yu came to the shelf with the most customers and the most commonly used prop "healing potion".

But as soon as he arrived, Liao Yu frowned again.

What's wrong with the color of this potion?
In the game, whether it is a small red medicine or a big red medicine, as the name suggests, the healing medicine should be as red as agate.

but now.
Liao Yu looked at a row of brown and coffee colors on the shelves.The potion is a bit strange. Could it be that humans thousands of years later have carried out another potion revolution, and even the color has changed?
And when Liao Yu actually got the potion in his hand, the system immediately popped up a corresponding prompt on the panel.

【The invisible healing potion】

[Quality: Poor]

[Effect: Within 15 minutes, 10% of the user's maximum health will be recovered continuously (up to 200)]

Liao Yu: "."

He looked carefully and saw that the label on the shelf did say "Exquisite".

It even emphatically added the label of "The Great Alchemist of Sneva", as if it was a symbol that could highlight its noble attributes.

Liao Yu went to look at the magic potion next to him.

This time he found the most expensive, the most high-grade, and even sold only a few bottles, and displayed it in a very gorgeous counter window. In the corresponding game, it should be a big blue potion that can instantly restore mana.

But when Liao Yu got it in his hands, what appeared in front of his eyes was such a prop panel.

【Rough Healing Potion】

[Quality: Ordinary]

[Effect: Within 10 minutes, 25% of the user's maximum magic value will be continuously recovered (up to 500)]

Liao Yu: "."

At this time, a group of five or six adventurers came from the side.

They also came to buy potions.

"Captain, let's, let's forget it. The things in this store are simply expensive, horrifyingly expensive."

"I can't bear it. After all, this "Lankey" is one of the best big item stores in the entire royal city. They use the formula of the empire's number one alchemist, Sneva. Although the items inside are expensive, there are precious things. The truth is, you can see the fineness of this potion, it is much more beautiful than the ones sold in our town."

I saw the captain picking up the brown potion on the shelf and handing it to the team members. Many of the team members were eye-opening, very curious and amazed, and even a little bit reluctant to put it down and unwilling to put it back. The captain was also in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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