Chapter 23 The grand finale, the third-level technique

"Be patient, we have received a big order this time, and we are going to serve the Earl and his wife. We must at least do some face-saving work. As long as we can satisfy the Earl and his wife, this amount of money will be equivalent to the remuneration after the task is completed. Compared to that, it’s not worth mentioning!”

"Understood Captain!"

"Alright, hurry up, the auction is about to start. Although we can't afford the things in there, since we are determined to come out of the town, it's good to see more of the world."

"Got it, Captain!"

The young adventurer team took a few bottles of potions and paid with the money that several people had pooled together. After gritting their teeth and settling the bill, they quickly walked happily towards the second floor of the prop shop.

That should be the auction they mentioned just now.

At the entrance of the corridor going up, many similar adventurers have gathered. Several store staff are doing inspections there. They must confirm their identities before they are allowed to enter, which is very formal.

It's no wonder that there are still so many customers in this store at such a late hour.

It seems that the vast majority of adventurers buy things secondarily, and come to this auction as the main topic.

Since this happened to happen, Liao Yu would definitely not let it go.

They don't line up.

Of course.

Liao Yu and the two apostles walked straight through the crowd and walked up the stairs, but neither the inspectors nor the adventurers lining up noticed at all. It was as if Liao Yu and others did not exist in the air.

This is the effect of the third-order technique "Flashing Eyes and Forgetting".

The second floor of the item store is almost twice as large visually as the first floor. The decoration of carpets, walls, various murals and hanging lamps can also feel significantly more luxurious.

Half of the area is used to design a huge exhibition hall.

The bustling and lively crowd is now staring intently at the center of the exhibition hall, where a male host in a well-dressed suit is passionately showing the auction items one after another to the audience.

"The dentary bone of the mane-tailed dragon! It is a popular material for forging "expert-level" weapons. The quantity is limited. There are five pieces in total. The starting price for one dentary bone is 80 silver! "

"Super-grade healing medicine, the best choice for every adventure master! It can help you back to life when you are most in danger, and restore 10% of your physical strength in a short time. It is a disciple of Master Sneva, a senior alchemist of Coent Make it yourself! The starting price is [-] silver a bottle!"

"The remaining part of the intermediate magic secret book "Star Fighting Technique"!Rumor has it that it comes from the ruins of the Xingchen family a hundred years ago, and one can cultivate powerful star destiny. The starting price is 15 gold! "

"Green-tailed Ghost Lizard Spine."

The order of the auction items is from low to high. The farther to the back, the hotter the atmosphere at the auction site. Often, many auction items can cause bursts of exclamation as soon as they are taken out.

For example, the fragment of "Star Fighting" was finally auctioned off for 25 gold.

Many adventurers who had "wisdom and harmony" as their destiny were all jealous. It looked like it was some kind of secret book.

In the end, it was a strong man with a strong back and a strong body and well-equipped equipment who captured it. From the envious and frightened looks and whispers of the people around him, he learned that this strong man seemed to be the leader of a very well-known mercenary group in the Adventurers Association.

And Liao Yu Liao Yu
If Liao Yu remembers correctly, the so-called "Star Fighting Technique" here is in the game. After he reaches level 20, he doesn't even bother to look at it, just forget it, don't occupy his skill column.

Moreover, the "Star Fighting Technique" here is only a fragment.

From the previous potion to the current star fighting technique, a bad premonition grew stronger and stronger in Liao Yu's heart.

What really made Liao Yu completely silent was the final auction item grandly launched by the host as the finale of this auction.

A beautiful hostess with a curvaceous figure.

Sophisticated and luxurious carrying case.

The atmosphere of the venue was ignited to a climax.

And the host who was also blushing with excitement.

What all these pave the way for is a magic scroll.

It allows the user to temporarily cast the spells contained in the scroll.

As for this formula.
At the auction site, waves of exclamation followed, and dense discussions filled the entire auction in an instant as the scroll was rolled out.

"This is a third-level technique!"

"God of Zhixie, they didn't brag, they really took out a third-order scroll!"

"Third-level spell. This must be performed by a master of the Royal Academy of Arts, at least the vice-president level, right?"

"But it's a pity, the spell in this scroll is an auxiliary type of "lifting into the air", and it can only be used three times. "

"As for the auxiliary type, it is also a third-level spell! And it can be used three times! Do you know how difficult it is to hire an archmage? Not to mention us, even those noble men have to deal with the archmage. Respectfully!"

"That's right! What's more, the "Ascension Technique" is not worthless, is it?It belongs to the kind of auxiliary surgery that is very versatile!It can lift up to ten meters in the air and lasts for a quarter of an hour. It is very effective in exploration and combat! "

"Hey! I don't know who will get this third-order scroll in the end, tsk tsk, the starting price is only 50 gold, I probably won't be able to save so much money in my lifetime, hey"

"What's the matter! No, that's all! There are so many publicity before, I thought it was something, if you really have the ability, use the fourth-level "Levitation Technique"! "

An adventurer who didn't know if he came from another item shop and deliberately acted as a sunspot made a sarcasm.

In the end, what he got was the contempt and foolish looks from the others around him.

"Cerebral palsy, the last time the fourth-order "Levitation Technique" appeared, it was the Griffon Knight Army of the Gray Eagle Kingdom, which was used by their commander in the imperial gift, right?That is a peerless genius that has been seen once in a hundred years in human history! "

"Let the dean of the Royal School of Magic, Mr. Dach, not let it go, from the research to the real ability to cast a fourth-order spell, do you know how many years of hard work it will take the magister? Really choose, It must be to study the fourth-order attack technique, who studies the auxiliary."

"It's really funny. Let me give you a suggestion. Next time, don't mention "Levitation Technique". Ask directly why you don't bring out the fifth-level "Air Control Technique". This is so impressive and shocking. After all, it is The legendary spell. "

"Tsk tsk, but if it's really the fifth-level "Space Controlling Art", let alone our Illinois Kingdom, even if you look at the most powerful empire, you can't find a single person who can master it, right? "

Amid the cynicism around him, this man who came disguised as an adventurer, probably a black man from another store, quickly left the store in despair.

Actually if possible.

Liao Yu also wanted to scold this idiot severely.

Because of the two apostles by his side.
The snake eyes of Leon the Wisdom Demon have also been staring at the scroll of the third-order spell that is being brutally auctioned by various forces on the stage, as if thinking about something.

Magic Demon Dadaya's slender fingers tapped lightly on his trouser legs, as if he was observing mediocre ants.

And Liao Yu.
The mood is indescribable.

This human world after a thousand years seems to be a million bits and pieces different from what he imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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