Chapter 24 Three Possibilities
The third-order technique "Ascension to the Sky" was finally bought by a noble lady in a private room on the third floor at a price of 970 gold.

The atmosphere in the auction was still hot, but Liao Yu had already left with the two apostles.

Back on the main street, it was already very late at night, most of the "Luminescence" in the street lamps on both sides had been extinguished, and under the dense night, there were not many people around.

Walking in the lonely environment, Liao Yu was still thinking about the scene at the auction.

In the game, the humans who started thousands of years ago are indeed much inferior to the demons, but there is a "many" gap here, just like high school and university.

Take the fourth-tier and fifth-tier spells as an example.

It was also very difficult for human beings thousands of years ago, but it was by no means insurmountable. There may be hundreds of great mages at the [-]th or [-]th level in a smaller country, and thousands of people in a larger kingdom or empire. as much.

Later, with the invasion of demons, although mankind fell into war and suffered heavy casualties, it also greatly stimulated mankind's potential.

During the 100 years of the human-devil war, the archmages erupted like a well, and under the madness and encouragement of his "son of destiny", they also brought out a lot of forty or fifty levels, reaching the level of "magic". A brilliant genius in the realm of "mentor".

Not to mention, among humans thousands of years ago, there was a native who was even more perverted than him as a "player", the absolute legend in the magic world at that time, the Great Guardian Melvin.

This legendary figure, as one of the masters in his game, has created countless fourth and fifth-order spells in his life, laying a solid foundation for the world of human spells.

And its own level and power, even has the power to fight against the 80-level Shuma Dadaya.

At the end of the war between humans and demons, Liao Yu can say without exaggeration that at that time, the human mage army was almost able to catch up, or even overtake the demons.

However, after the victory of the war, thousands of years passed.
In Liao Yu's imagination, without his "son of destiny" to go to various scrolls, even if human beings will no longer progress, but eating the inheritance from him in the past and the inheritance from the great guardian, they will not regress too much, right? ?

As a result, "Lifting Technique", which was the most basic introductory technique for the mage army thousands of years ago, is now regarded as a rare treasure and is used as the highlight of the auction.

A Tier [-] spell has become a rare occurrence in a hundred years and can only be passed on word of mouth, and a Tier [-] spell is regarded as a legendary existence?

This is not a step backward.

This is simply going from university to junior high school, no, it should be elementary school.

Why is this happening?

Liao Yu urgently needs a professional analysis report.

And just right.
There is one beside him.

Liao Yu didn't show his inner confusion.

On the contrary, as if casually chatting while walking at night, Liao Yu turned his head slightly, and said to Zhimo, who had been silently following him to the side: "Leon, what do you think?"

Zhimo certainly knew what Liao Yu was referring to.

Rather, he was actually waiting for Liao Yu to speak.

Wang deliberately didn't speak just now, and kept walking in silence, which should be to give them time to think and prepare to speak.

And now, the time has come for him to present himself before the king.

Leon will not live up to his reputation as a smart demon.

"King, it seems that the strength of most human beings after a thousand years has indeed declined to an incredible level." Leon first affirmed the conclusion.

"It seems that we can launch an attack directly."

This is the intervention of the magician next to him.

Liao Yu did not respond.

The magician was rejected by Leon quickly shaking his head.

"Dadaya, don't take things too simply."

"Before we understand why humans have become like this, I do not recommend that demons be exposed in any form."

"So Mr. Leon, what do you think caused it?"

Jumo's desire to seek knowledge and explore has always been the strongest among the demons.

This is also one of the reasons why Liao Yu brought Dadaya.

He wanted to prostitute the Wisdom Demon for nothing, but also wanted to maintain the image of the Demon King. At this time, he needed another person to ask the Wisdom Demon for him.

Just like Dadaya now.

"Now we have limited information. From what I can speculate, there are about three possible directions."

Leon didn't explain directly, but asked the magic demon first: "Dadaya, if you are the ruler of human beings, do you want the vast majority of human beings to be stronger or weaker?"

"Mr. Leon, I don't think this is a problem. Of course, the stronger the better."

"You are wrong. This is the difference in thinking caused by the difference in the way of survival between us demons and humans."

"Because of our perennial battles, every time a world's resources are exhausted, we must immediately go to the next unknown world, so we must ensure the combat power of each clansman, and we need to make the entire clan stronger."

"However, human beings are different. They have their own rich world and unparalleled creativity and sustainable development. Therefore, for them, peace and stability are the primary factors they need for survival."

"If I were the ruler of mankind, then I would control all the core power in my own hands. As for other humans under my rule, I hope that they will always remain in a weak area that is not beyond my control."

Listening to Zhimo's analysis, Liao Yu couldn't help but nod.


After all, there are already real examples on Blue Star. In the background of technological civilization, firearms are actually equal to spells.

During the war, everyone has a gun in their hands. If they are higher-level arms, they can be upgraded, from rifles, machine guns and even individual rocket launchers.

But after the war ended, during peacetime, all these murderous weapons disappeared, at least as far as civilians were concerned.

And rulers who choose to give their commoners deadly weapons.
If you look far away, there is a hole in your forehead. If you look closer, there is a hole in the chest with a shotgun.

After all, Liao Yu is a human being and lives in a purely human society, so he understands quickly.

But the sorcerer is different.

Dadaya was still frowning.

It seems that for Leon's analysis, it is still a bit difficult to turn around.

"Shouldn't all human rulers be so selfish?"

Jumo understands that this is the ruler abandoning the interests of the group in order to safeguard their own rights.

This is indeed one aspect.

But not quite.

"You're wrong." Leon shook his head again in denial, and memories flickered in his snake eyes.

"During the thousand years since we were sealed, I took the opportunity to read many human history books - the history of mankind before our race appeared. And if I want to summarize, the most in human history should be four Character."


"This is also the second possible direction I want to talk about. The inheritance of human power has experienced a rupture at some point in the millennium. The most likely cause of this rupture is war, from all countries in the human race. fighting among themselves."

"The tragedy of the war has resulted in the destruction of human civilization and the loss of all previous inheritances. The victors of the war and the new rulers of mankind have to seal knowledge and seal those powerful inheritances in order to prevent such a phenomenon from happening again."

"It's like, the dispute between two ordinary humans is at most one death and one injury between each other. The battle between two mages may be the destruction of a shop, but if it is two great mages, then our street may be destroyed. no longer exists, and the two magisters"

Zhimo didn't give any more examples.

The upper limit of the spells corresponding to the magister is the seventh level, and the seventh level spells, if you say it at a small level, flatten the top of a mountain, but at a higher level, it is a phenomenon of heaven and earth, summoning a thunderstorm tornado, causing the earth to crack and tremble. is within the scope.

Not to mention that there are eighth and ninth ranks, and even the "Superior Ceremony", which can destroy the country with a frightening power.

Think about it this way.

A fault in the inheritance of civilization?

It does make sense, Liao Yu nodded again.

Although he has not experienced this personally, there are too many games, movies, novels, etc. that have discussed this issue. The most classic sentence on the Internet is also the same as Zhimo said.

[We don't know what weapons were used in World War III, but we are sure that World War IV must have used stones and sticks]

It was analyzed by Zhimo.

Liao Yu really felt enlightened and understood a lot all of a sudden.

The demon next to him was also thoughtful, and his previous doubts and incomprehensions turned into something he seemed to understand.

After talking about two possibilities.

Although Liao Yu agrees with Zhimo very much, he also admires Leon's power in his heart. As a demon, he can think so thoroughly in a short time, and he really deserves the name of Zhimo.

From the current point of view, it seems that no matter what kind, it is good for the demons. They should have no scruples and send troops directly.

However, Leon's initial attitude was not like this.

Then all the answers can only be the third possibility that the wise demon has not yet said.

Liao Yu's guess was correct.

For the first two, Leon said it in a very relaxed tone, with the tone of wanting to popularize science for the magician, but the next possibility is the last one.
Leon took a deep breath, and there was a trace of seriousness and tension in the snake's eyes.

"Third, and what I am most worried about is that human beings have not forgotten us. To be precise, the ruler of human beings has not forgotten us. Everything we see now is a game set up by that ruler. A trap for our demons."

"They can't be sure whether our family is really extinct, so they created such an illusion, because they know that if our family still exists, then we will definitely make a comeback and wash away the defeat of the war thousands of years ago. This is indeed the case."

"And when we discovered that human beings are so weak that they are no longer as strong as they were thousands of years ago, your initial reaction, Dadaya, was exactly what the human rulers hoped for."

"Immediately initiate a war, and let our family lose the greatest advantage in the dark, and return to the arrogance and arrogance of thousands of years ago. If at this time, the ruler uses some hidden powerful power that we don't know, At that time, our Demon Race will be exposed to the light and completely passive, and it will really be an irreversible situation of death."


The third possibility of Wisdom Demon was completely unexpected to Liao Yu.

After all, it sounds a bit ridiculous and far-fetched at first glance.

Isn't this equivalent to self-injury to eight hundred and one thousand to the enemy?

But if you savor it carefully, it seems that there is some truth, especially now, Liao Yu has a "prophet" matter that only he knows.

That is the glorious saint who was filled out by herself in the questionnaire [very simple] and has a high probability of being greatly strengthened.

Thousands of years ago, in the game, the glorious saint of Zhoumu was a character whose gold coins were exploded by herself.

The royally designated white lotus rbq heroine.

Could it be that.
After being strengthened, this batch of saintesses not only strengthened their strength, but also their ruthless mind?From white lotus to white cut black?No matter how high the price is, you want to wipe out the demons?

More purely rational.

For the ruler, exterminating the demons is far more than a "thousand" weight, and the seal blocking the upward passage of the bottom people cannot reach the "eight hundred" weight at all, and even "self-destruction" Can't even count?
The more Liao Yu thought about it, the more he felt that this was not due to Zhimo's excessive caution.

Perhaps the world after a thousand years is far more simple than he imagined.

And the magician on the other side.

If it is put before, Dadaya may refute that human beings have such a strong hidden power.

But the bloody history lies ahead.

If another human monster like the "Son of Destiny" hides out thousands of years ago, then their demon clan will really be completely over. This is the shadow that lingers in the heart of every demon clan. Just recalling it will make you deeply fearful.

See Dadaya has realized.

Only then did Wisdom turn his gaze to Liao Yu in front of him.

Although Leon was just expressing his opinion, in fact, the wise demon has also been secretly observing Liao Yu, their demon king's statement.

Liao Yu didn't know, but every time he nodded to Zhimo, it was a great encouragement and affirmation to Leon.

It also confirmed Leon's guess.


The Demon King had already thought of what he had analyzed, otherwise the strange and incomprehensible reaction of Demon Demon Dadaya would have been normal.

The reason why the king still deliberately asked himself, there may only be one reason left.

Wang is testing him.

Wang, like him, is also deeply worried about the demons, the third possibility.

After all, if this is the case, then the risk of their trip is tantamount to dancing on the tip of a knife. There is an extremely terrifying human behind the scenes. If they are not careful, the entire demon race may be destroyed.

That's why the king wants to test him, whether he is qualified as a wise demon, and whether, as the king's right-hand man, he is qualified to lurk in the human world to obtain information and lay a chance for victory for the demon clan's great cause.

Shouldn't the king be disappointed?
When Zhimo saw that Liao Yu had not spoken yet, his heart, which was originally very stable and confident, began to panic.

After all, this matter was of great importance. What if the king asked him to go back? Leon, who was worried in his heart, couldn't hold it back. He gritted his teeth and took the initiative to ask Liao Yu:

"My lord, have you passed your test?"

Liao Yu: "."

What test?

Hadn't he been quietly analyzing and studying with Leon just now?
When did you give yourself a test to the wise demon?
Liao Yu was a little confused.

But his expression management is in place.

On the bright side, Liao Yu still looked as usual, after staring at Leon for a few seconds, he said lightly: "Not bad."

Wisdom Demon heaved a sigh of relief.

He quickly said: "It is a great honor for me to be recognized by the king!"

"In addition, please rest assured, the king. I will teach and urge Dada to learn more in the future, so that Dada can also reach the level that satisfies the king as soon as possible. Please give the magician another chance to assess at that time!"

No need!

You really taught Dadaya a lesson, then who will be the questioning baby for you next time?

Liao Yu complained from the bottom of his heart, but he still had to nod in affirmation on the bright side.

In particular, Dadaya, who was criticized by Leon, accepted it humbly, stood at attention and was beaten, begging for another chance.

I feel like if this continues, the style of painting will become more and more weird and off-kilter.

Liao Yu quickly changed the subject and took the two apostles to carry out the next step in his plan.

No matter what happens in the human world, Liao Yu will never stop changing.

The Demon Race is the power he can control at present.

Liao Yu's main goal is to rely on the demons, try his best to develop his own intelligence network, and find out the real outline of the world, and all of this obviously needs money.

So what's next is simple.

Raise development funds for the demons and for their two apostles.

In fact, this matter can be done by the wise magician himself.

But Liao Yu felt that he was the devil after all.

You have to do something for your subordinates.

In terms of other things, Liao Yu may not be able to compare with Zhimo, but when it comes to robbing, ahem, how to raise money the fastest in the human world, then Liao Yu is too familiar with the former "Son of Destiny", and he is too familiar with the road.

The heinous brilliant achievement did not come in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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