Chapter 25 Devil Egg
Gilt Merchant Group.

None of the front desk staff who were on duty at night dared to doze off as usual. They tried their best to straighten their backs, pretending to be serious about their work, for fear of offending the boss who was furious now.

"Damn it! The gang of Lan Qi's props actually made a third-order scroll, where did they come from??"

"Master Azino, I, I heard some gossip that a commoner genius came out of the Royal Academy and was dug out by Lan Qi's people. The scroll of the third-order spell was given to Lan Qi by the commoner student. Props provided."

"Genius? Commoner!? This kind of shit luck can be encountered by those people!"

As the boss of the business group, Azno is now frowning, and his black face is very scary.

Their business group has just bought a batch of good goods recently, and they also plan to do prop business in Wangcheng, but now it's back to normal, and Lan Qi's auction tonight has completely robbed them of the limelight.

When everyone's goods are actually of similar quality, if someone in the same industry comes up with an eye-catching gimmick, the subsequent share sales will stabilize their head.

Just when Azino was extremely irritable, a "ding ding ding" sounded from the store entrance of the merchant group, and a group of three people pushed the door and walked into the store.

Seeing this, the staff at the front desk hurried up to meet him for fear of being scolded by the boss.

"Hi sir, welcome to the Gilt House, may I ask if you are here?"

"I have some things that I want to pawn for money." Liao Yu was straightforward.

"No problem, sir, please hand over the pawned items and related documents to me. There will be a professional appraiser from the Gilt Merchant Group to make a valuation. After about a day, please come to the Gilt House again. We will Give a value assessment, negotiate with you to make the final payment, if you are not satisfied with our assessment, you can also apply."


Before the clerk could finish speaking, Liao Yu took out a crystal clear amber gem and put it on the front desk. This was one of the many things Elena prepared for him in the chaotic rift.

"No certificate, on-site evaluation, on-site transaction." Liao Yu said concisely.

"Sir, this is not in line with the rules, we"

Just when the clerk was at a loss, Azino came out from the back room of the store. He waved his hand and motioned for other clerks to leave, and he would handle Liao Yu's order himself.

"What's your name sir?"

Liao Yu ignored him.

Seeing that Liao Yu was silent, Aznault seemed to have seen a lot of them. After laughing, he didn't ask any more questions. He picked up the amber gem that Liao Yu put on the table and observed it carefully while continuing to follow Liao Yu. road:
"Sir, he is unwilling to disclose his name, and he can't provide any certificates. Then I can only conclude that your gemstone is a black commodity. But don't worry, our Gilded Merchant Group always welcomes rare treasures. We I can give you a pawn, but at this price, it has to follow the market price of black goods."

After greeting Liao Yu in advance, Azno didn't listen to the assessment at hand.

As the owner of the business group, his eyes are naturally very vicious. Because of this, the more Azino looks at this amber gem now, the more he is shocked in his heart.

Because of this color, this texture, there is almost no essence of dross
The longer the amber gemstone ages, the better the luster and texture will be, and the more stable the structure will be. Aznor was lucky enough to acquire a 300-year-old amber gemstone, and sold it for hundreds of thousands of gold coins at the auction. sky-high price.

After all, old amber gems are not only decorations, but also precious magic materials.

And now.
Just touching the amber gem in his hand, Aznault felt a stream of warmth, as if flowing into his body along his fingertips, nourishing the magic power in his body. The impeccable texture was simply unprecedented. I have never seen it before. It is definitely older than the 300-year-old one!
He must take this amber gem!

Azno suppressed the surprise and excitement in his heart, pretended to be normal on the bright side, and planned to try Liao Yu's tone, but who knows, Liao Yu seemed to be troublesome, and took out another three or four emeralds , crystal placed on the counter.

But in this scene, no matter how experienced Azino was in managing his expression, he couldn't hold it back anymore.

He stared wide-eyed at each of these priceless treasures. The greed and desire in his eyes could not be concealed at all.

"Sir, you. Your transaction volume is a bit large, but don't worry, our gilt merchant group will definitely be able to handle it, but please wait for a while, I will go to the back to make preparations and discuss it first."

"You guys, hurry up and make the best tea in the store for these gentlemen!"

About ten minutes passed.

Azino hurried over, apologized to Liao Yu for waiting for a long time, then nodded and bowed, and respectfully led the three of Liao Yu to leave the store with him and go to the high-end VIP room behind the store to discuss.

Liao Yu didn't say anything, just followed Azino.

A group of people came out from the back door of the store, turned around a few times, and when they came to an extremely quiet dark alley, Azno's figure suddenly flashed and disappeared from a certain corner.

Immediately afterwards, from the front, back, left, and right sides of the dark alley, about a dozen thugs with weapons began to quickly surround the three of Liao Yu.

Seeing that Liao Yu and others were completely surrounded and unable to fly, Azino, who had disappeared just now, came out from a distance again, and this time there was another person following Azino.
A proud young man in a robe with a sun pattern on his face.

"Master Bruce, look, this is it!"

Azino obsequiously sent the amber gem that Liao Yu gave him to appraise before to the young mage.

At first, Blue seemed a little irritated by being disturbed late at night, and he was huffing and puffing with dissatisfaction.

But when he saw the clear amber gem, the young mage suddenly became energetic, showing the same surprise and greed as Aznor at that time.

"How about Mr. Bru, I didn't lie to you, and these people still have a lot of treasures like this! I suspect they must have hidden a lot, otherwise they wouldn't be so straightforward and take them out so casually !"

Hearing what Azno said, Bruce's eyes became even more fiery.

He snorted softly, his arrogant face finally turned to Liao Yu, and then he said to Liao Yu and the others in an unquestionable tone that seemed to be used to dignity:
"Two options, you have five seconds to consider."

"One, tell me everything you know about gems, and two, go die."

Thousands of years have passed, if something has not changed, it must be human nature.

Now such a scene, the taste is too right.

Liao Yu's evaluation is that the password is correct.

So as a reward for being right
"Sill, have you checked the surroundings?"


Who is he talking to?

Do you really think this kind of bluff can fool him?

Not only the young mage, but also the thugs around seemed to be amused by Liao Yu.

It's a pity that the laughter didn't last for a second.

They were shocked to find that the corners of their mouths could not go back, their twitching muscles seemed to be petrified, and their whole bodies fell into a strange stiffness. Only their frightened eyeballs could move around in panic.

Because of this, they realized that the alley had been covered by thick shadows at some point.

Under their feet, groups of shadows behind them seemed to come alive, and began to quickly gather towards the center, eventually turning into a mysterious man in a cloak, half kneeling in front of the leading young man before.

Liao Yu brought a total of three apostles.

It seems that from before, he has only Zhimo and Shumo around him, but in fact, Shadow Demon Hill also follows him all the time, just hiding in the shadows, it is his own hidden guard.

Hill nodded to Liao Yu.

Said she had confirmed the surrounding safe environment.

That being the case, Liao Yu doesn't talk nonsense.

"Go ahead."

The moment the order was issued, the shadows belonging to these thugs and the mage named Blue turned into a sharp spike from behind the backs of these thugs, and stabbed straight at their hearts in the next moment.


Several sounds of flesh and blood being penetrated were heard simultaneously in the silent alley, followed closely by corpses that fell to the ground with shadow thorns piercing their backs.

A few thugs who are less than level ten plus a mage who is level fifteen can't even create a "battle scene".

Liao Yu's principle has always been not to use violence first.

This has nothing to do with whether he is a human race or a demon race.

If the boss of the Gilt Troupe was willing to make a deal with him honestly, Liao Yu wouldn't do anything to him.

Unfortunately, the other party chose another path.

Then Liao Yu didn't mind, and gave himself a little more achievement points for the title of "heinous".

This also has nothing to do with humans and demons.

In the blink of an eye, only Azno, the boss of the Gilded Merchant Group, was left standing on the opposite field.

Liao Yu didn't kill him for the time being, after all, he was still waiting for him to explode gold coins for him later.

Judging from how frightened Aznault is now, his face turned pale with fright, their subsequent cooperation should be very pleasant and smooth.

If you get here, it is indeed a very simple and ordinary action.

However, Liao Yu has a habit, which is also a subconscious behavior shared by most players.

Touch the corpse.

Of course not really touch it.

Liao Yu threw a "check" at the young mage lying dead on the ground.

It can not only check whether the opponent has any good spoils, but also confirm the death status of the opponent, so as to prevent such things as forgetting to make up the knife.


When the returned panel was presented in front of Liao Yu, he frowned slightly.

First of all, this young mage doesn't have any props on him.

It can be seen that they came in a hurry, and looked down on them, and didn't prepare much at all.

Of course that's not the point.

What really surprised Liao Yu was.
[Bru (death) (demon egg parasitizing)]

The state of death is nothing.

But what is this demon egg parasitism behind?
"Hill, check his body."

Liao Yu ordered immediately.

Hill thought that Liao Yu was referring to a body search, and the shadow demon extended his shadow hand from behind, and quickly stripped the dead young mage from his body.

Nothing was found.

It is consistent with Liao Yu's detective technique.

"Open him up."

Liao Yu sent the order for the second time.

As soon as these words came out, Azno, the boss of the gilded business group, who was trembling next to him, almost peeed out of fear and sat down on the ground, his lips turning blue.

In his eyes, Liao Yu has turned into some kind of perverted murderer.

The magician Dadaya also cast an unexpected look at Liao Yu, as if he didn't expect that Wang was still interested in corpses.

Only Zhimo.

Leon keenly sensed something was wrong. After all, he was the one who knew Liao Yu best among the apostles. The Wisdom Demon immediately stopped watching and stepped forward quickly, and came to Bruce's body.

After receiving the new order, Hill quickly reshaped the original shadow hand into a scythe and pointed it at Blue's chest. Like a superb surgeon, he completely followed Liao Yu's instructions and carried out the "opening" work of disembowelment. .

At first, nothing unusual.

It's nothing more than a little bloody, and the various internal organs look a little bloody.

But when Hill's shadow sickle reached the section where Bruce's chest was down and his abdomen was slightly up, the shadow demon's originally smooth shadow sickle stopped suddenly.

After seeing that, Hill seemed to have discovered something, and the shadow sickle suddenly accelerated. After a few short breaths, Liao Yu saw a .

Eggs purple-black.

The egg is about the size of a palm, and there is a layer of tiny tentacles on the surface of the egg, which penetrate deeply into Bruce's flesh and blood, and combine with Bruce's internal organs like sticky, beating and beating, nibbling and absorbing the cloth. Lu's blood as its nourishment.

It seems to be aware of changes in the external environment.

The egg actually began to squirm.

It seems to be consciously transferring in Bruce's body through these tiny tentacles pierced into the flesh, as if it wants to hide in the deeper and more hidden flesh and organs.

It's a pity that Hill's shadow sickle fell instantly, blocking all the way out of the egg, and this seemed to stimulate the egg again, or it may be that the egg finally realized that the death of the host Bru, this body is no longer fresh Vibrant.

The egg no longer squirmed, but expanded rapidly, accompanied by a "bang" burst of juice, like an exploding balloon, and all kinds of dirty blood and meat accumulated in the egg, now turned into a cover for its escape.

Taking advantage of the filth splashed by the egg explosion, a black shadow shot out from the egg. Its goal was very clear, that is, to rush towards the only living human being not far away, Azino.


It sounded like a baby crying, but with a more ear-piercing scream.

The parasite hadn't been able to run for half a second before it was grabbed by another powerful hand, firmly grasped like iron clamps, unable to move a centimeter.

Zhimo frowned and looked at the parasite in his hand, which emerged from the egg in the human body.

It is smooth and hairless.

It was covered in slime, its skin was covered with rotten spots, and its ugly face was similar to that of a young rotting devil.

Its lower body has several wriggling tentacles, similar to the young pregnant devil.

Its upper body, with its two hands that looked like blades, was very similar to the sword demon when it was a child.

It has multiple pairs of compound eyes similar to those of a demon.

From its back, it seems that there are traces of undeveloped wings.

The appearance of this parasite is simply like a hodgepodge of demon larvae, still in a very weird "four different" form.

The wise demon is very sure.

There is no such strange larva among the demons.

Even mutants.

Leon repeatedly confirmed and even looked in the direction of the demon, but Dardaya also shook his head, saying that he also did not feel the slightest aura of the demon from this parasite.

Conversely, from the violent struggle of this "four different" parasite, it undoubtedly proves that in its eyes, Leon is an enemy and a foreign race.

And you must know that in the demon clan, the apostles and demon kings have a strong ethnic inheritance relationship with all demon clans. Any demon clan, especially in their childhood, will definitely show a strong affinity towards them.

Just when Leon wanted to observe more, unexpectedly, after the initial struggle, the parasite began to shrink and dehydrate rapidly, perhaps because it was separated from the host.

When Leon reacted again, in just a few breaths of effort, the weird and ambiguous parasite just now became a shriveled skin in Leon's hands.


The three apostles present and Liao Yu had only one thought in their hearts.

what exactly is it?
In the human body thousands of years later, there is... a strange parasitic egg that resembles a demon?
Too weird and ridiculous.

The problem must be traced back to its source.

Liao Yu turned his gaze back to the mother's nest of the "egg", the corpse of the young human mage, Bruce.


Perhaps a more precise identity than "mage" should be used.

after all
There was only one faction who would use the "sun" as the pattern on the robe. Thousands of years ago.

And even after a thousand years, Liao Yu believes that there should not be another one.

That is what Liao Yu, the demons, and even human beings must know, and it is also the one with the most followers and the largest scale among the many Destiny Sects.

As the dawn breaks the darkness, as the sun shines brightly - the Holy Cult of Radiance.

(End of this chapter)

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