Chapter 26 The 500 Years of Disappearance
So the current situation is that a parasitic monster similar to the demons was born from the belly of a wizard from the Guanghui Sect?

Liao Yu has a big head.

Why did humans give him such tricks before it was the turn of the demons to invade the world?

Now Liao Yu wants to figure out two things.

First, why the monster in this egg is highly similar to the demons.

Second, why is there such an egg in Blue's body.

First on the first point.

As the savior who has fought with the demons in the game for a hundred years, Liao Yu's understanding of the demons is no worse than that of the demons themselves.

So he's sure.

In the Demon Race, there is no such thing as [Magic Egg].

not to find a similar word
Perhaps it is the [delivery room] of Ulala, the demon cultivator.

The mission of cultivating demons is to cultivate new demons.

And when the tribe encounters a major crisis, or the war is tense, and there is a high demand for frontline demons, Ulala will activate the [delivery room].

The delivery room can absorb the corpses of other alien races and turn the corpses into nutrients, thereby greatly catalyzing the growth rate of the new demons in the delivery room, giving the demons the effect of "storming" in a short period of time.

During the war between humans and demons thousands of years ago, the demons used the [delivery room] ability several times.

At that time, a large number of humans who died in the front line were collected by the demons and transported to the delivery room, so as to continuously produce more demon soldiers.

At first glance, it looks somewhat similar to the current magic egg.

But it is not.

They have two essential differences.

First, the delivery room must have Yu Mo's constant care and attention. This is related to Yu Mo's "field skills" and requires a lot of Yu Mo's energy. Therefore, this kind of "violent soldiers" is by no means indispensable. restricted.

And the demons have been sealed in the Chaos Rift for thousands of years, so where did the demon-nurturing people come from around Blue.

Second, and the most critical point, the delivery room uses corpses, and they must only be corpses, and the corpses must not contain too much toxin.

Therefore, since the human beings in the first week discovered the [delivery room] ability of the apostle of nurturing demons, in every war, no matter whether he wins or loses, the commander must prepare a small team to cremate the dead of his compatriots on the battlefield. The corpse, in order not to be left to the demons.

At the same time, mankind has vigorously developed the Glory Religion, allowing soldiers, civilians, and even children of several years old to learn the Glory concept, so that some radiance power can be cultivated in the body.

And the power of brilliance is the most disgusting and disgusting poison to the demons.

The rise of the Guanghui Cult, and even becoming the number one democratic sect, actually started from here. In a sense, it was also thanks to the Demon Race.

As for Bru, as a glorious teacher, this alone directly violates the principle of [delivery room].

What's more, the egg in Blue's body has obviously been following Blue for some time and is parasitized in the body of a living person.

After Blue died and turned into a corpse, the egg seemed to be trying to escape and find a new living host, which was even more contrary to the [delivery room].

Therefore, Liao Yu is basically certain that this "egg" was created by humans thousands of years later and has absolutely nothing to do with the demons.

and many more!

Suddenly, a frightening thought flashed through Liao Yu's mind.

Will it.
Not just Blue.

All mankind in a thousand years.
There is such a strange magic egg in the body?
It's like the dantian in Cultivation of Immortals! ?

Liao Yu himself was startled by this idea.

This is simply like changing the world from the original sword and magic to some weird and twisted horror style in an instant.

Liao Yu immediately threw inspection skills at the corpses of the other thugs.

Fortunately, the result made Liao Yu relieved.

These should be ordinary thugs belonging to the gilt merchant group, and there is no state of [Demon Egg Parasitism].

Just to be on the safe side.

Liao Yu asked Hill to dissect these corpses carefully, and indeed he did not find any purple-black eggs like the one in Bruce's body.

Does this kind of "egg" only exist in the bodies of members of the "Glorious Religion"?
Or is this egg just a personal anomaly of Blue, and he just happens to be a member of the "Glorious Cult"?

Liao Yu shifted his gaze to Azino.

The owner of the business group who was left behind by him.

"Tell me all the information about this glorious teacher."

After being asked by Liao Yu, Azino came back to his senses.

What happened in less than half an hour had completely subverted all his cognitions, causing him to go from panic to panic, and now to complete confusion.

"Sir. No, no, my lord, Bruce is a newly promoted deacon of the Radiant Sacred Church. He, he was born at the bottom before, and I helped him, so I took this line, and then, then... I I really don’t know anything anymore, I don’t know him at all, since he became a deacon, I, we have very little contact, I don’t know, I really don’t know.”

Aznault was about to cry, but unfortunately Hill had no intention of letting him go. The hand of shadow strangled his neck, as if if he didn't say anything, it would be broken immediately.

Under the threat of his life, the boss of the gilded business group stimulated his potential. He racked his brains, suddenly thought of something, and said quickly:

"Sir! Me! I remembered that Blue was sick once and asked me if I had any recovery medicine. Because it is very rare for a powerful mage like him to get sick, so I remember it very clearly, and, And that seems to be the day after his deacon promotion ceremony!”

Finally something important.

Liao Yu quickly asked: "What did he do on the day of the promotion ceremony?"

"It's nothing, it's not just Bruce, there are three or four other believers who were promoted that day. They were honored by the bishop, baptized by the Holy Light, and then drank the water of the Holy Grail. And, it's nothing like an ordinary promotion ceremony. the difference."

It can be seen that Azno is already trying very hard to remember in order to survive.

"Did the other deacons feel unwell the next day?" Liao Yu asked.

"Sir, I really don't know this. The deacons of the Guanghui Sect are noble and powerful. If I hadn't had a relationship with Blue before, how could I have reached such a high level?"

It was only after Azno finished speaking that he realized that the unattainable and powerful deacon of the Guanghui Cult he said seemed to be under the hands of the cloaked man on the opposite side, and he hadn't even survived a single face-to-face meeting.

Then how strong are they! ? ?
Aznor didn't dare to ask, and he was afraid of getting the answer.

"When did the Radiance Cult start such a promotion ceremony?"

In Liao Yu's first-week game, the Guanghui Cult thousands of years ago had no tradition of holding a ceremony when they were promoted, so they asked this question.

But it was a little confusing to put it in the ear of Aznor on the opposite side.

"Ah? My lord, hasn't the Guanghui Cult been like this since its establishment? At least, it must have been like this for five or six hundred years, right?"

"How about five or six hundred years?"

"More forward...? My lord, you are not referring to ancient history, those myths and legends, are you? My lord, I am just a businessman, how do I know these things! But, my lord! I know that in the Royal Academy There is a professor of ancient history here, he should know more! What is the origin of magic, what is the development of sects, and more."

"Ah! Yes! There is also the legendary demon race! The war between humans and demons! The professor is most familiar with these fairy tales! My lord, I can help you contact him!"

Aznor had no reason to lie to himself.

Besides, this kind of thing can be easily found out when you go out.

Liao Yu was lost in thought.

It seems that, what Zhima speculated earlier, the fault of human inheritance may really exist.

Looking at Azino's current appearance, it seems that his understanding of history stopped at 500 years ago, and he is completely in a state of ignorance about everything that went back a thousand years ago.

The victory that was so tragic thousands of years ago, won with the blood and lives of so many human pioneers, should have been remembered in human history forever. However, now, the demons and the war between humans and demons have all become what Azno said, helpless. Unfounded myths and legends?
Became a non-existent, a.disappeared 500 years?

(End of this chapter)

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