The hero who saves the world in the first eye, and the devil king in the second eye

Chapter 27 Assignment of tasks, separation of the apostles

Chapter 27 Assignment of tasks, separation of the apostles

From Azno, there should be nothing more to ask.

About the lost last 500 years of human history.
Could it be the secret operation of an apostle in the Demon Race?

Liao Yu was the first to think of this possibility.

But it was quickly rejected.

After all, the new void channel of the demons was only discovered by the shadow demons 300 years ago, so even if some of the demons are restless and secretly use the channels to communicate with the human world, this time is not right.

What's more, Liao Yu doesn't think that any apostle can do this kind of power that can affect the inheritance of human history.

The same goes for magic eggs.

The existence of the magic egg, but even the three apostles, Zhimo, Shumo, and even the most sensitive shadow demon, were not aware of it. They discovered it by accident by relying on the system, which further proved that the special nature of the magic egg, Most likely, it was created by a higher level of unknown power.

With the existing information, the analysis is almost done here.

Although the magic egg is weird and strange, there must be some secret hidden in it, but fortunately, it is not an urgent matter, and you can slowly investigate it later.

Liao Yu put aside the matter of the magic eggs for now.

The meal needs to be eaten in one bite, and the road needs to be taken step by step.

"Lead the way to the warehouse of your business group."

Liao Yu first expanded the funding sources of the Demon Race, established an intelligence network, and then talked about the follow-up.

However, Liao Yu's words this time actually had no effect on Azno.

Actually it can't be said.

Most likely, Aznault realized that he was about to use up his last value, so what was waiting for him could be known by just thinking about it with his feet.

Azno directly plopped and began to frantically beg for mercy and kowtow.

"My lord! Please, don't kill me, I'm still useful! I'm still useful! The Gilded Merchant Group has a lot of connections in Wangcheng, and I have deep friendship with many nobles! I can provide whatever you want Here you go, let me serve you!"

Liao Yu wanted to laugh a little when he saw Azino like this.

He waved his hand to stop Hill's shadow hand that was about to crush Azno to death, and then asked:
"Listen, what can you offer me?"

Seems like there's something going on.

Azno immediately racked his brains and told Liao Yu everything he could think of and what he usually enjoyed.

"My lord, money! I can continuously make money for you. Our gilt merchant group specializes in the pawn business of outsiders. Those outsiders have no documents and can only come to us to trade. We can take all kinds of money at a very low price. Treasures! Even... Even with a little help from your lords, we can eat any goods from those outsiders for free!"

The more he talked, the more excited Azno became, and he soon realized that Liao Yu and others seemed to be foreigners too.

He hurriedly said: "My lord, I can also give you a woman! Whatever you like, be it a student, a wife, or even a college teacher, I can find it for you, Blue, the one from the Glory Cult just now He is a deacon who loves young girls especially, and it is because I can always provide him with a stable supply that I can stay close to him."

"Kill it."

The expressionless Liao Yu interrupted Aznault's self-presentation.

However, before Hill's shadow scythe fell, Leon the Wisdom Demon pleaded for Azno.

"Wang, can you keep this human?"

"Why?" Liao Yu was curious. This was the first time Zhi Mo had different opinions with him.

"My lord, I want to send him, along with the rest of these human corpses, to the chaotic rift. Alice has been waiting for them for thousands of years. With them, maybe Alice can give us a better life from another angle." Provide more information."

Was it originally going to be sent to the Corrupt Demon for research?

Wouldn't that be a little too cruel?
It seemed as if Alice had already appeared in front of Liao Yu's eyes. Alice had a belly full of sarcoma, a cute rotten monster weighing hundreds of kilograms, and a patchy and ulcerated face. She was smiling brightly with joy, and there might be something missing from her grin. Watch out for some maggots falling out.

As a result, Liao Yu hadn't said anything yet, but the client, Azino, the owner of the business group directly regarded Zhimo as a savior, and knelt and licked Leon frantically, like a life-saving benefactor.

After all, from Aznor's perspective, although he couldn't understand the chaotic rift, he could generally understand that the other party wanted to send him to another person named "Alice".

The name Alice sounds like a female name at first glance, and it gives people a very delicate and cute feeling.

Compared to the current group of perverted murderers with terrifying strength, Azno would certainly prefer the latter.

Seeing that Aznor is like this.

Liao Yu had no choice but to respect other people's choices.

"It's up to you."

"I will thank the king for the gift on behalf of Alice." Seeing the king's consent, Wisdom breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly thanked her.

To be honest, when he went against the king's wishes just now, he had to put in a lot of struggle and courage in his heart.

When Azno saw this, he was also ecstatic in his heart. He felt like he had walked out of the gate of hell. He hurriedly imitated the wise demon and thanked Liao Yu crazily.

"Thank you, sir, for sparing your life! Thank you! Thank you, sir!"

Later, with the cooperation of Aznor, Liao Yu successfully took all the property of the Gilded Merchant Group under his own hands.

I have to say that they really caught a big fish tonight.

According to Zhimo's statistics, this sum directly earned millions of gold coins.

What a concept.

At that time, as the finale of the auction, the third-level magic scroll was sold for a sky-high price, which was only one thousand gold coins.

Sure enough, it was the quickest way to get money from the local tyrants and divide the land.

For this huge sum of money, Liao Yu divided it into seven parts.

Two copies were given to Dadaya, four copies were given to Leon, and only one copy was left for himself.

The reason why it is allocated this way.
"Dadaya, Leon, you guys can go separate ways from now on."

This is also part of Liao Yu's plan.

He could not keep these two apostles with him.

Liao Yu also needs independent time for his own development.

Of course, he wasn't purely trying to distract the Jumo and Chimo.

Liao Yu also has a task for these two.

"Dadaya, this fund is used to assist you in purchasing and collecting spell materials in the human world. After that, I need you to establish a stable and durable connection between the chaotic rift and the The channel teleportation array of the human world."

"Follow my king, I will do my best, and within three days, my family will be able to come and go freely."

Liao Yu nodded in satisfaction.

Then he gave instructions to Zhi Mo: "Leon, your two funds, the first one, I need you to purchase food for our clan. Our clan has been sealed in the barren Chaos Rift for thousands of years. I have promised Elena, from now on, our people will never go hungry again, and after Dadaya builds the passage, all the food will be transferred as soon as possible."

"Yes, my king!" Zhimo's voice was excited, and his body was trembling slightly.

None of the previous demon kings had such a delicate mind, and they had always only been able to fight and kill. However, their new king this time was well-rounded. He could not only be keenly aware of the demon eggs, but also consider the rear. Millions of demons, this is the wise demon, and this is what Leon is willing to loyal to and follow.

Speaking of eggs.
"Leon, the second fund given to you is also your second task, to investigate human society, find out the reasons for the faults in human history and inheritance, and search for any intelligence clues related to that weird egg .”

"Follow my king, I will never fail the king's important mission!"

Complete the task.

The Magic Demon and the Intelligent Demon said goodbye to him respectively, and disappeared into the night on Kingdom Street in different directions.

In the end, only Liao Yu was left alone.


Following Liao Yu's soft call, the shadows around him trembled slightly, and soon the shadow demon apostle hiding under the shadow cloak appeared beside him.


Hill thought that Liao Yu also had some instructions and tasks for him.

"If it's just the two of us in the future, you don't have to hide in the shadows and sneak around, just stay by my side."

"King, why?" The petite body under the cloak tilted its head.

"I'm afraid of being alone."


"I see, King."

Unlike the other apostles, Liao Yu was much more relaxed in front of the Shadow Demon and no longer needed to pretend to be the Demon King's airs and majesty.

He knows very well about Hill that Shadow Demon can be said to be the simplest and most innocent among the nine apostles. The "innocent" here is different from describing the rot demon Alice, it is really positive.

as the best proof.

I saw that after hearing Liao Yu say that he was lonely, Hill seemed to want to ease Wang's loneliness. He had always belonged to the taciturn shadow demon, and even started to talk to Liao Yu on his own initiative.

"King, where will we go next?"


(End of this chapter)

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