The hero who saves the world in the first eye, and the devil king in the second eye

Chapter 28 This way the king won't be so lonely anymore

Chapter 28 This way the king won't be so lonely anymore
Liao Yu admitted his mistake.

It was so smooth that Hill thought it was a funeral home and almost led him to find a cemetery.

This world should be called a hotel.

He and Hill found a house nearby, booked a room, and after entering the house, Liao Yu dragged his tired body and lay on the bed and took a long breath, finally able to have a good rest.

Now he is just an ordinary human with all attributes being 1.

There is no perverted energy like the demons.

Ever since he traveled through time, his nerves have been tense. As soon as he touches the pillow on the bed, he immediately feels drowsy. Liao Yu really wants to just fall asleep like this.

But before that, he had to deal with one more problem.


"You, can you come down from the ceiling?"

Lying on the bed, Liao Yu turned his head slightly, and he could see the shadow demon above the corner of the wall, who was hanging upside down from the ceiling at an angle that did not conform to mechanics, and could still keep the cloak from falling off.

Although it's a bit of a bad metaphor.

But to Liao Yu, it felt like a big bat had entered the room, making him toss and turn, making it really difficult to sleep.

This is thanks to the fact that Hill's cloak is black.

this is going to be white
That means a big moth has entered.

"Sorry, did you disturb Wang's rest?"

Hill immediately fell off the wall and continued to watch the night for Liao Yu in another way.

refer to.
Standing silently beside Liao Yu's bedside.

He stared straight at Liao Yu.

After Liao Yu closed his eyes for three, four, five, six seconds, he couldn't help it, opened his eyes again, and sat up completely from the bed this time.

"Come on, Hill, come and sit down first."

Liao Yu patted the space on the bed next to him.

The old way.

"Hill, actually, you don't have to do this, just sleep on another bed."

Liao Yu followed the temptation and pointed to the bed not far from him.

Liao Yu did not open two rooms.

Avoiding suspicion is something that only humans can do, and demons never exist. What's more, Liao Yu really needs Hill's close protection, just in case.

In a double room, each sleeps in a bed, how nice.

As a result, Hill shook his head.

Shadow Demon is nothing else, honestly.

"Wang, I'm not used to it, and I don't need it."


After all, living habits are indeed different.

For the shadow demon who lives in the cave all year round, the ceiling is equivalent to a bed, and in Hill's eyes, the bed may be a very strange way to sleep.

"King, please allow Hill to return to the shadows, so that he will not disturb the king's rest."

Hill should have seen that she made Liao Yu uncomfortable, so he applied immediately.

But Liao Yu immediately shook his head.

He didn't lie to Hill before, and he really felt very lonely. After all, the partners in the game were all gone thousands of years ago, and even in the past, his history as the savior and the son of destiny seemed to have been completely forgotten by the world.

Obviously, the expectations for the human world seemed to disappear all of a sudden, from familiarity to strangeness.

Think about it this way.
Although it's a bit ironic, but I always remember that what I know best, the one who talks about "The Son of Destiny" every day is actually the demon clan who was sealed by himself in the game and almost wiped out.

Even those who care about him the most now regard him as the most important thing. Leon the wise demon, Elena the succubus, and Hill in front of him are all demons.

Liao Yu shook his head.

He actually has a relatively high impression of Shadow Demon.

Hill escaped into the shadows, and he was afraid of being alone. It was another aspect that Hill needed to continue to consume his strength and not get rest.

Although for Hill, this consumption is nothing.

But Liao Yu still didn't want to.

There is no good way to find it for the time being, Liao Yu intends to bear it for a while, let Hill stare at him by the bedside.

Looking at the petite Shadow Demon sitting beside him, Liao Yu suddenly had an evil thought in his heart.

That was something he had always wanted to do in the game.

"Hill, come a little closer."

Liao Yu ordered immediately.

After the Shadow Demon moved his body obediently and was only a few centimeters away from him, Liao Yu stretched out his hand to Hill's cloak with a feeling of excitement.

"Can I take it off?" Liao Yu resisted the impulse and asked Hill's opinion first.

"The king can do anything."

Hill's tone didn't sound much different.

Seeing this, Liao Yu finally couldn't bear it anymore, and lifted Hill's cloak.

He has actually been concerned about this matter for a long time.

It can be attributed to the forefront of "Ten Unsolved Mysteries of the Fallen Demon" listed by Liao Yuluo.

The shadow demon apostle who always wears a cloak and hides in the shadows
What does the real body look like!
With the opening of the cloak, the shadow covering Hill's whole body also melted under the moonlight by the window.

The next thing that came out was a .
little loli.

To be precise, it was a little girl with purple hair, a single horn on her head, black pupils, and her height was only around Liao Yu's chest.

Maybe it's because it hasn't been exposed to light all year round.

Hill has unusually fair skin.

Her eyelashes were very long, like velvet, and her gaze gave off a strong sense of indifference, as if she was rejecting everything.

Similarly, although Hill has a loli face with young teeth, the dull expression on his face seems to have lived for tens of thousands of years.

It doesn't seem like, according to the setting, the Shadow Demon Apostle has indeed lived for tens of thousands of years.

It's a long live little lolita.

After satisfying his curiosity, Liao Yu was about to put the cloak back on Hill. However, with a glance from the corner of his eye, Liao Yu suddenly discovered an unexpected blind spot, which was a person that should not have appeared on Hill.

I saw that on the inside of Hill's arm, there was a light pink charm pattern in the shape of a peach heart.

For this pattern, Liao Yu recognized it immediately.

Not a succubus
Magic pattern?
How could it appear on Hill now! ? ?

It should be aware of Liao Yu's sight.

A rare panic appeared on Hill's originally dull face. As if she just remembered, she turned her arms quietly, trying to cover up the lines, pretending nothing happened.

But obviously not possible.

"Hill, explain."

Under Liao Yu's questioning, it was useless for Hill to dodge her eyes. She answered honestly:
"King, Elena gave this to me before departure."

"She hopes that I can rely on this to better protect the king."

In the silent room late at night, Liao Yu was a little silent after listening to Shadow Demon's words.

The magic pattern is of great significance to the succubus, Liao Yu is very clear about this, it is equivalent to giving half of the original power to Hill.

Because I was influenced by the purpose of the week, subconsciously, I still regard the demons as evil, and I have always been on guard.

But in just one day, after getting along with the demons from the perspective of the demon king, Liao Yu could feel that the attitude in his heart was constantly changing.

"Thank you, and also thank Elena for me, I have already accepted your wishes."

"No king, this is our duty."

"Okay, rest, there are important things tomorrow."

Liao Yu gently put the cloak on Hill again. This time he no longer said anything about restraining Hill, and he could treat Hill however he wanted.

He closed his eyes, perhaps because he was in a different mood. This time, Liao Yu quickly fell asleep on the bed.

As for Hill, in the first few minutes, Shadow Demon was still standing silently beside Liao Yu's bedside, watching and guarding the sleeping king.

But soon, Hill's face under the cloak showed some hesitation.

She struggled a little.

In the end, for the first time, he took off his cloak on his own initiative, and then climbed onto Liao Yu's bed without making a sound and disturbing Liao Yu.

After that, Hill didn't do anything else, and the petite body of Shadow Demon just lay quietly next to Liao Yu.

Wang won't feel so lonely anymore, will he?
Hill thought silently in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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