Chapter 191 The Eternal King
The negotiation between humans and demons finally ended like this.

Liao Yu had left long ago.

Leon, who was cleaning up the mess at the scene, deliberately sent all the other apostles away and asked them to return to their respective posts, leaving only Elena with him.

Elena naturally understands this intention.

It’s better to say that other demons are simple-minded, so they don’t think so much.

As for the two of them, as the decision-makers of the demon clan, there is no need to argue about the fact that from the perspective of the entire demon clan, the king's choice to massacre all the surrendered human nobles here will undoubtedly do more harm than good.

"If Ancient Lordan were still here, he would probably like these nobles very much." Leon was the first to speak, as if he was teasing, but in fact it had a deeper meaning.

From a human perspective, this group of nobles are undoubtedly traitors, guilty of heinous crimes, and have betrayed the entire human race. Even from what they said later, for example, humans cannot popularize magic and must carry out all kinds of exploitation and oppression to tighten them at all times. Humanity.
If the king really agrees to use their plan to rule the world, the human race will no longer be able to stand up, and the entire race will decline even further until it is extinct.

Of course, this is from a human perspective.

From the perspective of the demons
Isn't this the revenge they expected?

That's why Leon now wants to talk to Elena alone.

Zhimo believed that Elena must have noticed it too.

I don't want to destroy mankind.

in contrast.

Even judging from today's massacre, Leon vaguely felt that the king seemed to want to help mankind, hoping that mankind could become stronger again?

That's why Leon had to leave Elena to talk alone.

The wise demon knows that Elena hates humans the most.

Because Elena's parents, the previous generation of demon kings and succubus apostles, died under the swords of human heroes, and even the entire succubus clan was left alone, leaving her alone.

After realizing Wang's intentions, will Elena change her heart towards Wang?

Will there be cracks?
Be suspicious?

As the apostle of the wise demon and the brain of the demon clan, Leon must prevent this kind of thing from happening that may cause chaos within the demon clan.


Just when Leon was still trying to analyze with Elena that the king's intention in doing this might have some deeper purpose, this time it was the succubus who took the initiative to speak.

"What? You think I will be unhappy? Will betray the king?"

Elena crossed her arms.

Although she is the youngest succubus apostle, her aura as a hostess is inherent. She snorted coldly, full of dissatisfaction with Leon's concerns.

"Listen up, Leon, if you still have this idea next time, don't blame me for being violent. I'll tell you one last time, I can betray everything for the king, the world? Demons? Of course, including you. Inside."

There was one last thing Elena didn't say, and that was herself.

Leon shrugged and apologized to the succubus, but he shouldn't misunderstand Elena's thoughts, but he was also curious at the same time. Looking at Elena, it seemed that he had discovered something.

The succubus rolled her eyes and continued: "Leon, don't think that all demons except you are idiots. Of course I understand the deep meaning of the king's actions. This is also me."

Elena took a deep breath, and finally loosened her clenched fists. She stared at Leon's snake eyes and said firmly: "I will also support the king. I must not let mankind be destroyed. We must support mankind." reason."

"Because if there are no human beings, then..."

"The king will also leave."

Leon sighed. It seemed that Elena had realized this. His sighing now was not to say that he felt difficult, but that he was in a complicated mood.Demon kings and humans are inseparable.

To be precise, each generation of demon kings is inseparable from the world and race that the demons want to conquer.

Except for Liao Yu, the demon kings of the previous generation died of brave men.

Other previous demon kings will not continue to exist after they have completed their destruction and completely destroyed the civilization of that race. Instead, they will disappear under the original summoning contract.

They, the apostles, don't know the specific operating principle.

After all, this is an operating mode that has existed for the demon clan for countless thousands of years.

Discover the target, summon the devil, destroy the target, the devil disappears, find the next target, and so on, in a continuous cycle.

And none of the previous demon kings has ever resisted and disappeared.

I have never been greedy for remaining in the world.

Or rather.
Under the power of certain rules, they are not given the opportunity to "resist" and "covet".

Because the vast majority of demon kings in the past have told the truth
Leon recalled carefully. Even if the devils have different styles, some may focus on killing, some may like financial reports, some may like beauty, etc.
But all demon kings have one thing in common - they rarely speak.

Cherish words like gold.

As for the interactions with these apostles, there are, but very few, and usually, after interacting with each apostle a few times, they never come again except for daily work.

As for the devil’s daily work.
In most cases, it is himself, the wise demon, who first plans a target, or mission, and a general direction of attack for the demon king, and then the demon king concentrates the demon forces to carry out crusade and battle.

So when the new demon king Liao Yu was summoned.

Leon was so surprised when he saw the new demon king, who actually took the initiative to hold a meeting and gave them tasks. It was that time that made him realize that the new demon king was different from the previous ones.

The following facts indeed prove this point.

Despite all the demon kings, Alice has never been so fond of Alice. As a rot demon, she is willing to show herself as a little girl.

The same goes for Shadow Demon Hill. In Leon's impression, Hill is always a bitch to many other demon kings. He never speaks more than a few words and is also a representative of silence.

But the new Demon King has only been there for a few days, and Hill is already very different.

As for the devil and the flower apostle.
This is even worse.

Throughout the entire history of the Demon Clan, they have been able to kill apostles while in office and even establish a new apostle. Their current new Demon King is the first.

Everything proves the specialness of the new demon king.


In fact, Leon had already had a vague premonition of this day.

Zhimo believes that he can imagine that the special new demon king will definitely be able to break out of the "rules" and understand the price of the "devil king".

So now there are two choices before the apostles.

Or, destroy humanity to complete revenge. Under the power of the rules, the demon king disappears, leaving them, the apostles, to continue to find the next target and continue the ancient inheritance of the demon clan that has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

Keep humans, even protect humans.

Because as long as humans are immortal, the current Demon King, this most special king, will be their eternal king.

(End of this chapter)

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