Chapter 192 Behind the Demon King’s Fate

Which one to choose?
Leon looked up and saw Elena's sharp eyes across from him.

Zhimo shook his head helplessly.

"Although I am older than you, I am not a stubborn old antique. The defeat thousands of years ago has proved that the old methods of the demon clan will not work. The purpose of summoning the demon king in our past generations is to make the entire demon clan work together. Unite, but if we already have such a king, why bother?"

"What's more, Elena, don't think too optimistically about the situation. We haven't completely defeated humanity yet, and the two biggest threats, the Empire and the Radiant Theocracy, have not yet been eradicated, so my determination to protect the Demon King has failed. By no means worse than you, that’s why I left you alone to talk, isn’t it?”

"Anyway, I'm relieved to hear that you don't mind the king's attitude towards humans, and"

Having said this, Leon paused, put away his previous chatting intention, and showed seriousness and seriousness on his face.

"You also reminded me that if I were the emperor and wanted to assassinate the Demon King, I don't have to actually kill the Demon King. Maybe there is another way."

"How is it possible?" Based on the previous conversation, Elena immediately understood what the wise demon meant and immediately felt it was extremely ridiculous.


As long as the emperor takes advantage of this "summoning" loophole and destroys human civilization in the world with his own hands, then the demon king will be forced to disappear under the restrictions of the "summoning contract". In a sense, he will be "killed" No different.

Just like Elena's expression that feels very ridiculous now.

Isn't the emperor's purpose in killing the king just to defeat the demons and protect humanity?
In the end, in order to kill the king, he first destroyed his own tribe. Unless the emperor was completely crazy, how could he possibly do such a thing.

What's more, even if the emperor is really crazy, he plans to burn everything and die with the demons.

But if you want to destroy human civilization, even the emperor among humans cannot do it overnight. Then their demons are not just decorations. They cannot just watch. When necessary, they will definitely do it. To protect humanity.

Leon nodded. He also knew that this was extremely unlikely, but he had to guard against it.

As a smart demon, he must be comprehensive and take all risks into consideration. Leon has decided to immediately go and keep a backup plan secretly.

Of course, at the end before the wise demon left, it seemed like nothing, but after such a discussion, the succubus, who was a little flustered, still spoke out to comfort him:

"Elena, I believe you, the Demon King must have thought more about it than us, and to be honest, our speculations about the "Summoning Contract" are just speculations. The one who truly understands these rules is the Demon King himself."

The devil's bedroom.

Liao Yu was lying on a big bed, staring at the ceiling.

Today's place is infinitely better than the simple dormitory room on the other side of the barren Chaos Rift when he first came here.

In the past few months as the Demon King, he has indeed made steady progress according to the plan step by step. Now he is only two steps away from success.

Thinking of this, Liao Yu opened a panel that he had put aside for a long time - the fate of the devil.

The Demon King's Life Track is his biggest help in the early stage.

The first destiny track, King's Birthday, gives him a heaven-defying effect of multiplying all rewards a hundred times. It can be said that it is the first pot of gold for him to successfully activate and quickly jump in level.

The conditions that need to be activated for the second and third life trajectories, in addition to the favorability of the apostle, all correspond to the degree of conquest of the demons in this world.

From [a demon territory with “stronghold level”] to [a demon territory with “castle level”]

The establishment of the Second Life Path King gives him the ability to ignore the conditions for using any props, and he can learn all skills without any threshold.

The power of the third life track king allows you to get all attributes improved, and spells are guaranteed to hit, critical hits, control offset, and the most powerful immunity is instant death, many templates that fit the status of "Big BOSS".

And after he completely conquered Illinois, the fourth life track would be unlocked at that time.

[Power of the King] [Lighting conditions: Own a "kingdom-level" demon territory, and the "destruction degree" of the world's civilization (humanity) reaches 20%]

[Activation effect: When your attack target is a "human", all your damage will be accompanied by the "Magic Blade" effect. For the human being harmed by you, an additional magic value equivalent to 52% of the damage will be burned. If the opponent If the magic value is zero, it will instead cause the same proportion of true damage]

Starting from the fourth one, unlike the previous ones, the condition of favorability of the apostle is no longer required.

Instead, it became more about “conquering the world.”


It should be said that it is related to "destruction".

And now, he has made the demons no longer tolerate it. Under the blitzkrieg, almost three-fifths of the world fell overnight and became the territory of the demons. His destiny as the demon king has been unlocked one after another, and he can even see the final destiny Seven life tracks.

[Part [-] - The Breaking of the King]

[Lighting conditions: Own five "kingdom-level" demon territories, and the "destruction degree" of the world's civilization (humanity) reaches 35%]


[Part Six—The Power of the King]

[Lighting conditions: Bring half of the world into the demon territory, and the "destruction degree" of the world's civilization (humanity) reaches 60%]

[Activation effect: All your spells will "no longer consume" magic value]

[Part Seven - Destruction of the World]

[Lighting conditions: The "destruction degree" of the world's civilization (humanity) reaches 95%]

[Activation effect:]

Liao Yu stared at the last seventh fate track.

From its special name, it already implies that this destiny is the end of everything.

Its effect is very simple and there are no additional explanations at all.

That's four words.

【Promote to Him】

This also explained to Liao Yu where the demon kings of so many generations before him had gone.

Their disappearance is not a self-choice, but a destiny.

It is true that the fate track has been giving him strong power, and the following high-level destiny tracks are more terrifying than the last, and they are all helping him to complete the final mission of "destroying the world".

But now Liao Yu has stopped after unlocking the fourth level.

If he wanted to, he could actually unlock Wuliu at any time.

The fifth layer has infinite stacks, and it is a permanent attribute. There are a total of six growth attributes, each of which can be said to be very crucial and not trivial.

Calculated based on the current population of the world, these values ​​must be multiplied by at least "[-] million" as the unit.

(End of this chapter)

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