Chapter 193 Saint Freya

Although it will be divided randomly among the six attributes, this is a powerful hexagonal warrior.

Not to mention the sixth floor.

Infinite magic.

Coupled with the fifth layer's "skill speed" attribute and reduced CD, as long as you kill enough humans and stack enough layers, the infinite "super-level spells" in the future may not be a fantasy.

Liao Yu is not a saint.

If it were in a game, no player would be able to withstand the temptation of such an attribute that can be permanently superimposed.

Even if the fate conditions were not restricted later, Liao Yu would have planned to kill half of them first, and then raise half of them in captivity, specifically to let them reproduce, so as to continuously produce new populations to achieve his own infinite killing stack of sustainable regeneration. .

but now.

Everything is reality, and Liao Yu needs to consider many other factors.

Not to mention anything else, just this seventh destiny path made Liao Yu give up all thoughts.

Liao Yu never thought that He was a good thing.

I don’t want to become like that either.

Although now he can control whether to "activate" the life track.

But who knows what happens next?
All previous demon kings, except for the one who was killed by him, are all living examples.

So regardless of moral issues, this alone made Liao Yu determined to protect human beings and even provide support when necessary.

Only in this way can we avoid being forced to trigger the seventh life track.

So like the fifth and sixth life tracks, although the effect is very abnormal, if you think about it carefully, you will find that it is undoubtedly the same as Pandora's box.

Every time you draw more strength.

In fact, they are all pushing themselves towards the "seventh life track".

And this feeling that the more you increase your strength, the closer you get to the abyss, reminded Liao Yu of the information he obtained while in Jingshui Prison.

Magical variation.

The offspring of evil.

They all practice more and more magic power and want to advance, but the end point of evolution is self-destruction, but they are devoured by magic power and become flesh and blood monsters.

This was the guess that the ancestor of the blood clan told him back then.

Their plane is sick.

At this moment, Liao Yu had a strong premonition.

This may be the reason for the saint's "betrayal" thousands of years ago, or even the reason why he can "truly descend" here.

no doubt.

Now I am only one step away from the original intention at the beginning, the final truth of the brave at the end of the game thousands of years ago.

The only way to lift the veil is to launch a final attack.

Go face to face with the Emperor behind the scenes.

At this moment, a communication came through, causing Liao Yu to immediately get up from the bed, put away the panel, and paid great attention to it.

The content of the message is simple.

The source of the news came from the war zone of the Glorious Theocracy. For the sake of caution, Liao Yu had always asked the demon clan to adopt a step-by-step advancement strategy, and at the same time spread the word that he was willing to negotiate with the saint.

And just now.

The great demon officer on the front line sent information, and a human woman took the initiative to find them.

Tell them that they want to see the devil.Through the magic projection of the big demon on the front line, Liao Yu could clearly see the woman who came to the demon military camp alone.

She has blond hair as bright as wheat ears.

Wearing a yellow and white, pure and flawless religious dress.

The blazing sun emblem, symbolizing "brilliance", flashed in front of her chest with her hands folded.

Those sea-blue eyes, even when surrounded by demons in the depths, remained calm and calm, as if they didn't even take the big demons of the seventh and eighth levels into their eyes.

It seemed that the other party sensed something.

Under the saint's hat, the fair and flawless face was raised upward, and the pair of blue eyes passed through countless demons, as if directly reaching the great demon quartermaster who was communicating with Liao Yu.

Thousands of miles away, Liao Yu, who is now on the other side, is facing each other.

"Stop the attack immediately. This is the basis for my negotiation."

The saint easily stepped over the big demon, forcibly linked the communication, and talked directly with Liao Yu.

This immediately made the demon officer shocked and angry. Being teased by a human like this in front of the demon king was so embarrassing for him. He yelled and rushed to attack the saint to get the communication control back, or to project on the opposite side. Liao Yu raised his hand to stop, and then the big demon officer stopped.

"Of course, the enemy of the demons is only the empire, the emperor. I don't want to spread the war to other humans. I think the saint and I should have this in common, right?"

The saint opposite the projection nodded, and then took the initiative to say in return for Liao Yu's cooperation:
"Demon King Tower, I will go there to negotiate with you. I am the only one. Is this enough to show my sincerity?"

Demon King's Tower.
When the big demons on the front line on the Saint's side heard this, even the officer just now was surprised.

Negotiations with top leaders like this usually involve choosing a neutral area that everyone thinks is safe.

But now.
They never imagined that the human woman in front of them would dare to go directly to the Demon King Tower?Doesn't she know what this means?

Liao Yu was also a little surprised.

"Aren't you afraid of being a sheep in a tiger's mouth, Miss Saint?"

The nun opposite did not answer directly.

But her still blue eyes finally had some ups and downs. The corners of the saint's mouth raised, a smile appeared in her eyes, and she asked Liao Yu softly:
"I'm not afraid, but what about you?"

It seems that this class of saints is very aggressive.

This kind of character made Liao Yu calm down a little bit, which was shaken by the other party's "familiar" appearance.

He also put a polite smile on his face and smiled:

"I will prepare a car for you and send two apostles to escort you to the Demon King's Tower. I am looking forward to the arrival of Miss Saint. I also believe that such a sincere Miss Saint will definitely achieve a satisfactory result for both of us. .”

The two parties reached an agreement.

Seeing that the saint was about to cut off the communication and didn't want to say any more, Liao Yu hesitated for a moment, but finally couldn't hold it back and suddenly called out to the other party again.

"Can you tell me your name?"

This time it was the turn of the saint opposite the projection to be surprised.

She frowned slightly, as if she didn't expect that the Demon King would care about human names, just like she never cared about Liao Yu's name. She only needed to know that he was the Demon King.

But after considering many aspects, the saint decided not to cause more trouble. Her goal had been achieved, and it didn't matter even if she told the other party her name.


With these three words spoken, the saint's appearance finally completely overlapped with the first-generation glorious saint in Liao Yu's memory as the heroine in the game.

Sure enough, Liao Yu shook his head in his heart. He should have thought of it a long time ago. He had a premonition from the very beginning when he saw the saint who was so similar, no, she looked exactly like the one in the game.

It's a pity that everything is so similar, except the soul.

(End of this chapter)

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