Chapter 194 Mutation
The Demon King's Tower is suspended high above the mainland.

Elena specifically asked the magicians to transform the tower, and use the mutual projection and refraction between spells to make it possible for humans all over the world to see the faint illusion of the magic tower no matter where they are, as long as they look up at the sky. Shadows are like the sun and moon.

This is what the succubus thinks the demons should be.

High above the world.

The current Saint Freya, accompanied by the two apostles Dadaya and Arpad sent by Liao Yu, quickly arrived at this magic tower from the Glorious Theocracy in less than a day.

Freya, like many humans, couldn't help but look up at this magnificent magic tower.

But her eyes didn't show any shock, admiration, aggrievedness, despair, or powerlessness over the power gap between humans and demons like others.

in contrast.

The Saint seemed to have finally confirmed something.

There seemed to be a "reassured" look flashing through her sea-blue eyes.

Of course it disappeared quickly.

No one noticed.

"Miss Freya, before officially entering the magic tower, I'm sorry, I need to conduct a full body check on you. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, please cooperate with my magic guidance and do not have any resistance."

"If you have any props or weapons on you now, please take it out, Miss, and hand it over to us now. This is very important. Once we find out later, the two properties will be different, Freya You must not want to see such conflicts and unpleasant scenes, right?"

Looking at Dardaya who was standing in front of her, Freya chuckled lightly. The saint took the initiative to open her arms, as if she didn't care about the magician's search at all.

Seeing this, Dadaya didn't say much, and immediately used the monitoring technique to carefully sense the magic power fluctuations around Freya from top to bottom. He confirmed several times that there was nothing wrong with this human saint. After collecting the special props, he took back the spell and nodded.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Miss."

Although from the perspective of his magic apostle, there was no problem in searching the saint, for the sake of safety, Dadaya still took out another handcuff.

"Wearing this, Miss Saint can officially enter the magic tower and meet the king."

The handcuffs not only restrict the hands, but also contain an absolute magic seal.

This was considered double insurance, completely eliminating any opportunity for the Glory Saint to cause harm to the king.

"Is your king so afraid of me?"

Freya looked at the handcuffs handed over by the demon indifferently, without showing any expression of resistance, but just smiled contemptuously.

At this time, another figure walked out from the side and answered the saint's question.

"The saint has misunderstood. These complicated procedures were all added privately. Unlike the great king, we do still have awe of the glorious saint."

The wise demon Leon walked out from the side and leaned towards Freya gracefully to show courtesy.

The glorious saint joining hands with the brave men thousands of years ago was the biggest reason for the defeat of the demons. Leon really did not lie to Freya. As a wise demon, he was the most cautious at all times.


After Freya snorted, she put on the handcuffs herself without paying attention to Leon or other demons.

Accompanied by the "clicking" sound of the lock, Freya specially raised her cuffed hands above her head, as if signaling to the demons in front of the magic tower.

The saint who followed immediately stepped forward, regardless of what the other apostles were doing, and continued to move towards the magic tower alone, as if this was nothing at all, a base camp for an enemy full of dangers.

Leon, who was behind, frowned slightly, but he still felt that the attitude of this human saint was very strange.

But the problem is, they have already done what they should do. If they stop the saint from entering the magic tower, it will be their demon clan that loses face.

Leon could only give a few secret looks to the apostles. Once he found something was wrong, don't hesitate and take action with all his strength immediately.

The Holy Sun boots stepped on the soft red carpet.

With her hands cuffed, Freya's expression remained unchanged. Under the gazes of the ferocious high-level demons lined up on the left and right, she stepped into the audience hall step by step until she finally arrived at the person sitting high on the steps. Freya finally stopped when she was in front of the Demon King.

The current saint's expression is very relaxed.

It was much more relaxed than the Freya he saw during Liao Yu's previous projection. "Miss Freya is the first human to enter here as a guest. Can you tell me how you feel?"

Liao Yu was not in a hurry to negotiate, but asked questions like a casual chat.

The human saint below seemed to have the same intention. She looked around the hall for a while, and when she saw the nine apostles gathered around her, as well as various high-level demon guards, Freya shook her head.

"How do you feel? Let me think about it. There is a disgusting aura of disgusting demons everywhere? Apart from that, this place is pretty good."

That's it.

Freya focused her attention on Wilsey.

"Are you the new evil apostle?"

Without Liao Yu's signal, the elf did not answer Freya. The saint only frowned slightly and stopped asking. Instead, she returned her gaze to Liao Yu and changed the topic.

"If I remember correctly, in the occupied area before, there should have been a group of humans entering the Demon Tower before me, right? Why did the Demon King say I was the first? Or..."

"I don't consider humans like that to be guests."

Upon hearing this, Freya immediately frowned and said coldly: "Did you kill them all?"


Liao Yu nodded calmly on the throne and had no intention of hiding anything.

"This is what you said, Demon King. Do you want to coexist peacefully with humans?"

"I think Miss Freya must have misunderstood. I have never mentioned peaceful coexistence. Even humans cannot coexist peacefully, let alone humans and demons? But the interests are different. At the moment, we all have different interests. We have the empire as our common enemy, which is also the basis for our current negotiations, isn’t it?”

"The empire is the enemy of mankind? Why? Just based on the lie that your demons are now promoting to all humans? Those insect eggs in human bodies?"

The eggs are obviously the most obvious evidence.

Liao Yu really didn't expect that Freya would come to him and say such things at this time.

"Oh, you are wrong, Demon King. The Emperor showered blessings on all humans many years ago. The ones planted in human bodies were not insect eggs, but radiant marks! And these marks that should have brought blessings , it’s you who turned into evil insect eggs! Demons!”

Speaking of Freya at the end, the hatred on her face could no longer stop.

It was obvious that she had no preparation at all to negotiate with the demons.

On the contrary, this human saint is a solid imperialist and believes in the emperor even more.

So why did Freya come to the Magic Tower specifically at this moment?
"Take her!"

Without Liao Yu, Leon was the first to speak, and Zhimo himself was the first to move, but not towards Freya, but towards Liao Yu.

Since the saint is not here to negotiate.

Then the reason why she took the initiative to come to the Demon King's Tower was most likely the Demon King.

So the first thing Leon wanted to do was to protect Liao Yu.

They are all wrong.

The great demon guards swarmed forward and easily penetrated Freya's body with their sharp blades.

From beginning to end, the saint showed no resistance.

She couldn't resist either.

The shackles on her hands restricted her movements and sealed the magic power. These were indeed effective. As for the previous inspection by the magician, Freya did not have any props or weapons on her body, which was also correct.

Freya's purpose of coming to the Magic Tower this time was not offensive at all, nor was it for Liao Yu.

Magic Tower.

(End of this chapter)

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