Chapter 196 The Weakness of the Faceless Man
"Leon, order all the demons to evacuate the human area and move closer to the demon tower. Arpad, you will assist and plan the route."

"Elena, Dadaya, you are responsible for the defense around the magic tower."

"Ulala and Alice, prepare to receive and treat the injured demons."

"Hercule, Hill, and Velthy, you three are coming with me."

The whole demon clan was in chaos because of the sudden change of Saint Freya.

They were full of unknowns about those "faceless" spiritual warriors transformed from humans. They didn't know what they were, so they were at a loss for a while.

At this time, Liao Yu quickly spoke up, pulling each apostle back, guiding them in the direction, assigning tasks, and getting them back to their correct posts.

Starting from Freya's "self-destruction", the whole process happened extremely quickly.

Although Liao Yu was actually mentally prepared, he still didn't expect that the "Emperor" could do this.


The other demon apostles didn't recognize them, but Liao Yu was no stranger to these "faceless" spirit warriors.

He had long ago thought about which of the "brave relics" he held in the hands of many saints.

And this naturally includes sweeps.

Sweeping, as the name suggests, is a very common function in the game.

As long as the player "perfectly" clears a certain dungeon, there is no need for the player to do it again when they try to clear it again in the future. Instead, they can clear it with one click and complete it quickly.

This function also exists in "The Fallen", and the animated expression of sweeping is exactly this kind of "faceless man" spirit body.

in other words.

The faceless man is actually a copy of his own game character - "The Brave" thousands of years ago.

As a person with full achievements, full exploration rate, and perfect clearance of the game, if the "sweeping" in the hands of the saint really inherits the original battle record of the "brave", then not only the ordinary demons, but also the apostles may also...
Now Liao Yu took the three apostles around him to the human city directly below the magic tower.

Originally, this place was almost transformed into a military camp because it was the closest to the Demon Tower and a large number of demon troops were stationed there, so only a few humans lived here.

But even so, the fighting situation in this city is extremely fierce now.

In the past, demons could fight five or six enemy units with one unit.

But now, the situation is even reversed.

It takes two or three big demons to join forces to deal with a faceless man spirit.

Liao Yu, who rushed to the battlefield, first asked Hercule, the demon's most powerful apostle, to join the battle.

The ninth-level demon directly released the domain, and the "sin bloom" unique to Hercule immediately enveloped several faceless man spirits.

The next scene confirmed Liao Yu's guess.

I saw these faceless man spirits, after facing the newly joined Hercule, they raised their hands, and light flashed in their palms, and then a strange spirit fruit transformed from them.

After the faceless men devoured the spirits in one bite, the effect of their original suppression by Hercule's "Malicious Bloom" field was actually greatly weakened.

This action was very familiar to Liao Yu. It was exactly the countermeasure he took when confronting Hercule in the game thousands of years ago.

Because "Blooming Malice" is judged based on the sin value of both parties.

So back then, I found a prop fruit that could temporarily increase the sin value as a means of "skipping class".

The current faceless man is imitating his behavior in attacking Hercule.

Even props can be reproduced.

However, judging from the effect, it should only imitate less than 30% of Millennium's own self.

Back to the battle situation.I saw the faceless men behind them, flapping their light wings behind them, and in groups of four or five, they took the initiative to kill Hercule.

And even as an apostle, Hercule's every move is still completely known and mastered by those faceless man spirits.

Whenever Hercule makes a move, they can react quickly and defend accordingly.

The fight lasted like this for two or three minutes.

These four or five faceless man spirits were finally torn into pieces by Hercule and turned into light and disappeared.

Next, Liao Yu asked Hercule to retreat, and then asked Hill to fight.

Different from the direct and violent approach of the big demon, after the shadow realm from the shadow demon was opened, these faceless men immediately changed their fighting style.

They mainly use a wide range of AOE spells, while strengthening their own defense and focusing on defensive counterattacks, which perfectly restrained the Shadow Demon's flexibility and unpredictable attack timing.

And this is exactly the set of combat methods that I have summarized in the game to defeat the Shadow Demon.

After Hill also retreated, the two apostles now looked extremely serious, and even Hercule's face showed a bit of fear.

They also probably saw that these faceless human spirits were simply replicas of the brave men from thousands of years ago.

Inherited many fighting techniques of the brave.

Although the individual strength is far less than that of a true warrior, and does not pose a threat to them at the apostle level, it is definitely a great threat to the demons at the lower level.

And what’s even more deadly is the number of faceless people.


Too much.

Although the news from the front line has not yet come, from the current point of view, Freya's self-destruction and the use of the magic tower to spread some kind of radiation seem to have transformed the vast majority of human beings into such terrifying warrior-like products.

If the Emperor had such an army of faceless men at his disposal.

There are thousands of pseudo-brave soldiers.

It will definitely be a fierce battle for the demon clan next, and even...
Hercule was not confident that the demons could win.

Just when the big devil frowned and Hill was under great pressure, Liao Yu was actually okay, because he knew very well that the sweep system was indeed powerful and could replicate his current "brave" behavior, but...

It has a fatal flaw.

That is, if it is something that "did not exist" thousands of years ago, then the reproduction of "Sweeping" will no longer exist.

Now Liao Yu understood why Freya paid special attention to Versi when she saw her at that time, and even took the initiative to ask about Versi's identity.

Because among the apostles of the Demon King thousands of years ago, there was only the Evil Demon Gu Luodan, not the Apostle of the Flower.

"Wilsi, use the most basic vine entanglement to attack it."

After Liao Yu gave the order, although the elf didn't understand why, he immediately followed it. Emerald green natural magic emerged from the elf's palm and turned into a spell. Then, under the feet of a faceless soldier, vertical vines broke through the ground. He came out and wrapped his legs towards the faceless man.

This move is actually very easy to hide from, especially since the faceless man has light wings on his back and has the ability to fly.

However, what surprised the three apostles, including Wilsey herself, was that such a simple "vine entanglement" spell directly trapped the faceless man's spirit body in the original place. The ground, unable to move.


The faceless man spirit body, which used to be able to fight against the two powerful apostles Hercule and Hill, now seemed like a clumsy novice.

It looked blankly at the vines under its feet that were tightly wrapped around its legs. It just kept struggling with brute force, and even used the lightsaber in its hand to cut off the vines. This was a solution that even the lowest level adventurer could think of. meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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