The hero who saves the world in the first eye, and the devil king in the second eye

Chapter 197 The degree of destruction of this world’s civilization: 63

Chapter 197 The degree of destruction of this world’s civilization: 63%
"This, what is this?"

The three apostles were surprised and happy. No wonder the Demon King was still so calm. It turned out that he had discovered the weakness of this faceless man long ago.

So the weak point is the plants?

"No, it has nothing to do with plants. They were infused with the knowledge of the brave men thousands of years ago by the "Emperor", and gained the skills of the brave men at the cost of losing their identity. But everything has another side. In other words, we just need to take With new powers, these faceless soldiers will be no different from puppets."

After listening to Liao Yu's explanation, the apostles suddenly realized that they could finally let go of their previously fearful and nervous hearts.

After all, let’s talk about the “new power” that is different from that of thousands of years ago.
In fact, there are still quite a few of them.

After letting Weirxi complete the test just now, Liao Yu has already sent orders to the Magic Tower.

Calculating the time, it should be almost there.

Just as Liao Yu was thinking about it, several "rumbling" thunder sounds came from far to near.

Thunderclouds began to fill the sky, and giant purple birds took off from the clouds and mist at the top of the magic tower amid lightning and thunder.

As an apostle of the demon clan, Wilsey is not alone.

The entire elven race is now the apostle race of the demon race.

And this is something that the demons of thousands of years ago never had.

Groups of Chimeras arrived on the battlefield from the air. Scorching fireballs, cold breath and surging thunder condensed from their three heads and sprayed towards the faceless human spirits below.

Under the Chimera's air attack, the spirit warriors were like wooden targets. They didn't know how to defend themselves. They stood there at a loss and were swallowed by the flames. They were frozen into ice sculptures by the cold current and smashed into pieces by the thunderstorm.

This is not over yet.

At the same time, the earth trembled. The ground troops from the elves, the tree demons of the forest holding spears, the druids of the claw who roared for reunion, and the mountain giant who was as tall as a hill and carried an ancient giant tree, Also from the direction of the magic tower, they emerged towards the battlefield and came to support.

If you look carefully, you can find that there are many orcs mixed in among them.

Among them, the three orcs at the front were the most eye-catching, the white fox holding a colorful magic ball, the yellow dog holding high like a scepter, and the ferocious-looking crocodile wielding double blades.

They led the orcs in the rear and charged directly into the enemy's formation.

Those faceless human spirits have no ability to resist at all, because "orcs", like elves, did not exist thousands of years ago. There is nothing in their "brave" records, so naturally they will not be able to deal with it.

This resulted in that the orcs were now so powerful that they were so powerful that they simply dispersed the faceless men's army.

Even though they don't have as many people as the elves, and they don't want to be treated like an apostle like Velxi, the orcs are naturally brutal and warlike, making them a perfect match against faceless men like meaty sandbags, plus there are demons. The tower's resources are used to cultivate and strengthen the orc army. The strength of the orc army must not be underestimated.

In this way, the faceless man spirits, which had been so oppressive before, causing the great demons to retreat steadily, and struggling to support them, now collapsed with the addition of several alien troops.

Taking this opportunity, the injured demon soldiers began to retreat quickly under the protection of the elves and orcs on the front line.

Many white octopuses and bloated rot demons have already been assembled and ready to go under Liao Yu's original order.

They waited in the rear area for a long time in order to pick up these wounded demons.

Needless to say, these milky white octopuses have extremely strong resilience, not only for themselves, but also for other demons.

As for the rot demons, even though they are ugly and unsightly in appearance, they don't know how good they are until they are seriously injured with bleeding, broken arms, or ruptured intestines.

A recent example, a stumbling and dying great demon soldier had a big hole poked out of his chest by the faceless man's lightsaber. He was so seriously injured that he was stitched together by the coming rot demons. Next, it was surprising that such a big wound was treated urgently and the life of this big demon was saved.

After temporarily stabilizing the situation, Liao Yu led the apostles back to the Magic Tower.And here, another group of aliens has also assembled under Liao Yu's order.

Their identities can be known from the extremely excited rat man among them, the cold-blooded girl’s ancestor of the blood race.

Yes, it was the large group of aliens that Liao Yu rescued from Jingshui Prison.

The characteristics of the Faceless Man Legion are destined to prevent the demon army from competing against it. On the contrary, no matter how weak the alien race is, as long as it has not appeared thousands of years ago, it can exert great restraint on the Faceless Man.

Now, it's time for the backup plan that Liao Yu left behind in Jingshui Prison to come into play.

He started to consciously take precautions against this very early on.

Liao Yu assigned them to the intelligent demons, and Leon was responsible for commanding and subdividing them. He used these heterogeneous troops to help other demons scattered in various human countries retreat.

Liao Yu asked the demons to retreat in all directions, not only to protect the demons, but also to protect the local humans who had not been transformed.

Because only in this way can all the faceless man spirits be attracted away by the retreating demons and the battlefield be moved away from the city.

Otherwise, although the faceless men will only target demons, the aftermath of the battle alone will be enough to turn the city into ruins and kill many innocent people.

Thinking of this, Liao Yu clenched his fists.

He thought about sweeping up, and thought that the Emperor would use this ability to create such a group of troops specifically to restrain the demons, but he did not expect that the Emperor could be so ruthless and ruthless, not just a certain team, not a certain legion. Instead, "sweep" is applied to all humans.

The cost of doing this is that tens of millions of human beings will die in an instant and become faceless puppets called "braves".

But don't forget.

Most of these "faceless people" were just ordinary people.

Even if they are instilled with the fighting skills of brave men, it is useless if they have no skills and no strength.

Therefore, there must be a huge source of power in the distance to supply them, so that they can become what they are now, pseudo-brave warriors who have great restraint against demons.

And this "energy source" obviously only has one left in the world.

Liao Yu took over a certain projection screen that Dadaya urgently sent.

That was the strange state of the empire that Jumo observed from afar.

It can be seen from the projection that the entire empire territory is now shrouded in dazzling light.

This kind of light is exactly the same as that of those faceless people.

In other words.
That emperor used the entire empire as fuel, burning everything from the people of the empire to supply these transformed faceless soldiers within the demon clan.

Liao Yu turned off the projection.

This is not about injuring the enemy by one thousand and damaging yourself by eight hundred.

Liao Yu opened another panel of his.

The fate of the devil.

After he quickly conquered three-fifths of the world with his blitzkrieg, and tried his best to protect human civilization, it was still only 25% [destruction rate]. Now the value has soared to
[The "destruction degree" of this world's civilization (humanity) has currently reached: 63%]

(End of this chapter)

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