Chapter 198 Millennium Reincarnation
The more this kind of moment happens, the less likely you are to lose your composure.

Liao Yu carefully recalled the key clue that connected everything - insect eggs.

When he first encountered the insect eggs, it was also when he came into contact with the human world. He and the wise demon Leon speculated that the Zerg may have taken advantage of the gap between humans and demons in the war and both sides suffered losses, and took advantage of the opportunity to enter and parasitize the human world.

However, subsequent investigations revealed that the Zerg were the victims. The parasitism of all humans was intentional and came from the Emperor's handiwork. The Zerg was one of the many world races destroyed by the Emperor.

Liao Yu was very surprised at that time, why did the emperor do this?Why destroy other races?

It wasn't until he arrived in Jingshui Prison that he understood the truth from the mouths of the remnants of the alien race.

This plane has always been sick.

As long as a certain ethnic group continues to evolve unchecked, the end point will be more terrifying than self-destruction. It will be degraded by its own magic power into some kind of weird monster, and will be called by the ancestor of the blood race - the descendant of the evil god.

The reason why the various races on the plane have always been in peace and harmony is because the existence of "demons" has greatly restricted the independent evolution of each world. Whenever there are signs of mutation and degeneration, they will be destroyed by the demons. Destruction in advance, strangled in the cradle.

But this balance was broken in the millennium.

Humanity defeated the demons.

The restraint that prevented other races from "evolving" disappeared.

If we continue to let things go like this, before long, all races will undergo crazy evolution and reach the end of degeneration, becoming the descendants of the evil god, just like the tragedy of the blood race.

The Emperor was undoubtedly aware of this.

Because from the great sage's notes, Liao Yu saw some fragments of past images.

The starting point of this "fallen disaster" was none other than my fellow warriors.

That's why the first-generation Radiant Saint, Freya, was also the Emperor, who took action.

She chose to take the role of the demon.

He even did it more decisively and simply than the demons.

The ancestor of the blood race in Stillwater Prison, Louise told herself about the past.

The emperor thousands of years ago spread the alliance initiative to other races in the plane and deceived all the kings of other races into the human world.

Because humans defeated the "evil" demons, almost no alien king would refuse the emperor, so they all came to the scene.

But what awaited them was a massacre.

Through this false alliance, the Emperor wiped out all the kings of most foreign races. It seems that he also used some secret method to rely on the souls of those kings to seal the corresponding destiny paths of their races and cut them off ever since. All races want to evolve.

However, this is not just for foreigners.

Even internally, the Emperor's own human race was like this.

Liao Yu recalled the notes taken by the second prince.

The Emperor chose to use "worm eggs" to control and monitor humanity.

As long as there are sages, scholars, elites, geniuses, etc. who may lead human progress, the eggs in their bodies will release some kind of pheromones.

In this way, the Emperor can truly curb human civilization by strangling those who may become "protagonists" among humans before they have grown up and left the Novice Village. , which created the phenomenon of human beings being "declined" thousands of years later, as he saw when he first arrived.

At this point, what Liao Yu thought was the truth and the complete picture of what happened thousands of years ago.

But now it seems.

The Emperor is much more than that.

Even the second prince should have been kept in the dark. Perhaps the glorious saint who came to him to pretend to negotiate was right.

The insect eggs were just a disguise put on the table to deceive him, the devil.

The Emperor's true purpose is to use insect eggs to plant a deeper "radiance" into all human beings.

And what she was waiting for might be this moment.

Only by using the demons to activate the "sweeping" program can all humans be successfully transformed into faceless spirits.

In other words.
The emperor's real purpose was to treat the alien races in other worlds just like she did before.

She didn't just want to use the faceless men, these spiritual soldiers who were instilled with the knowledge of her own "brave", to destroy the demon clan.

She wants more
Destroy all mankind.

"King, we must stop that madman on the throne! This is more important than everything else right now!"

When Liao Yu finished closing his eyes in meditation and opened his eyes, he looked at Leon below. From the eyes of the wise demon, there was no need for both sides to say anything, and Leon completely understood it all.

Intelligent Demon knows very well that if the Emperor is left alone, dragged by the Faceless Men, and trapped in such a quagmire of war, then there will only be fewer and fewer humans in the world.

Once the quantity and quality of the human race drops to a certain critical value, the Demon King will be forced to disappear by the power of the "Summoning Contract".

Then, after losing the Demon King, even if there is only one Emperor left in mankind, can they still face it?
Leon believed that it must not be possible.

Just like a thousand years ago, mankind was just a brave man, and he wiped out the Demon King and the nine apostles, causing their disastrous defeat.

Leon had a very strong premonition.The emperor of mankind today will only be stronger, not weaker, than the brave man from thousands of years ago.

"King, don't worry and leave the magic tower and the rear to us."

"In the name of the wise demon apostle "Leon", I will do my best to minimize the losses and buy time for the king! "

"So do we, King!"

Leon spoke, the great demon Hercule, the sword demon Arpad, the shadow demon Hill, the rot demon Alice, the magic demon Dadaya, and the white octopus Urala waving tentacles.

The seven "old" apostles swore an oath in front of Liao Yu.

Due to the legion of faceless men, the older generation of apostles would only become a burden if they followed Liao Yu to kill the emperor.

The "brave knowledge" back then had already figured them out.

Therefore, there are only two people who can go with Liao Yu, fight against the empire together, and assist the demon king in fighting against the emperor.

Liao Yu shook his head after a brief hesitation.

He ordered in a deep voice:

"I already know your determination, but Wilsey, you also need to stay."

"If I want to unleash the full power of the elves, I still need you, the Flower Apostle, to be present. With you here, I can truly feel at ease."

Seeing that Leon was the first to frown and was about to persuade him, Liao Yu raised his hand to indicate that there was no need to discuss it further.

The current apostles are simply worried that without the main force of the elves, it will be difficult for them to fight against the emperor.

Liao Yu smiled and said, "Why, don't you believe me?"

Leon hesitated to speak.

But in the end, he lowered his head and obeyed the devil's arrangement. When the other apostles saw this, they stopped trying to persuade him.

They all understood that this was the Demon King devoting his strength to protect them.

After all, the faceless spirits are the most restrained ones of the older generation. Even if they are just defending, it is not that easy. And with the addition of Wilsy, ​​judging from the previous examples, it will definitely be difficult. The pressure will be greatly reduced.

So Wilxi said no more. The silver-haired elf just pursed her lips, but there was still unconcealable worry in her eyes as she looked at Liao Yu.

After all, it would be the opposite if the elves stayed on the defensive.
The Demon King who went to fight against the Emperor was missing a powerful helper.

When Liao Yu looked at the last apostle present, the apostle's determined eyes did not waver in the slightest.

Even if you have to look at Liao Yu, you must answer Liao Yu with a look that "doesn't accept any orders."


The only person in front of me who can follow Liao Yu to fight against the emperor, besides Velxi, is the succubus apostle Elena.

Although he inherited the apostle status of "Succubus".

But Elena is a new generation.

The previous succubus had also tested it on her own, and those faceless man spirits were indeed at a loss when it came to her attacks, not knowing how to resist.

In fact, Liao Yu wanted Elena to stay on defense as well.

He could go to the Empire and face the Emperor alone.

Judging from the posture of the succubus and the same tough attitude of the other apostles - they don't need help, the succubus must protect the king.

Liao Yu finally stopped being stubborn.

He looked into the succubus's pink eyes and stretched out his hand: "Elena, can I borrow your power?"

"She will always belong to you, King." The succubus reached out without hesitation, interlocked her fingers, and held Liao Yu tightly. Just like her determination, no one could separate her from the King except death.

Elena stood beside Liao Yu. At this point, all arrangements have been completed.

Liao Yu took out the Star Spirit Crystal from his arms, and the slate "map", one of the warrior's relics, was suspended in front of Liao Yu. Then, under the power of the Star Spirit Crystal, Liao Yu communicated with the nearest "anchor point" to the empire. "Send transmission.

The rest of the apostles who stayed in the magic tower saw the figure of the Demon King and the Succubus apostle quickly disappearing in the teleportation array. This scene actually made many old apostles feel a sense of familiarity in their hearts.

This scene is so similar to what it was thousands of years ago.

In the end, the only ones who faced the brave man were the Demon King and the Succubus Apostle.

It's like reincarnation.

But this time.
Leon was the first to look away, turned around resolutely, and fulfilled his duty to fulfill his oath to the Demon King. He tried his best to delay the faceless legions behind him, slow down the rate of human destruction, and buy time for the King.

And he also believed that the king would not break the agreement.

The ending of the demons this time
We will never repeat the mistakes of thousands of years.

(End of this chapter)

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