Chapter 200 The Last Brave Relic

Elena smiled.

She looked at the Emperor as if he were a fool.

"Are you trying to instigate me? Or do you think I'm an idiot enough to believe a piece of nonsense coming from a human mouth?"

The young succubus always spoke like this.

No matter the identity of the other party.

But the Emperor didn't seem to mind. It might be that she had already lost interest in the worldly things. Faced with Elena's ridicule, the Emperor still shook his head calmly.

"Recall, do the kings of your demon clan in the past generations rarely speak. Have the so-called demon kings really cared about you apostles? Among the nine apostles, the demon kings in the past will always only focus on you. We succubus clan, is this really the loyalty of your love? No, all of this is nothing more than the rules of the plane restricting those "descendants". "

"The "Adventers" have no other choice except you succubi. Fate has given the "Adventors" powerful power, but it also restricts the "Adventors"'s behavior. "

"It's like the Demon King's goal is always to lead the Demons to destroy the current world, but not to find other ways out for the Demons."

"It's like the Demon King has unparalleled power, but he can't hurt you apostles at all. It's like except for you, the succubus clan, the other eight apostles will never change."

In fact, don’t look at Elena’s disdain at the beginning.

But in fact, the emperor's words still had some influence on the succubus's heart.

Because it is exactly what the Emperor said.

In the history of the demon clan, it was more often the "wisdom demons" who gave orders instead of the demon king, who was mostly a profound and silent image.

What's more, many of the Demon King's thoughts are not expressed by the Demon King himself.

Instead, the wise demon often "guesses and deliberates" first, and then asks the devil if it is correct. The devil just nods and shakes his head to make the final decision.

Not to mention the Demon King's feelings for the other apostles.

Apart from work and combat, he had almost no interaction with other apostles.

This is why, despite so many generations of demon kings, except for the succubus apostles, the other eight apostles are almost all very indifferent to this, and there is no such thing as "reluctance" at all.

The Demon King is at best a cold airborne boss.

Only towards the succubus clan will some "emotions" be shown.

Elena and the other eight apostles had never thought deeply about this before.

It was only now that the emperor pointed it out that Elena had a faint feeling that something was wrong.

If the "Demon King" of this term is like this, then maybe the succubus will really waver a little and reveal its flaws.

It is a pity.

Her Demon King, the new king of this term, has denied everything before.

The Demon King has taken the lead from the beginning, and even the Wisdom Demon can only catch up with the King's thoughts by constantly thinking.

As for caring about the apostle and the relationship with the apostle, Elena has seen with her own eyes that Alice has been in the form of a little girl for the king. The magic demon often discusses magic with the king. Since the arrival of the big demon and the sword demon, After the initial sparring, he has always admired the king's martial arts.

As for Hill, huh, that stinky old woman pretending to be young, Elena's teeth are itching just thinking about it. This is the only thing she feels a little emotional about. After defeating the emperor and the demon race, she must teach Hill a lesson. This sneaky bastard.

And evil spirits.
"Haha, if Gu Luodan hears these words from you, I'm afraid he will die in silence." For Elena, she never felt that Liao Yu was some kind of descendant from the emperor's "bewitchment" before, but that he was flesh and blood. Truly, the greatest demon king.

On the other side, the emperor, who had been very calm just now, finally changed his mood after Elena's words.

First, there was a hatred for the name "Guluodan".

Even after a thousand years and after so much, the Emperor still has such hatred for Ancient Lordan, which is enough to show what the evil spirits did during the war between humans and demons.

But soon, the emperor adjusted back. Although she was wearing a golden mask and could not see her expression clearly, the emperor's confusion could still be seen from some micro movements of her body.

She didn't understand why Elena suddenly mentioned evil spirits.

And never die in peace?

Seeing this, the succubus suddenly relaxed a lot and was not as nervous as before.

It turns out that the Emperor is not as omniscient and omnipotent as he seems, and he knows many inside stories. At least he doesn't even know that the evil demon has died or that the apostles have been replaced.

Elena had no intention of explaining herself to the Emperor.

But the emperor, who had sensed something was wrong, immediately closed her eyes, as if she was sensing something. When she opened her eyes again, she could clearly see surprise in the only pair of eyes exposed under the mask.

"who is she!?"

As the emperor said this, he immediately projected an image over the hall. In the screen, a heroic and powerful silver-haired female elf was leading the elves to fight against the army of faceless men and spirits.

Although they were far apart, the emperor, who was extremely familiar with the demon clan, could see a certain quality in this silver-haired female elf at a glance, which should only belong to the "apostle".But the problem is that the emperor is very sure that among the nine apostles of the demon clan, there is absolutely no such silver-haired female elf.

According to her previous theory of "Adventors", except for succubi, it should be impossible for the existing apostles to be replaced after the demons begin to invade other worlds.

Let alone.

"Elf? An elf became an apostle!?" From the voice, you can imagine the emperor's frown under the mask.

"Her name is Wei Erxi, she is the last princess of the elves and a demon."

Liao Yu paused for a moment, then stared at the emperor and said word by word: "The sixth apostle."

For the Emperor, there was no one who was most memorable to her than the sixth apostle, because that was none other than the evil apostle who caused her the most pain during the war between humans and demons a thousand years ago, Gu Luodan.


"This is impossible."

The emperor said it twice in a row. She was particularly shocked and stared at Liao Yu.

"Did you do it? Aren't you an Adventer? No, that's not right. Only fellow "Adventors" can use "His" relics. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the fact that you are an "Adventer". "

"But why.
The emperor murmured to himself, but soon returned to his previous calmness. There might have been some mistake, but as long as the core point remained unchanged, the Demon King was still the descendant, that was enough.

"Having said all that, you are here to stop me, right?"

"I think as the Demon King, you should also realize that if you continue to let me consume humans like this, you will soon disappear under the "rules". This is why you are so anxious to come to me. "

"But have you ever thought that I, the Emperor, as the leader of all humans and the strongest among humans, once you kill me, humanity, which is now in danger, can still support you to continue to exist as the "Demon King" ? "

Elena is actually worried about this too.

Now being exposed by the emperor, looking at the other party's seemingly fearless appearance, the succubus said in a cold voice: "Then let's seal you completely like the brave men did to us back then!"

"Really? It seems that you really like him. Yes, I can understand you. I was the same as you back then."

The succubus was willing to let herself go, not kill herself, and put in more effort to seal it in order to keep the demon king. The emperor shook his head, as if it had touched her, leaving only some beautiful memories in the deepest part.

Unfortunately, memories are just memories after all.

Sometimes, if it is happiness and beauty that is destined to be lost, it may be better to never have contact with it.

It's like if you've never seen the sun.

Then she wouldn't be as afraid of the dark as she is now.

"Thank you for being willing to talk so much with me."

"What I just said may be more than what I have said in the past thousand years. I also know the reason why you have not taken the initiative to attack me. You want to use dialogue to test me and find out what is in me. What is a "brave relic", right? "

Elena didn't say anything openly.

But actually my heart sank.

Because the emperor was completely right.

She was not in that mood, and she was still chatting with the Emperor here. What Elena hoped was to lure the Emperor to talk more by herself. As long as the other party talked more, the Demon King next to her would be able to gain With more information, we may be able to find clues and open up a breakthrough for the subsequent battle.

But it seems that her little thoughts have been clearly understood by the emperor.

Not even that
"The relic you want to know about is right here."

The emperor raised a scepter next to the armrest of her seat and discovered that the scepter was just a shell. What was really wrapped inside was a holy sword that shone with a strange light.

Caressing the holy sword with her hands, Elena below actually saw the word gentleness on the emperor's body. The gentle caressing movement that focused and obsessed on the holy sword was definitely not an act.

But soon, the blade of the sword turned, and the aura corresponding to the emperor's body quickly increased, becoming cold, decisive, ruthless and even a bit crazy.

The radiance from the holy sword suddenly enveloped the hall. The power of this light made Elena's skin tingle, and she had to raise her hands to block it. However, the succubus still protected Liao Yu behind her, and her whole body was on guard. Are you always ready to respond to the Emperor's next attack?

and many more.

She, what is she going to do! ?

Elena went from being astonished by the Emperor's powerful aura, to confusion, and finally to disbelief and astonishment now.

Because I saw the emperor sitting on the golden throne holding the holy sword that had reached its peak power. The next choice was not to point the sword at them.

Aimed at herself.

The tip of the holy sword was only an inch away from the emperor's heart. By the time Elena reacted and tried to stop it, it was already over.

(End of this chapter)

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