Chapter 201 The Last Brave Relic

The emperor didn't hesitate at all. It was as if he used all his strength to send the holy sword in his hand directly past his heart.

The rich holy light penetrated the emperor's chest in an instant, and at the same time, large amounts of purple blood stained the emperor's robes.

The swaying emperor fell from the golden throne.

It seems to announce the fall of mankind.

The emperor rolled down, his clothes were messy. It was only then that he saw clearly that there was no human form in the emperor. It was clear that under the thick emperor's robe, he was already a bloated and mutated flesh and blood monster, the same as the one in Stillwater Prison. He saw the same thing and became the heir of the evil god.

The only difference may be that although the Emperor's appearance has been alienated by corruption, he still retains his sanity.

"You, you crazy person!!"

When the sluggish Elena came to her senses and felt the Emperor lying on the ground, dying, with his vitality draining rapidly, her heart was broken, and the succubus was going crazy at this moment.

"King! King!!"

As the emperor said before.

If you want to keep the Demon King, the Emperor cannot kill him. At least at this juncture, the Emperor cannot die. Otherwise, a large number of humans would have been transformed into faceless men. And if the Emperor dies again, it comes from the "rules" Under this judgment, the human civilization in this world has been destroyed, and the "Devil King" will disappear accordingly.

Elena could see Liao Yu's body fading little by little, and as expected, the connection between her and the Demon King also disappeared along with the emperor's vitality.

"Is this what you want?! Do you want to take the entire human race to achieve your revenge!!"

Facing the crazy succubus, in the pool of blood, only the emperor with a vaguely human face remained. This flesh and blood monster remained silent and closed his eyes, as if quietly waiting for death and welcoming die.

And Elena could only watch this happen, without any way to stop it.

For the demons, this was undoubtedly a victory. The Emperor was over, humanity was completely destroyed, and their revenge was complete.

This is not called revenge.

What’s the point of a world without the Demon King? !

Summon a new king?
Do not!
No no no no! ! !

no way!

She Elena will never accept any new king!no way!No!

But the demon clan cannot live without its king
What if the other apostles insist on continuing the new summoning ceremony?
kill them.
kill everyone
The king will always belong to Lord Liao Yu!
If there must be a new king, then she will be that new king!She will temporarily replace Master Liao Yu and continue to rule the demon clan, and then, then, she will

Without Lord Liao Yu, the demon clan would have no meaning of existence!Go to hell!Go to hell! !

Something similar to "black mud" gradually appeared on Elena, who was on the verge of "going berserk" at this moment.

Following Elena's out-of-control spirit, the succubus's originally fair skin began to show strange black striped tattoos. It was an extremely evil pattern that would make people uncomfortable at first sight.

The emperor, who had closed his eyes before and waited for death, now opened his eyes again and looked at the succubus who was now being "transformed" with sympathy, pity, and even a sad expression.

She has said that Elena is very similar to her.

Even after losing the "Adventurer", his behavior was exactly the same, so familiar.

"Feel sorry."

The Emperor made a weak sound with an extremely weak voice. This was speaking from the heart, because she had experienced it personally, so she also understood how Elena felt at this moment.

But for the succubus who had gone berserk and lost his mind, this was like adding fuel to the fire.

As if her whole body had been shrouded in a large "black mist" and filled with evil patterns, Elena vented her endless anger on the emperor.

"Go to hell! Die! Go to hell!!"

The thorn whip made of black mud was about to hit the emperor's head.

Finally, another voice that had been "silent" for a long time sounded at this moment.

"Elena, it's not over yet."

"She was deliberately provoking you. If you did, you fell into the trap."

Now following the decline of the emperor's vitality, Liao Yu, who was about to disappear, came to the emperor and stopped Elena.

The only one who can stop the rampaging succubus right now is Liao Yu.

Liao Yu's voice made Elena wake up slightly.The black mist on her body also dissipated a little, and the looming evil lines on her body dimmed unwillingly.

"Yes, we can't kill her, but she has, wait, I know! Wang, you must have a way to save her, right! Right! It must be so!"

Elena grasped at straws of hope.

Liao Yu nodded first, then shook his head.

"Elena, thank you. If it weren't for the thinking time you helped me buy, I would have really let the Emperor succeed."

"But now words"

"Emperor, I already understand your true plan. Your death is not the end, but the beginning of everything, right?"

The Emperor remained unmoved with his eyes closed.

Liao Yu came to the holy sword that penetrated her chest.

"Using the holy sword to disguise that relic, are you still trying to paralyze me until the end? But in fact, I know that from the time you started to transform all mankind, from the time you started to destroy mankind, I understood that your final trump card is what."

"You have already created a certain archive at another node. I guess it was before humans were transformed. No, maybe it was earlier. A few months ago, when the demons had not yet arrived? What the descendant said is a little bit It’s hard to understand, but to put it in layman’s terms, it means going back in time and space.”

"Your biggest trump card, and also your strongest relic of the brave, is this - time and space retrieval."

As Liao Yu spoke, he reached out and touched the holy sword on the emperor's chest. Correspondingly, the holy sword itself did not respond to Liao Yu. Instead, there was an inconspicuous stone in the groove of the sword's hilt. Suddenly there was a flash of light.

"So as long as you destroy me in this time and space, after you load the file, it will still be effective even if you go back to the past time and space? It means that the demons will not be able to summon the demon king, right?"

"In this way, you can easily eliminate the demons, allowing humans to completely eliminate the biggest threat without spending a single soldier or killing anyone."

At the end, Liao Yu sighed.

Finally, he put his hand on her head, the ugly and twisted face of the emperor that had mutated into a "blood heir", and then Liao Yu leaned down and spoke in a voice that only the two of them could hear. The voice whispered softly:
"After thousands of years, you still haven't changed, Freya."

The Emperor's eyes shot open.

Can't stand it anymore.

Her eyes widened and her pupils trembled. She realized something, but it was already too late.

Liao Yu's palm touched the "Philosopher's Stone" of the holy sword.

At that moment, everything around him seemed to have stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the spattered blood began to retreat back to its original place, and the emperor, who had committed suicide and rolled off the throne, began to be forcibly restored.

To be precise, it should be.

Except for Liao Yu, the time of everyone is going backwards.

This is the strongest relic.

It is also the player’s strongest ability in the game, rollback.

At the last moment when he was about to be forced to "go back in time and space", the emperor still stared at Liao Yu, filled with countless converging emotions.

Freya was convinced that the descendants did have similar relics, but there was only one thing that was absolutely "exclusive" to each descendant.

That is the only "special" relic.

is unique.

It is absolutely unusable by other "Adventors".

That is, the Philosopher's Stone.

Because what is preserved here is memories, precious memories, and proof of the existence of "Adventors". Even the new "Adventors" will never be able to use this relic.

From the moment Liao Yu touched the stone, Freya's dominance disappeared, and the emperor finally became a member who will be "retrospected".

The retroactive power of the Philosopher's Stone eventually swallowed up everything.

The gray light, centered on Liao Yu who retained the "color", flooded Freya, Elena, the empire, and the entire world.

(End of this chapter)

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