Chapter 202 You wake up, brave man

"Lord Saint, did we really find the wrong person?" A questioning young male voice sounded.

"Yes, with his appearance, is he really the prophesied Son of Destiny? Any random Templar in the Temple of Glory would be more powerful than him, right?" Another man also agreed.

The male voice at the beginning continued to persuade:

"Furthermore, Lady Saint, I also secretly investigated his background. This boy was so bold and blinded by Slaanesh before that he dared to set his mind on the Count's daughter in an attempt to taint her!"

"Now Count Nicholas outside is wanted all over the territory. He is sending a large number of people to catch this kid! If we forcefully protect this kid, it is tantamount to going against a big noble. Although We at the Glory Temple are not afraid either, but is it really worth it?"

The "unfamiliar" voice outside the door has come to an end for the time being.

To be precise, he was interrupted.

What sounded next was another soft female voice that gave Liao Yu a "feeling of familiarity."

"Matthew, Tabor, I am very convinced that he is the man of destiny chosen by the brilliance, and he is the only brave man who can save us all in the "catastrophe" in the future."

"Maybe he still looks weak and immature now, but I believe that he will be able to grow up in the future and shoulder the burden of mankind. It is for this reason that we are needed now to help him grow up next. On the road, helping him, protecting him, and leading him on the right track.”

Although the crisp female voice was soft, there was firmness in her tone.

"Regarding Earl's wanted Tabur, I believe there must be some misunderstanding. When the brave man wakes up, I will ask him clearly."

"If he is really at fault, I will accompany him to find Count Nicholas again to help them resolve their conflicts and apologize."

Upon hearing the woman's words, the two men who were supposed to be followers suddenly became more impatient.

"What! Holy Lady, you still want to accompany him in person to apologize? This, this is too..."

"Okay, there's no need to talk about this anymore."

"Matthew, we don't have enough firewood for cooking medicine. Can you please go to the forest outside to cut some? And Tabur, can you please go to the perimeter to strengthen the sentry? Before the brave man wakes up, we We have to try our best to avoid the count’s hunting forces.”


After a brief silence.

"I know, I know, Holy Lady." There was also some other emotion in her unwilling voice.

The footsteps of the two followers leaving were getting farther and farther away.

It was completely quiet outside.

Next came the slight sound of the door opening.

There was a sound of very cautious footsteps, quietly appearing in the house, gradually approaching him.

Someone sat beside the bed.

A light body fragrance like jasmine quickly drifts into the tip of the nose.

The other party used a wet towel and began to wipe his forehead gently, but his soft fingers always accidentally touched his face. It could be seen that the other party was not good at taking care of others, and his movements were a little clumsy.

More and more consciousness is returning.

Liao Yu's scattered consciousness gradually regrouped.

at last.

He opened his eyes.

The first thing that caught his eye was a pure and pretty girl. Although she was wearing ordinary civilian clothes, she could not hide her holy aura, as if she were a goddess descending to earth.

And this girl, after a brief moment of staring blankly at Liao Yu, who suddenly opened his eyes, she suddenly became happy when she realized what she was doing, and her slightly immature face was filled with a smile of surprise.

What followed was her excited voice.

"Great! You woke up, Lord Brave!"

Liao Yu sat up from the bed with support. Although he regained consciousness, his thoughts were still a little confused.

When the girl saw this, she understood very well and quickly helped Liao Yu to lean against the bed.

"That...that first meeting! My name is Freya, and I am the current saint of the Temple of Glory. When we found you, you were covered in injuries and fell unconscious in the wild. Fortunately, we caught up in time."

"Don't worry, you are safe now. I have applied herbal medicine to all the injuries on your body. They should be healed soon. Then, what else should I say at this time? Ah! Sorry, sorry!"

"Anyway, can you tell me your name first, brave man?"

Liao Yu stared at the person sitting next to the bed. Now he felt uneasy, his eyes were lowered, and his hands with nowhere to rest were secretly entangled under the chair. After the initial surprise and excitement of seeing him wake up, he immediately turned to the stranger. She was very nervous, and she looked like a socially fearful saint.

Liao Yu took a long breath.

".Liao Yu."

As the name came out, light suddenly flashed on Liao Yu's right hand, and an illusory stone appeared faintly. It was the Philosopher's Stone that brought the ability to return to time and space.

The Philosopher's Stone seemed to flicker for a moment before returning to Liao Yu's body.

During the whole process, the girl opposite showed no reaction at all.It's like not being able to see the Philosopher's Stone at all.

Only Liao Yu could detect these changes.

After getting Liao Yu's name, Freya began to explain the causes and consequences to Liao Yu.

It turned out that during a recent prayer, as a saint, she received enlightenment from the radiance and foresaw an unprecedented disaster that was about to come to this world.

Freya didn't know exactly what the catastrophe was, but she saw the devastation of life under the catastrophe, the devastated land, and a destroyed doomsday world.

Fortunately, in the deep despair of the future, she still found a glimmer of hope, and that person
"It's you, Lord Liao Yu!"

"You are the son of destiny, the brave man of the future. You shoulder the important task of saving the world. I, Freya, and the entire Glory Temple, for the future of the world, please accept this mission. In the next game In the catastrophe, help mankind, turn the tide, and save the world!"

Speaking of the last word, Freya cast an extremely sincere look at Liao Yu.

The sunshine outside the window seemed to be particularly bright at this moment, turning into radiance and shining on the girl, making her already holy and pure face even more beautiful, touching, and pitiful, making it difficult to refuse.

And Liao Yu.
Liao Yu shook his head.

"Sorry, can you leave me alone for a while?"

"Ah, okay, okay, I understand. I'm sorry. I understand this is very abrupt. I was too anxious. The recovery of the brave man is the most important thing now. I will always be waiting outside. Do you need anything or anything? If you want to ask anything, you can call me anytime.”

Freya forced a smile on her face.

You can see a little loss and darkness in the girl's blue eyes.

She quickly exited the room and closed the door. After only Liao Yu was left alone again, Liao Yu now leaned against the edge of the bed, closed his eyes, and quickly sorted out all the memories and information.

First of all.

The self in the previous scene saw through the Emperor's plan and intercepted it in advance before the Emperor activated the "backtracking" ability of the "Philosopher's Stone".

But the specific time point to which it was "retrospected" was set by the emperor, and he didn't know it at that time.

Liao Yu guessed that the "save point" set by the emperor should be when the second week of demons just arrived.

The result was unexpected.
The emperor's "save point" was much earlier than he thought at the time.

It was.
Belong to your own weekly "brave" period! ?

To be more precise, it is the first time the game assigns itself a "main mission".

as well
The first time he met Freya, the radiant saint.

it is good.

The first "lookback time point" that needs to be confirmed has been completed.

So the second most important thing
Judging from Freya's appearance, the saint who was simple, timid, and had some clear and stupid attributes obviously had no resemblance to the emperor who was able to "destroy humanity" a thousand years ago.

In other words, Freya was completely regressed.

Look at yourself again.

It goes without saying that the memory is preserved.

More importantly.
Liao Yu opened his own panel.

【Liao Yu】

[Main Life Track - Demon King]

[Secondary Life Track I: Nature]

[Secondary Life Track II: Brave (not yet activated)]

[Currently wearing title: Son of Destiny]

【Quality: Ultimate】

[Equipment effect: As a child of destiny, the upper limit of your secondary life track is +2, and your "attribute growth rate" is increased to S+]

[Current attribute values—strength: S+, physique: S+, mental strength: S+, skill: S+, spell power: S+]

[Currently activated life track effects - "I-hundred times reward return", "II-ignore any props/weapons/spell applicable conditions", "III-own attribute value increased by 100%, effect hit increased by 100%, violent The hit rate is 100%, and immunity means death. "VI-Your spells no longer consume magic power]

[Current character level.]




(End of this chapter)

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