Chapter 203: People are in Novice Village, level 99

The bad news was traced directly back to "the place where the dream began."

The good news is that not only the memory, but also everything from the "Devil King" was inherited by Er Zhoumu.

Liao Yu put away the panel.

In fact, he had been somewhat aware of this since he was still lying on the bed.

His perception is extremely amazing.

I can keenly capture the conversations outside the door, and even the mood swings of the interlocutors.

This is not found in the "story" of the game.

That's right.

Now I am not only going back to the beginning of the game.

Even the plot that develops is exactly the same as in the game.

Before meeting Freya, that is, before entering the official main line of "Salvation", the game also has a brief prologue. Players will be randomly assigned to different starts to help players enter this world.

Liao Yu's random start was that he was born into a down-and-out aristocratic family.

Because of her family's financial difficulties, the count's daughter, who was kissed as a child, planned to regret her marriage.

Of course, he chose to divorce his wife first, and as a result, he immediately turned against the earl. For the sake of his daughter's reputation, the earl slandered and vilified himself, and gave him false evidence of guilt. At the same time, he issued a wanted notice and sent people to hunt him down.

Liao Yu remembered that at the end of the prologue, the count hired a fifth-level archmage to kill him.

At that time, he was only in his twenties and thirties.

Can't beat it at all.

It's just a matter of plot.

In order to survive, he had no choice but to keep running away. The injuries on his body became more and more serious, and since he couldn't get supplies, he didn't dare to stop. So in the end, he fainted from serious injuries and passed out on the roadside.

Afterwards, he connected with what Freya said to him before.

He was rescued by the Radiant Saint.

At the same time, he was told by the saint his mission and identity, and the responsibilities he would have to shoulder in the future.

From then on, I embarked on a completely different path.

The road to salvation.

From here, the real game officially begins.

If he hadn't stopped the Emperor.

At this point in time, the person who possesses all the memories and power after a thousand years should be Freya.

And if it is just to destroy the demons and save mankind,
The Emperor should obviously have a better "save point".

For example, just go back to the day when the demons came. With the strength of the emperor a thousand years later, the demon king and the nine apostles would probably be no match together, and whether there would be a "demon king" at this time is still a question mark.

The problem came back.

So the past that the Emperor wants to return to, why is it here.

Is it because at this time, as an "adventurer", oneself has not grown up yet?

Would this make it easier for the Emperor who wanted to eradicate the "Adventors" to kill him?

Liao Yu quickly shook his head in denial.

He was indeed very weak at this period, only over level 20, but when the demons came, he had indeed grown a lot, almost reaching the sixty level mark.

But the problem is that for an emperor who has relied on "insect eggs" to parasitize and absorbed thousands of years of human magic, he may also be contaminated with the power of evil gods. I am afraid that the emperor is already level 99.
Is there any difference between a hero who is over level 20 and a hero who is over level 60?

Obviously not.

They are all ants that can be crushed with one finger.

The only difference may be that
dong dong dong.
A knock on the door pulled Liao Yu out of his thoughts.

The door was gently opened a small crack, and Freya could be seen through the crack. At this moment, Freya was standing cautiously at the door holding a still steaming soup in her hands, which was obviously freshly cooked.

"Hug, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I disturbed the brave man, but it's better to drink this medicine while it's hot. I'm afraid it'll get cold, so, can I come in? I'll put the medicine on the table and go out immediately. !”

"It's okay, come in."

With Liao Yu's permission, Freya breathed a sigh of relief, revealing her two happy dimples. She took small steps and brought the hot soup to Liao Yu little by little.

But when I was putting it away, maybe accidentally, my finger accidentally touched the edge of the medical pot. I immediately felt like I was burned. I quickly retracted my hand and subconsciously blew on my finger several times.After blowing, she realized that Liao Yu was still beside her. Freya's fair and tender face instantly turned red, and she lowered her head shyly. It was obvious that she wanted to find a seam to penetrate.

"I'm sorry, I, I don't usually do this. This is the first time like this."

"Thank you."

"Well, then I won't disturb the brave man, I will go out first."

Freya, who made a bit of a fool of herself, just wanted to escape quickly.

But Liao Yu stopped her directly.

"Wait a minute, I've almost finished thinking about what you said earlier and can give you an answer."

"Really, really! Lord Brave! You."

"I am willing."

Liao Yu said and took Freya's hand.

The overly excited Saint was still immersed in the joy of Liao Yu finally agreeing, and waited for several seconds before she came to her senses, but by then Liao Yu had already let go.

Freya didn't think much about it, just regarded it as a handshake between partners and the establishment of a bond.

I don't even know if it was her imagination.

Even my slightly burned fingers no longer hurt at all.

"Excellent, Lord Brave! Then let's set off now and collect the holy objects before the catastrophe strikes!" Freya was very anxious because she had foreseen such a doomsday and wanted to urge Liao Yu.

But for Liao Yu


Everything in the past is still the same as history, and it has not changed at all from the plot I experienced.

The same is true in games.

After she accepts the accusation of being a "brave", Freya, as the officially designated heroine, will transform into a guide, assigning herself brave tasks step by step, and helping her advance the main storyline.

Why the emperor, a thousand years later, can understand the role of so many relics of the brave is because these former relics are all Freya, the saint who accompanied him, the brave, and they worked together to find and gather them one by one. of.

In the eyes of Liao Yu, who was a "player" at the time, Freya was just a "tool person" character, a female guide in a bad street setting, and she had no attraction to him at all.

He is more immersed in the exploration of the open world, finding branch lines, visiting secret realms, opening treasure chests, smashing cans, gun vehicles, breaking into mansions, stealing heirlooms, and recruiting new partners to join the team.

As for the main plot and the saint.
He had already thrown it aside. He had no choice but to do it after being forced to trigger it.

Liao Yu took another deep breath.

He seemed to understand now why the Emperor wanted to go back here.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

"But before that, if I remember correctly, we have to deal with a little trouble first."

Hearing that the brave man was willing to cooperate with her, Freya finally felt relieved and her face was extremely happy.

But what Liao Yu said later made the girl confused again.

Little trouble?
If memory serves me right?
What's the meaning.

At this moment, commotion and footsteps came from outside the hut where they were, and Freya immediately became nervous.

She quickly ran to the bedside, opened the curtain and saw that there were twenty or thirty shaking figures outside, all holding sharp weapons, and they were surrounding the small house where they were.

Judging from their equipment, they look like mercenaries at a glance.

There is no need to say more about who the employer is.

Freya immediately realized that this was Count Nicholas's pursuers.

Yes. Why?
How did they find it here?
Also, where is Tabur who she sent out as a sentry before?Why is there no news at all?Tabor is a fifth-level templar and cannot be brought down so easily.

Too late to think so much.

"Master Brave! Hurry, hide! No, the place here is too small, you run first! I, I will hold them back!"

The extremely anxious saint turned around, only to find that the brave man on the bed had disappeared.

When she looked for him in a panic, Freya's heartbeat was in her throat.

Because I saw that the brave man was so upright and upright.
Out! ?

(For information about the main character in this week's episode, such as The Count's Daughter, you can read Chapter 1. You can recycle the foreshadowing in this way, right?)
(End of this chapter)

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