Chapter 204 Past and Future

"It's him! It's this kid!"

"Humph, we finally caught him!"

"Hahaha now Count Nicholas's bounty is ours!"

"Don't be careless! There have been several waves of mercenaries before, but they all fell into trouble with this kid. He is very cunning!"

"Don't worry, boss, haven't the informants confirmed it to us? The kid's injuries haven't healed yet. We've surrounded this place again. Let's see where he goes this time!"

Liao Yu, who walked out of the house, looked at the mercenaries opposite with ruthless expressions on their faces and recalled it for a moment. Sure enough, even their "opening lines" were exactly the same as in the game's plot.

And since he accurately predicted their appearance, this further proved one of his previous speculations.

That is - looking back to the past, I am still walking on the original "history" track.


One thing is different.

After seeing Liao Yu come out, he was just thinking. Of course, in the eyes of the mercenaries, it was more like standing there blankly without much fighting action. These mercenaries were even happier.

"Look at him like that, he's so scared! He can't even run!"

"That's right, we Black Lion mercenaries are the most famous in Shijian Town, otherwise the count wouldn't come to us."

"You bastard, stand still and don't move. If you are smarter, it will be good for both of us. This will allow you to work for a while while we take you to see the Earl!"

"That's it! Liao Yu! You have no way to retreat, so let's capture him without mercy!"

Ignore these cliche lines.

Liao Yu's expression condensed and he keenly captured a very interesting point in this.

He suddenly turned his attention to the "certain" mercenary who was shouting just now.

"What are you doing!"

Suddenly, Liao Yu focused his attention on this young mercenary with a crew cut and tattoos on his half-naked shoulders. He instantly felt a chill, as if he was staring into some bottomless abyss black hole at that moment.

He was startled, and all the hairs on his body stood up, and he subconsciously took half a step back.

Fortunately, the thrilling feeling of being "gazed" by the abyss only lasted for a moment. When he regained consciousness, it seemed as if nothing had happened.

Only the bounty target was still looking at him.

"Strange" problem from this target.

"What name did you call me just now?" Liao Yu asked calmly.

"Huh!? You, you."

The little flat-headed mercenary was really unhappy. He was just a bounty target. Why did he dare to ask him back? Just when he wanted to get back the factory and angrily scolded Liao Yu and so on.
"What did you just call me?"

Liao Yu repeated it again.

But this time, the chill that came from the depths of his soul instantly enveloped Xiao Pingtou's whole body, causing him to tremble again. His lips trembled, and the blood in his body accelerated. Facing Liao Yu's direction, his pupils dilated, as if he had seen something. An extremely terrifying thing.

thump!The little boy was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground.

He didn't know what happened.

But the instinct from his body made him quickly reply to Liao Yu's question.

"Liao Yu!"

"You, you are Liao Yu! The wanted target of Count Nicholas! Also the bounty target of our "Black Lion"! Liao Yu! I, I call you Liao Yu!"

Xiaopingtou screamed and answered Liao Yu's question.

Later, he was actually shouting in full view of everyone. But now, after Liao Yu got the answer, he looked away, and then Xiaoping's avatar dared to breathe. Later, he used his hands and feet and ran away in a mess.

The mercenaries of Black Lion were a little confused by this scene.

And Liao Yu.
Is that true?
He raised his right hand and looked at an illusory gem that seemed to be fused into the back of his palm.

Philosopher's Stone.

The origin of all "retrospections" is also the most powerful relic of the "Adventors".

When Freya asked her name in the cabin before, the Philosopher's Stone suddenly shone with light, and Liao Yu was already suspicious.

Now, from this group of mercenaries, he got his second guess about "backtracking".

My last guess was that I was experiencing history repeating itself.And this new discovery is that I am modifying history.

No player would be stupid enough to use his real name as the character name in the game.


Even if there is, Liao Yu is not this kind of person, so the "brave" in the first week is not called Liao Yu at all.

In other words, after Freya said "You wake up, brave man", Liao Yu in the original game answered the saint with another name.

But now.

Just now, the little flat-headed mercenary actually called himself "Liao Yu". This made Liao Yu realize that history was being rewritten.

After all, you must know that "Liao Yu" should be a completely unfamiliar name to this world, and he has only said it to "Freya".

Logically speaking, the mercenaries here should still call him the name set in the original game.

Therefore, there is only one possibility left that could cause this phenomenon.

Along with his actions, the past is being modified.

Whenever there is a huge "change" in the world line, the Philosopher's Stone in his right hand will glow to warn himself.

That's right.

Just "warn" yourself.

In other words, some energy inside is being exhausted.

The Philosopher's Stone is obviously much bleaker and more "illusory" than at the beginning.

Liao Yu had a strong premonition.

If you "influence" the past too much and "rewrite" history too much, then the Philosopher's Stone in your hand will only become more and more blurry and illusory, until it finally disappears completely.

And that would mean at that time
He can no longer return to the "future".


Liao Yu will never abandon everything after a thousand years.

So as early as when he intercepted Emperor Hu and used the Philosopher's Stone to "backtrack", at that moment, Liao Yuxin created a new save point, or in other words, a time and space anchor point.

As long as the Philosopher's Stone is still there, he can return to the "future" thousands of years later at any time.

From the beginning to the end, Liao Yu had no intention of abandoning the Second Zhoumu Demon King himself, and he was even more reluctant to part with Elena, Velsey, Leon, Hill, Alice and other apostles who had established a bond with him.

His real purpose of "retrospection" is to use Guess [-]'s ability to "modify history" to reverse the tragedy that befell the emperor.

Save the saint who lost her "brave" in the past.

So that in the future, there will no longer be that crazy "Emperor" corrupted by the evil god.

But now it seems.
It really wasn't as simple as I thought.

Just by changing the name of the hero, almost half of the energy in the Philosopher's Stone was consumed, let alone the follow-up.

Liao Yu can actually understand.

The more drastic the changes in the world line caused by oneself in the "past", the more unrecognizable it will be when everything is "contained" into the future.

It's like if I were here and killed Freya directly.

Liao Yu believed that the Philosopher's Stone would burst into pieces immediately.

This means that the "future" that was once the two-week goal can never be achieved.

Oneself will be.
Staying forever in this world where Freya is "dead".

In order to prevent this from happening.

Liao Yu must find a way to restore the energy of the Philosopher's Stone and make the stone in turn become more and more solid.

Seemingly clueless?

Actually it is not.

Looking back at the energy essence of the "Philosopher's Stone" earlier, Liao Yu already has the answer.

(End of this chapter)

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