Chapter 205 The Concluded World Line
"Everyone! Stop! Stop!"

In just a moment, Freya had already run out of the house.

The saint's petite body rushed directly to Liao Yu, using herself to block all the mercenaries for Liao Yu.

"There must be some misunderstanding in this. I, Freya, swear in the name of the Holy Lady of Radiance that I will ask him clearly later and take him to see Count Nicholas. I will resolve this matter. Please, please go back!"

Under the critical situation, Freya no longer bothered to hide her identity and directly reported her family name.

She tried to use her identity as the Glory Saint to persuade these mercenaries, but the Glory Temple at this stage was far from as large as it would be a thousand years later. It was just an ordinary sect among the many destiny beliefs.

not to mention.
Judging from the looks of these mercenaries, they didn't seem to be too surprised by Freya's identity, more like they already knew about it.

"A saint, huh, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business!"

"That's right, you look so cool, it wouldn't be good if you get hurt!"

"You were asked to take him to see the earl? What, you couldn't be more likely to receive the bounty and plan to keep it all to yourself!"

"That's right, if we let him go, what will happen to our bounty? Hurry up and drive away. We are sure to catch him today!"

The Black Lion mercenaries began to press closer and closer.

The sharp blades in their hands gleamed with cold light, and their fierce eyes were full of threats. Some of them even smiled obscenely at Freya's pretty figure, which although she was dressed in casual clothes, was full of other evil thoughts.

All this filled Freya with a sense of oppression, and she clenched her fists nervously. As if she wanted to show off the mercenaries, she recited a spell silently, and soon a large ray of light shone from her chest, a rich The brilliance turned into a strong flash, causing several approaching mercenaries to quickly reach out to cover it.

"I'm warning you one last time, stop and leave!"

Freya looked menacing.

The surging power of brilliance enveloped the girl's body, as if to set off the powerful power of the saint.

But actually
"Hmph, don't be afraid. Have you forgotten what the informant said? She is just a decoration! She doesn't know how to attack at all. Don't be afraid. Just keep using it!"

As the leader, the big man shouted suddenly, and the mercenaries who were a little frightened by Freya suddenly regained their courage.

They continued to approach Freya and Liao Yu cautiously.

When they found out that it was true as their leader said, the so-called radiant saint had no follow-up at all after that moment. Seeing them approaching again, she didn't even use the rich radiant power to attack them, but she looked even more nervous and cramped. , the mercenaries were immediately relieved, became more bold, and approached faster.


Freya's position is the role of nanny.

Only in the later stages can you learn some attack techniques.

As for the early stage of this stage.

It can be said that the attack power is zero at all.

Quietly at the back, after watching this scene that was exactly the same as in the game plot.

Next, according to the development of history, it will be the official "combat link".

It doesn’t matter that Freya is a wet nurse.

Isn’t this the brave man himself?

In a normal plot, it would be his turn to step forward and fight with the mercenaries. Just when he was outnumbered and about to be defeated, a ray of holy light fell, allowing him to stand up again with full health. Continue fighting.

After that, relying on himself and Freya, this "war pastor" combination, with their powerful healing and recovery abilities, they were able to repel this group of mercenaries and win.

"Freya, can you give me a drink?"

Freya was extremely nervous, her palms were sweating after being seen through by the other party, and she was racking her brains to think about what to do, when she suddenly heard the brave voice coming from behind.

Freya: ".?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, can you use the "Light Healing Technique" on me? "Liao Yu revised his statement and gave the saint a reassuring smile.

Although Freya didn't understand.

But he quickly did as the brave man said.

The warm holy light suddenly shone on Liao Yu's head, until it bathed Liao Yu's whole body.

A prompt also popped up on Liao Yu's panel.

[You received the "Holy Healing" treatment from "Freya" because your health is full, and the additional treatment effect is converted into a temporary maximum health of +109] [Current health: 8762839/8762839]

Although Freya's attack is very bad.

But when it comes to wet nurses, they are definitely the only T0 level throughout the early, middle and late stages of the game. This is how the female protagonist is treated.

In the original game, when Liao Yu was sucked by Freya for the first time, when he saw that this extra treatment had turned into the upper limit of his life, he almost shouted his magic on the spot.

You know, at that time, he was only in his twenties and thirties, and his total health value was only more than 500. This mouthful of milk was equivalent to increasing his health value by one-fifth.

But now
"Thank you, Freya, this milk is crucial."

Liao Yu was really not kidding.

Although in the face of millions of health points, the number one hundred and nine is insignificant, but through this "milk" behavior, Freya also joined the battle and became his friend.

And this is just like past history.

This is also Liao Yu's purpose.

"I'm up."

Liao Yu casually picked up a branch from the ground.

Use it as a sword.

Before the mercenaries on the opposite side had time to taunt, Liao Yu had already arrived. In front of the mercenary at the front, he knocked casually with a small branch in his hand.

[Ding, you used "Twig" to successfully cause 109283 points of physical damage to "Wilson"]

The mercenary named "Wilson" stared wide-eyed. All the bones and organs in his body seemed to be shattered by huge force in an instant, completely deformed, turned into a puddle of flesh, and fell straight down.

Then, Liao Yu had already flashed to the next person and hit him with a twig.

[Ding, you used "Twig" to successfully cause 102832 points of physical damage to "Condren", and caused a knock-up effect]

bump!The mercenary Condron turned into a high-speed flying cannonball, knocking over several mercenaries in a row, and smashed them into the forest with him, setting off bursts of dust, as if the trees that were hit in the distance were all followed by a giant wave. Under the force, it collapsed.

scare! ?

If Wilson still hadn't reacted to the scene, then when Liao Yu took a twig and knocked away seven or eight mercenaries with one blow, no matter how stupid he was, he would understand.

"Then, what is that!"

"Run, run!"

"The intelligence is wrong! The intelligence is wrong! With this kind of power, he is definitely an archmage!!"

"Damn! Retreat! Retreat!"

The mercenary thought that Liao Yu had used some powerful technique.

But in fact, Liao Yu is really just a flat A.

But it doesn't matter.

Seeing the mercenaries abandoning their helmets and fleeing in panic, Liao Yu could let the others run away, and he did so intentionally, but there was only one.

The strong man who was the leader of the Black Lion Mercenary Group was now watching in horror. As if he was just a dazzle, he saw Liao Yu in front of him and the small branch that looked like the sickle of death.


The small branch easily penetrated the leader's stainless steel armor, leaving a large bloody hole in his chest. He refused to close his eyes and was completely lifeless.

With the leader dead and the other mercenaries fleeing in confusion, the scene came to an end.

And Liao Yu immediately looked at his right hand again.

There, I saw that the Philosopher's Stone, which had dimmed a lot because of the "name change", seemed to have collected some energy again, and it was obviously a little brighter again.

Liao Yu was completely relieved when he arrived here, with a smile on his face.

He succeeded.

The way to repair and maintain the Philosopher's Stone is, as expected, "balance"

(End of this chapter)

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