The hero who saves the world in the first eye, and the devil king in the second eye

Chapter 206 Miss Saint Wants to Become a Qualified Family Member

Chapter 206 Miss Saint Wants to Become a Qualified Family Member
It's easy to understand equilibrium.

It's actually just simple addition and subtraction.

Just like, the total energy in the Philosopher's Stone is 1, which also means that the limit of change of the world line cannot exceed 1, otherwise you will stay in this past forever.

Modifying history is subtraction.

Recreating the plot is addition.

It is certain that the greater the impact of the modification, the greater the reduction.

Changing the name of "Brave" to Liao Yu directly dimmed the Philosopher's Stone by half. Quantitatively speaking, this is equivalent to a subtraction of -0.5.

As for how to make the addition of "reappearance" plots, the number also becomes larger.
Liao Yu thinks there are two aspects.

First, what was the "proportion" of the plot in the past?
To put it bluntly, it doesn't matter whether it's important or not. Is it an inconsequential plot?Or is it a crucial node of great importance?
Second, how is your “reduction degree”?
Like the battle with the Black Lion Mercenary Group just now, Liao Yu was fully capable of driving out the mercenary group, but in order to "reproduce" the past plot in the most realistic way, he allowed the other mercenaries to escape and only killed the leader.

Judging from the brightness restored by the Philosopher's Stone, Liao Yu estimates that it has about +0.1 energy.

That is
He would have to reenact this plot at least four more times to make up for the energy loss caused by his name change, or in other words, the change in the world line.

Liao Yu believes that the mystery of the "backtracking" of the Philosopher's Stone is definitely far more than that simple.

What I have figured out may be just the tip of the iceberg.

But no matter what, at least he has a general direction.

No amount of analysis is as good as truly exploring in practice.

Thinking of this, Liao Yu just did it, and he immediately couldn't wait to quickly recall in his mind what the "main line" of the next scene should be.

Although this is a very early plot in the game.

Even the "Shijian Town" where they are now is a map of Novice Village.

But for a "Liver Emperor", Liao Yu easily found the corresponding memory.

Liao Yu clearly remembers the subsequent development of the main plot, the map of the entire Shijian Town, and the distribution of major forces.

After all, he had explored almost every map without blind spots in order to dig through the treasure chests, collectibles, hidden tasks, etc. in the underworld.

So now that he is playing "One Week" again, he is not only a LV99 hero, but the experiences in his mind are sometimes more important and useful than his level.

Just like.
"Freya, I remember that during my coma, there seemed to be two voices besides you, right? Are they your partners? Where are they now?"

After being asked this question by Liao Yu, Miss Saint came back to her senses from the surprise of Liao Yu's powerful combat power.

Can you defeat the powerful Black Lion mercenary group with just a branch?

If it were anyone else, Freya wouldn't believe it even to death, but if it were the brave Lord.
Freya became even more convinced of Liao Yu's identity, and at the same time, because of Liao Yu's words, her heart that had just relaxed suddenly became tense again.

"Yes! Lord Brave, I also have two accompanying guards. Their names are Matthew and Tabur. I sent one of them to cut wood and the other to serve as a sentry outside, but, but now"

Looking at Freya with a worried and anxious expression, Liao Yu nodded secretly, and it turned out to be this.

According to past developments, although they had repelled the Black Lion Mercenary Group, the Saintess still couldn't leave alone without the two "missing" guards.

So before leaving, Freya begged her to help her and find the two "missing" guards together.

In order to accumulate the energy of the Philosopher's Stone, Liao Yu must still go through this plot.

"Leave it to me, Freya." Liao Yu spoke concisely and took the initiative before Freya could speak.

"Really! But, but..."

The saint's eyes lit up at first, but she soon struggled. In fact, it was difficult for her to speak. After all, Liao Yu was still wanted by the count, and they should leave as soon as possible, but
"It's nothing. They are all your important partners, right? In this case, you can't leave your friends behind. What's more, it was you who saved me in the first place. Now I can repay you."

"I, I understand! Thank you! Lord Brave! On behalf of Matthew and Tabur, I would like to thank you for your help!"

The happy Freya kept bending down and bowing her head towards Liao Yu.

Those who knew she was a saint, but those who didn’t knew she thought she was some little village girl. She had a pure heart and no pretensions at all.

"It's okay, and I won't use you again next time, and there's no need to call me Lord Brave. Don't you know my name? Just call me."

When Liao Yu saw the saint thanking the saint in such a naive way, he might have gotten used to it when he was the devil in his second week. He subconsciously brought Freya into his subordinate apostle, and reached out to rub the saint's head.Freya's hair is so soft that it feels like cotton candy at first touch. If you stroke it a few more times, it will feel like the highest-grade satin, soft and comfortable.

When Liao Yu suddenly touched her head and killed her, Freya was stunned for a moment and didn't react. After a full two or three seconds, she said "Yeah", blushed and quickly backed away from Liao Yu. Step, distance.

"Sorry, sorry, I have a sister who is about the same age as you, so I was a little subconscious for a while." Liao Yu explained.

"No, it's okay, Lord Hero, but you said you have a sister?"

Regarding the issue of address, it seemed that it was still difficult for Freya to change, and Liao Yu did not force it. After all, the relationship between them was not familiar yet.

But seeing how interested Freya seemed to be in her sister, Liao Yu shook his head and said:

"Yes, her name is Elena, she is as beautiful as you, but she is no longer with me, and many other members of my family have also gone to far away places, and I am now Everything I do is to find her, find everyone, and meet them again one day."

As Liao Yu spoke, his expression as he stared into the distance seemed, for some reason, to Freya's eyes as if he suddenly touched some emotion deep in her heart.

Freya didn't know what it was. She only felt that her heart was being pulled by Liao Yu's words, and she also felt pain and sadness. She also felt faintly in Liao Yu, the brave man. A feeling of loneliness.

It seems that he is out of tune with this world.

Some vague images flashed quickly in Freya's mind. They seemed to be prophecies, or they seemed to be something else, coming from a more "distant" image.


Freya felt her head heat up, and she suddenly took a step forward, approached Liao Yu again, and grabbed Liao Yu's hand with her two white and tender hands.


Faced with Liao Yu's confused look, Freya did not run away or blush this time. Instead, she met Liao Yu's eyes with a serious expression and said with a firm tone:
"Master Brave, you, you are not alone! You are not alone! Whether it is saving the world or finding your lost family members, Freya will do her best to help you. I, I, I will always be there for you!!”

Liao Yu: "."


I am not fighting alone.

In fact, despite carrying so much, Liao Yu looks calm on the surface, but deep down he still has fear. What if he makes a wrong step or fails in any step? After all, the consequences are unbearable for him.

But what to say.

Following Freya's somewhat "clear and stupid" words, Liao Yu felt that his original negative emotions suddenly disappeared.

He became more confident, and of course, he was particularly doting on the young version of Freya in front of him.

"Thank you, since you said so! It's decided, from now on, Freya will be one of my important family members!"

"Ah!? Home, family"

Before Freya could react, Liao Yu's thick palm touched her head again with a smile.

no way.

The reason why the saint is called the saint is that she is fragrant and soft, just like a small animal. Who can refuse to pet a cat?

But this time, although Freya's face was still as red as an apple after being killed by being touched on the head, she did not take half a step back like she did at the beginning.

She just lowered her head, intertwined her fingers at the hem of her skirt, and whispered in a mosquito-like voice: "Freya has been in the confinement room of the temple since she was a child. She has never had a family. I, I don't know what to do with a family. "

"Haha, it's okay. You'll understand everything later as we get along together. But, well, that's when the time comes. Freya, just don't fight with them."

Liao Yu thought about that scene and added it in advance.

As a result, the saint on the opposite side seemed a little angry.

Freitian refuted Liao Yu for the first time.

"Ah!? How could it be! Those are the family members that the hero cherishes, and Freya would never do something like that! Humph!"

Freya, who had been a little shy just now, suddenly became embarrassed by Liao Yu's words and pouted angrily, as if she felt that her image as a saint had been seriously slandered.

after all
Elena knew as soon as she heard it that it would definitely be the name of a very cute sister. She, Freya, was the big sister, and it was too late to love her, so how could she start a fight!

(End of this chapter)

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