The hero who saves the world in the first eye, and the devil king in the second eye

Chapter 207 As the Demon King, I will take good care of the Saint for you.

Chapter 207 As the Demon King, I will take good care of the Saint for you.

Let Freya find a hidden place to hide temporarily.

Liao Yu walked toward the forest alone.

Yes, even though he knew that in the past plot, if he pursued "perfect reproduction", Freya should have gone to find someone with him.

But Liao Yu still chose not to take Freya with him.

Not that I thought Freya was a burden.

If he remembered correctly, the following "looking for someone" plot should have a big mental impact on Freya, making this saint who had always been in the "confinement room" and indifferent to worldly affairs, For the first time, I saw how changeable people’s hearts are.

Since he told Freya before, she is family.

Then Liao Yu would naturally do his best to protect his family.

There are actually hints from the many previous details.

The Black Lion Mercenary Group frequently mentioned the word "informant".

in other words.

The other party was able to find this place and launch a surprise attack to surround them because of the information provided by informants.

If that doesn't explain the problem.

Later, when Freya showed her radiant power and wanted to scare away the mercenaries, the leader was still not afraid, and even directly pointed out that Freya did not know how to attack spells, so as to eliminate the fear of his subordinates. , this is already very obvious.

Even Freya's power is clear about what kind of "informant" she is.

then only
Liao Yu followed the coordinates in his memory and came to a hidden cave in the forest. Just outside the cave, Liao Yu could already faintly hear the echoes of a fierce argument coming from inside.

"This is the weak boy you call!??"

"Didn't you say he was seriously injured! Where was the injury? How could he beat us Black Lions like this even if he was injured?"

"You two are not allowed to leave today! You must give us an explanation! Otherwise, we will be sorry for our dead boss and brother!"

"Yes, that's right! If it weren't for your intelligence, the boss wouldn't have died at all!"

This cave is the stronghold of the Black Lion Mercenary Group.

The group of embarrassed mercenaries who had been beaten away by Liao Yu now gathered here and were surrounding the two men.

If Freya could recognize it at a glance here.

Aren't those two men Matthew and Tabur, her two companions on this trip?
Tabur frowned and repeated: "You said that the brave man not only did not run away, but also killed your boss?"

"Otherwise, how can we still joke about this kind of thing?"

"How is this possible! Even with Lady Freya's healing light, the injury has healed, but I have checked that guy's strength, and he is not even at the third level!"

"Huh!? What do you mean third level? Holy shit! It's because of your bullshit information misleading that we suffered so many casualties. It's still level three. Holy shit! He is definitely a great mage. He can use a branch to do it. Turning into a sharp sword is definitely a level five or above technique!!"

The Black Lion mercenaries became anxious and spat directly at the two Templars.

"I killed so many of you with just tree branches. No, there must be something wrong with this. Or is it that the prophecy Freya said was not false? Who is that guy really? The son of destiny?"

One of the templars panicked.

He tugged at his companion.

"Tagel, let's go back quickly. If this is the case, don't bother with that kid! Maybe he is really a genius monster!"

Before Tager said anything, the mercenaries stopped after hearing this.

Want to leave?
What about their dead boss?
Until Matthew took out a large bag of gold coins from his lapel and threw it to the ground.

When the mercenaries saw the gold glistening from the mouth of the bag, they immediately forgot about the boss and rushed away on the spot, regardless of the two of them.

Seeing this, Matthew was about to leave, but unexpectedly
Poof!A blade of light penetrated his chest from behind. Matthew vomited blood and looked at the blade of light in disbelief.

He gritted his teeth and turned back to look at the sneak attacker with extremely puzzled eyes.

"Tattagel, you, why."

"I'm sorry Matthew, if he is really a brave man, then I have to ensure that the matter cannot be exposed. Don't worry, it's not just you, but also everyone here."

Tager did not continue.

The holy light began to flash one after another from the depths of the cave, and the mercenaries screamed one after another. After about five or six minutes, everything calmed down, leaving only the sound of footsteps walking out towards the entrance of the cave.

Tager prepared torches and oil barrels.

Prepare to burn it all to ashes in the flames.But as soon as he came out, the hair on his body suddenly stood up. He was so frightened that he dropped the oil bucket in his hand to the ground. The oil that came out stained his holy robes.

Taboul stared at the young man who seemed to have been waiting at the entrance of the cave for a long time, as if he had seen a monster, with a panicked and shocked expression on his face.

"You you! You are!"

"Sure enough, it was right not to let Freya follow. You are a little more ruthless than I thought."

"Impossible you, how could you find this place!!"

"Oh, are you talking about this stronghold? It really took me a lot of effort during the first week, and I couldn't enjoy such a good show like I do now. When I found it, everything in the cave was destroyed. You’re almost burned out, tsk tsk.”

Liao Yu shook his head with emotion.

But it was obvious that his explanation was nonsense to Tabur's ears, and he had no idea what it meant.

Liao Yu didn't mind either.

He just continued to ask curiously: "I really want to know why? Tabur, I think we should have no grievances, right?"

"No grievances and no grudges? Hahahaha! Such a no grievances and no grudges, what do you know! What do you know!! Freya and I grew up. We were born in the same orphanage. When we learned that she was selected When I was a saint, in order to continue to be by her side, you, do you know how much effort I put in!!"

"I train myself day and night, and I pray to the Goddess of Radiance every day with great piety, just to gain strength and become a Templar, so that I can get close to Freya and continue to be with her!!"

"It was originally like this, I did it, I became Freya's exclusive guard, I can look at the girl in the confinement room every day, the girl who can not be polluted by any world, the pure and innocent girl, the girl who only belongs to My girl! But! But!!"

Tager's expression became increasingly crazier.

Until the end, he roared directly at Liao Yu.

"It's that damn prophecy! What kind of chosen son, what kind of savior hero. Freya walked out of the temple for the first time, walked out of the confinement room, said she wanted to find this person, and said she wanted to prepare for the "catastrophe", ha, hahaha , Why! Why!!"

"I have worked hard all my life to get close to Freya, and you, what have you done! Why can you let Freya take the initiative to find you! Why can you make Freya obey your orders? Why can Freya be so nice to you!"

"What prophecies, what catastrophes, what doomsday, what false! It's all false! It's you, it's you who bewitched my Freya! It's you! Go to hell! No one can take Freya away, she is mine , Go to hell! Go to hell to me!!”

Tager's whole body surged with radiant power.

At this moment, he actually relied on his emotional fluctuations to make a breakthrough, and his strength increased significantly.

It seemed that light was shining down from the treetops in the forest, as if even the goddess of glory took pity on the young man and showered her blessings on him.

Tager, bathed in the holy light, was extremely ecstatic.

His expression also became crazy.

"Yes, that's right. If there is a doomsday or a catastrophe, that brave man must be me! I am the son of destiny! I am the brave goddess of glory, and I am the savior!!"

At this moment, Tager felt that he was unprecedentedly powerful and confident. He rushed directly towards Liao Yu, and the light blade in his hand seemed to be regarded as a holy sword, and he swung a fatal blow towards Liao Yu.


How did Tager rush towards Liao Yu just now, and now he flew back at ten times the speed.

He retracted his kick and kicked the Templar's leg away.

Liao Yu slowly walked over, and now he was lying in the rubble, dying. He was instantly killed by one blow. His internal organs had long been shattered, and only Tabur's last breath was left.

Liao Yu actually sympathized with Tabur.

Especially after hearing his venting.

and so.

"First of all, the prophecy is true. In a few years, there will be a kind of outsider called "demon" that will invade the world. At that time, all humans will face a catastrophe of life and death."

"Secondly, I will take care of Freya on behalf of your Glory Temple. You can rest assured on this. By the way, not long ago, she has agreed to be my family. This is all thanks to the person you sent. Assistance from those mercenaries.”

Tager's eyes widened. Even if he was dying, he could not suppress his anger and jealousy towards Liao Yu. Although he was speechless, his crazy eyes seemed to be saying, let Liao Yu explain clearly what family is. In the end what happened.

Seeing this, the kind-hearted Liao Yu had no choice but to add one more sentence in order to prevent Tager from dying in peace.

"at last."

"I am the Demon King."


Tager's chest rose and fell violently, and his eyes widened. Unfortunately, after this mouthful of blood spurted out, he became silent again.

(End of this chapter)

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