Chapter 208 The Lone Observer

After killing Tabur, Liao Yu looked at his right hand.

Originally, he was waiting for the Philosopher's Stone to be consumed again.

It was a bit unexpected.

The light color of the Philosopher's Stone above has not changed.


Liao Yu was immediately surprised, because in the normal plot of the week, Tabur pretended to return to Freita and himself, the brave man, and then secretly poisoned their food when they were camping that night, in an attempt to He murdered himself at night, and then took Freya by force.

This incident had a great impact on Freya.

After all, she had always treated Tabur as an older brother and trusted her very much. She never thought that Tabur would become like this because of her.

This is actually very classic. When friendship goes sour, everything becomes very complicated and painful.

So Liao Yu would rather sacrifice some energy than let Freya go through it again.

But now, I had killed this love-crazed Templar one step ahead of schedule and successfully deviated from the plot.

That follows the rules he summarized before.

The Philosopher's Stone should react to the "revised" history, flashing brightly and then dimming like it did before when the name was changed.

Liao Yu waited for a while, but the gem on his right hand still showed no response. It seemed that he had completely ignored Tabur's death and the changes in the plot.

Why is that?
Liao Yu immediately fell into thinking.

He walked to Tagle's body and then entered the cave stronghold of the Black Lion Mercenary Group.

Inside the cave, there was already a strong smell of blood, and the corpses of mercenaries were lying on the ground. Of course, Taggar's companion, another Templar Matthew, was also brutally murdered by Taggar. .

So in other words.
In this area, there is no second living person except "himself".

That means
Tagle's death, how he died, no, no, no, it should be said that including those mercenaries, and Matthew, only he knows how and why these people died.

Liao Yu felt like he had caught something in an instant.

This may be the reason why the Philosopher's Stone does not lose energy even though it has "modified" history.

The key point is that

Yes, there is a lack of witnesses of “history”.

Liao Yu suddenly became enlightened. He was excited and immediately started the experiment. If this was true, it would definitely be a breakthrough step for him to revise history in the future.

The experiment is simple.

Taking a deep breath, Liao Yu said to himself in the forest air in front of him: "From now on, I will change my name to Liao Ji."

After finishing speaking, Liao Yu immediately looked at the Philosopher's Stone in his right hand.

He was actually a little nervous.

After all, the energy consumed by "modifying" the name before was very huge. If you guessed wrong, you would be in trouble.

But fortunately.

There was no movement from the Philosopher's Stone.

Liao Yu was a little excited and immediately tried again: "I changed my mind again. From now on, my name will be Liao Qi!"

no response.

There was no movement at all.

At this point, Liao Yu breathed a sigh of relief with a smile on his face. Although this experiment was small, it verified an absolutely important new discovery.

As speculated before.

History without witnesses is not history.

It's like changing his name here. It's useless. There must be witnesses. This "new name" must be heard by others.

Let’s put it into the plot of “Tabur’s Death”.

He is the only witness.Then, he can modify this history at will without suffering any punishment.

Because it is true that no one else knows what the "truth" of this period of history is except myself.

Everything he said from then on was the truth.

It is the "original" history.

Is this finding useful?
So useful.

Liao Yu had been restrained in the past because he was afraid that he would cause changes in the world line and cause the Philosopher's Stone to consume energy, so he didn't dare to do some things.

But it's different now.

Liao Yu in the first game has always had a big regret.

That is, after getting rid of the pursuit of the Black Lion Mercenary Group, he went directly to the outside world with the Saint.

Count Nicholas and her daughter were not killed at that time.

The count's daughter looked down upon herself and regretted her marriage.

Later, in order to protect his daughter's reputation, the earl kept sending people to hunt him down, and Liao Yu couldn't bear it.

However, when the demons came later in the plot, Count Nicholas and his family all became traitors and took refuge with the demons.

Taking advantage of their status as nobles, they continued to sell information to the demons, causing heavy casualties to the human army. In addition, because of their old enmity with this brave man, they repeatedly united with the demons to surround and kill them.

It can be said that Count Nicholas's family are completely disgusting characters from beginning to end.

But due to the strength issue for the first week.

At every stage, Liao Yu hated them, but he couldn't do anything to them. It wasn't until they were almost in the late stages that they finally eliminated the cancer in the family.

just now.

Now that I have gotten this opportunity, I can go back to the time of the first week, and I still have the power of the demon king of the second week.
Ha ha.

Liao Yu didn't need to identify the map at all.

He already knew Count Nicholas's manor so well that he could fly there with his eyes closed.

Tonight he was going to let the earl and the young lady know what it meant.
Don't be fooled by the devil's poverty.

Liao Yu was not in a hurry to leave and did two things first.

First, powerful flames spread from his hands, burning all the corpses in the cave, including Tager, without even ashes. Then he used the "Boulder Technique" to fill the entire cave stronghold. Full, finally the light of natural magic flashed around Liao Yu, and vines and plants grew wildly, covering all traces.

After this set is completed, I am afraid that the leader of the Black Lion Mercenary Group will never be able to find his stronghold when he comes back.

Second, Liao Yu used magic to weave a messenger flying pigeon, and simply told Freya, who was still waiting for him, not to worry, there was no danger on his side, but he just needed to spend more time, and assured Freya that , I will definitely go back before dark.

After completing these two points.

Liao Yu put on his cloak and his figure quickly disappeared into the shadow of the setting sun.

until he reappears.

It is already suspended high in the air.

And under his feet was a beautiful and tall castle.

It's sunset time now.

The red sunset like maple leaves falls on the castle, like a veil covering the castle, making it particularly beautiful.

The servants were busy preparing dinner.

Gardeners worked endlessly on the huge estate.

From the luxurious room at the highest point of the castle, bursts of laughter came from the room.

It was Count Nikolai's family chatting happily under the swaying candlelight.

(End of this chapter)

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