Chapter 209 Madam, listen to me
"Come on, come on, cheers to our Miss Rosa for being successfully admitted to the "Daran Academy of Arts"! "

The middle-aged nobleman with a big belly raised his wine glass high, tried to straighten his body, and smiled all over his face.

The two women sitting on the other side looked much prettier in comparison.

They are one large and one small, and there are some similarities in their appearance. They are obviously mother and daughter.

As the wife of Count Nicholas, the middle-aged lady immediately stood up to cater to her, and said with a smile:
"Yes, the Daran Empire is recognized as the home of magic all over the world. Rosa, when you told me the news that you could be admitted to a school there, my mother was really shocked! I didn't expect it at all."

"Hey! What are you talking about! Rosa, dad, I have always believed in you. I have known since I was a child that you are definitely a magic genius, so dad is not surprised at all about your success today, and even takes it for granted, haha !”

Being so praised by her parents, the young girl in costume at the end of the table was a little shy and lowered her head.

But soon, Rosa pouted and looked at her father with an angry expression.

"Liar! If you really loved me back then, why would you sign me up for a doll like that and kiss me!"

Seeing that his daughter was unhappy, Count Nicholas quickly comforted her:

"Uh, uh, uh, uh! It's all dad's fault. It's really dad's fault. Dad was wrong. I originally thought that boy was a talent that could be developed, but in the end, hey, I won't mention it anymore."

"Don't mention it! This is about your daughter's reputation! What if I go to Daran College in the future and my classmates there find out these gossips? How can I find the one I really like at Daran College? People!"

Rosa lost her temper, and the originally happy dinner seemed to come to a standstill because of this.

It was the lady on the other side who tried to mediate:

"Don't worry Rosa, your father has already added more manpower, and has also increased the wanted bounty on Liao Yu. This time, even the Black Lion Mercenary Group has taken over the mission, so you can rest assured, after all."

The lady covered her daughter's hair with a gentle look on her face, but she spoke very poisonous words.

"After all, a dead man can't haunt my precious daughter anymore."

"Yes, yes, it's just a clown who wants to eat swan meat. Rosa, daddy promises you that within three days, the Black Lion Mercenary Group will definitely bring that kid's head to see you!"

"Hmph, let's forgive you for now. Okay, let's not talk about it anymore. I feel sick when I hear that name."

The expression on the slim noble girl's face finally softened.

Rosa knew that the Black Lion Mercenary Group was ruthless and powerful. If they were to hunt down that Liao Yu, it would definitely be a dead end based on the ability of that useless person.

In fact, she didn't hate Liao Yu that much.

After regretting the marriage, he even planned to give some charity and give Liao Yu some training materials or gold coins to make up for it.

When Rosa thought of this, her originally cute eyes now flashed with hatred.

As a result, that ungrateful loser actually dared to take the initiative and divorce his wife in front of everyone?

Isn't this just slapping her in the face?

Forget it.

Why are you competing with a dead man?
Rosa changed her mood, and the noble mother next to her also immediately raised another new topic.

"Rosa, you just said that you would date the person of your choice at Daran College. Is it possible that you already have a goal? Come on, tell your mother."

After her mother spoke, the aristocratic girl seemed to have thought of something, her face suddenly became shy, and she hesitated a little embarrassedly:
"Yes, yes, he is the youngest instructor of Daran Academy, and in my opinion, the most powerful magician in the world. He is, just..."

"Professor Melvin!"

Rosa mustered up the courage to say this famous name, which was also the dream lover she had secretly loved for a long time.

When Count Nicholas heard this, he was thoughtful, and then slapped his thigh suddenly, as if he was also familiar with this name.

"Oh! I know! He was the champion of the last Daran Empire's arcane competition, right? Oh, I also watched the projection of that magic competition. It was really exciting! Melvin and the other contestants were simply like They are not on the same level, and there are not many people who can take over three moves from Melvin!"

"Yes, Professor Melvin has looked at the entire world of magic and magic. He is a genius among geniuses. He has also researched and invented countless calligraphy. In fact, I will work so hard to apply for Daran College because of Melvin. The professor went there, I, I want to be his apprentice!”

The lady took the opportunity to interject from the side: "Although Lord Melvin is a professor, he is only about 30 years old, and he is very handsome, right Rosa?"

"Hmm, mom turned out to be paying attention to Professor Melvin too!"

Rosa's eyes were bright and her face seemed to be flushed.

The aristocratic girl's expression of admiration and admiration for Professor Melvin can be said to be completely different from the disgust and contempt she had for Liao Yu. They are two extremes.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, dad believes you have this ability, don't worry, dad will fully support you! If you really can do it, then our family will be prosperous. Come on, daughter!"

"Unfortunately, she may not have this opportunity." The lively atmosphere at the dinner table was interrupted by these words.

Count Nicholas was stunned at the same time.

Who is speaking?

"We meet again, Rosa."

Liao Yu leisurely tore apart the space and walked out of the void.

He waved his hand, and the expensive champagne on the wine table floated toward him on its own, along with the empty glasses on the wine cabinet. They seemed to be controlled by magic, and he poured a glass of wine for Liao Yu gracefully.

Holding the wine glass, Liao Yu came to this moment, his eyes widening in horror. For a moment, his brain may not have reacted, and he was still a little down in front of the three counts.

"What, Miss Rosa, don't you want me to join in the celebration?"

The first person to come to his senses was Count Nicholas.

He slammed the table, and the fat body under the noble uniform suddenly stood up. He glared at Liao Yu and shouted angrily.

"You, how did you get in! Guard! Where are the guards!"

"Stop shouting. This room has been sealed by me. Without my permission, everything that happens in this room will never be spread outside."

The count who did not believe in evil nervously ran towards the door. Liao Yu did not stop him. Instead, he took the chief position originally vacated by the count and drank the champagne from the glass.


Not bad.

The wine chosen by the nobles is good.

Click! Click!

At the door of the room, no matter how Count Nicholas turned the doorknob, the door did not move at all. But when the Count wanted to use violent means to forcefully break open the door and escape.
A powerful counter-shock force directly knocked the Earl back. His fat body hit the table full of dishes, causing the vegetable juices on it to splash, and the broken plates fell to the ground with a squeaking sound.

There is a magic barrier in front of Liao Yu that blocks all of this, but it is not so good for the other countess and mother.

"Ah ah!!"

The noble ladies and beautiful girls who were elegant just now are now in a state of embarrassment. They are afraid of each other and hug each other tightly, trembling and looking at Liao Yu who is sitting on the chief seat.

"You, who are you and what do you want to do! And why do you use that person's appearance!!"

Obviously, they did not believe that Liao Yu was the "trash" Liao Yu that they knew well.

Does it matter?


Liao Yu didn't intend to waste any more time. He came here just to make up for the regrets of the first week, and
Do another experiment.

On the way, Liao Yu changed his mind. It would be too easy to kill Count Nicholas and his family directly, and this was actually different from killing Tager. The Count and his family had too much influence, even if he was the only witness "at that time" , but the "after-the-fact" impact will still be felt.

"Come on, look me in the eye."

"Yes, exactly."

Liao Yu's words seemed to have magic power. Rosa and the Earl and Countess felt that their willpower was being stripped away quickly, their spirits were leaving their minds, and the deep eyes of the young man opposite were like black holes, depriving them of their souls.


The eighth-level magic "mental control" is indeed a bit overkill for these nobles in their [-]s and [-]s.

But Liao Yu didn't care.

Anyway, under the Demon King's destiny, all his magic power consumption is zero.

Looking at the Earl's family who looked gradually dull and confused.

Liao Yu nodded with satisfaction.

He first came to Rosa's well-groomed mother, held up the lady's chin with his hand, and penetrated deeply into the other person's mind that had long become blank. With an unquestionable and absolute voice, he slowly said:
"Madam, listen to me."

(End of this chapter)

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