Chapter 210 Set off to find the Holy Sword!
The bonfire crackled and the sparks danced under the night sky.

The girl sat by the campfire with her hands and knees, trying hard to fight against the sleepiness and cold.

But as my eyelids get heavier and heavier
The darkness of loneliness gradually enveloped Freya.

That's it.

A new faint firelight lit up from the distant night, followed by the sound of footsteps approaching from far away, making the girl sleepless.

Freya looked happy at first, but soon became nervous and vigilant again. As the figure holding a torch got closer and closer, after Freya saw the other person's appearance clearly, the girl finally breathed a sigh of relief, her expression completely relieved. .

"Sorry, I came back late."

Because Liao Yu had a temporary change of plan, he was delayed a little longer at Count Nicholas's residence. By the time he returned to the temporary camp agreed with Freya, it was already late at night.

He looked at the saint who was still awake and insisted on waiting for him to come back, with a sleepy face. He felt heartbroken and felt warmth in his heart.

Liao Yu immediately stepped forward, put down the torch, and put his coat on Freya, who was still wearing casual clothes and was thinly dressed.

Liao Yu's warmth still remained on the coat, which warmed Freya's cold body a lot.

However, when the saint looked at Liao Yu's empty back, she seemed to understand something, and her eyes dimmed a bit.

"I've been looking for you for a long time, but I still haven't seen your two companions. I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"No, no, no, Lord Liao Yu has tried his best. Freya thanks you very much. I believe that they, like me, are all ready to fight against the catastrophe and save the world."

Freya, who lowered her head, quickly cheered up, her eyes becoming more persistent and determined, as if she had inherited the will of her late companion, and she must train and assist Liao Yu into a true brave man no matter what.

Compared with the original history, in the real plot, Freya was almost occupied by her most trusted companion, and then she, the brave man, killed Tagel and saved the saint.
Liao Yu believes that this ending is undoubtedly better.

Whether it's Freya or the infatuated and crazy Tager.

At the same time, the Philosopher's Stone on Liao Yu's right hand emitted a faint light, reminding Liao Yu that history had shifted, but the loss of energy inside was so minimal that it could basically be ignored.

This again confirms the previous conclusion.

As long as the plot remains unchanged from the general "ending" in history, you can modify the process at will as long as you become the "only" witness.

Therefore, at the end of Count Nicholas's mansion, Liao Yu used mind control instead of killing the three members of the family and let them continue as they were.

This means that the wanted manhunt for "Liao Yu" continues.

And the count's daughter Rosa who was admitted to "Daran College" will still successfully enroll as in history.

And meet yourself in the future 'Academy Competition'.

These "obvious" histories will not change.

Therefore, the Philosopher's Stone will not consume energy, and the world line remains stable.


In the "dark place" that only I know, history has been quietly revised.

Simply put.

Count Nicholas's family of three has an extra master.

Liao Yu will awaken their spiritual imprints at the node where they are needed in the future, and become an important chess piece for him to continue to "change the future."

The chapter of Count Nicholas has been turned over for the time being, and in the new tomorrow after one night, the brave man and the saint embark on a real journey of "salvation".

Their first stop is Shijian Village, which is the closest place to here.

On the carriage, just like the plot in the game, Freya was dutifully carrying out the follow-up hero mission for Liao Yu.

As a hero, you definitely can't fight the big devil directly.You have to collect all the "Holy Swords" first.

Based on the prophetic revelation given by Guanghui, Freya told Liao Yu that the location of the first holy sword was their current destination-Shijian Village.
After taking a horse-drawn carriage and arriving at this small paradise village, it’s time to explore freely.

Freya only knew that the Holy Sword was here.

But the specific location and how to obtain it are also unclear.

"follow me."

Liao Yu walked directly in front, taking Freya's place. He took the saint with him in this small village, and after skillfully passing through several trails, he finally came to a place behind the village. Small waterfall.

"Has Lord Brave been here before?" Freya was very curious when she saw Liao Yu's familiarity with the road.

"No, it's just that after arriving here, I vaguely felt the call. It should be that holy sword guiding me."

Anyway, with his status as a hero, Liao Yu could fool him by just looking for any excuse, and seeing Freya suddenly realize that this was the case, there was no doubt about it.

Liao Yu took the saint through the waterfall, and there was indeed a hidden cave behind the water curtain.

As soon as she came in, Freya's eyes immediately lit up, her face showed excitement, her little hand pulled Liao Yu's sleeve and said:
"Lord Brave, look! That's it! The predicted holy sword!"

In the center of the cave is a stone slab that exudes a primitive atmosphere.

There was a seemingly ordinary sword stuck on the stone slab.

Just before Freya was about to run over excitedly, she was pulled back by Liao Yu. At this moment, the stone slab carrying the holy sword trembled. After sensing the two outsiders, she seemed to wake up from her deep sleep. 's spirit body.

"Hahaha, hundreds of years have passed, has someone finally come?"

An illusory sword spirit rose from the stone slab.

It was extremely tall, wearing armor, and very majestic, like a general.

"Being here proves that you have gained the trust of all the people in the village, right? Otherwise, they would not tell you such an important position."

Sword Spirit's attitude towards Liao Yu and Freya is very friendly.

As it said, according to the normal historical process, after arriving in the village, he should first go to the blacksmith to inquire, and then the blacksmith asked him to go to the village chief. The village chief was unwilling to tell him that he was an outsider, so in order to convince the village chief , can only solve various villagers' entrustments and help villagers deal with troubles.

Only after completing this set of "good people and good deeds" can the village chief's favorability be increased. Only after the whole village has high prestige can the villagers be willing to tell themselves about the "Sword in the Stone" passed down from their clan. legend.

As for Liao Yu now?
It's like speedrunning.

Think this will be the end?
Far from it.

In the first game, the "Holy Sword" is an artifact, how could it be possible for players to get it so easily? After passing the level of the villagers, they still have to pass the hurdle of the sword spirit.

"Adventurers who came here to hunt for treasures, I regret to tell you that this sword was once my side sword as a general of a country. It accompanied me to expand my territory and fight on the battlefield. Now that I am dead, the sword has accumulated a lot of treasure. The anger of too many killings has long since turned the founding sword into a demon sword. Let alone pulling it out, just being close to you will be affected and your mind will be polluted. "

"So, you must first find the three genius treasures [Pure Water], [Infinite Grass] and [Primal Dew] and bring them to me, so that I can help you purify the magic sword and eliminate the evil spirit."

"Secondly, if you want to pull out this sword, you must have the same talent as I did back then. I'm afraid your current level is far from enough, but it doesn't matter. You just need to go to my real burial place and put my Get [the bones] so that I can temporarily return to the corpse and take out the holy sword on your behalf."

"Finally, if you want the sword to recognize its owner, you also need to prepare items to enshrine the divine sword. There are five items in total, namely [Flower of the Other Shore], [Resurrection Pill], [Emblem of the Sword] and..."

Liao Yu closed his eyes.

I haven't done anything just now, just remembering the "hard-working" week in the past.

Now, Liao Yu, who had returned from the "Three Weeks", opened his eyes and said calmly to the Sword Spirit who was still there "releasing tasks": "Are you done?"

"When you're done, you can be on your way."

(End of this chapter)

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