Chapter 211 Holy Sword?Magic sword!
The fake player went through all kinds of hardships and traveled all over the entire regional map. After collecting the mission materials, when he came back to submit the materials, he had to be tricked again and tried every means to please the Queen of Sword Spirit. Only then did he finally obtain the Holy Sword.

Real players.

The majestic sword spirit frowned, obviously not realizing the seriousness of the problem.

It seems that its mind has not yet turned around. It seems that it does not believe it and does not understand it. How can a small human adventurer like Liao Yu have the confidence to say such things to him?
After coming back to his senses, the sword spirit became furious on the spot, its face became much gloomier, and a powerful aura immediately erupted from it, and the stones in the entire cave began to tremble and shake.

If it were in the game, Liao Yu would probably have a reminder floating above Sword Spirit's head.

[The attitude of the Demonic Sword Spirit towards you -50]

"Greedy and arrogant humans, it's not too late to apologize for what you said before, otherwise."

The "otherwise" in the second half of Sword Spirit has not yet been finished.

I saw Liao Yu on the opposite side impatiently lifting the small branch he carried with him from his waist.

"Really? Is this your choice? Hahahahahaha. If that's the case, let me show you, this ignorant human being, what power is!"

Sword Spirit finally stopped pretending.

Its original sense of divine majesty has long since disappeared.

The radiant armor covered with light quickly seemed to be corroded, turning into purple-black with evil obstacles emerging.

The sword spirit's expression was crazy, his eyes were red, full of bloodthirsty killing intent.

It turned out that it was not the owner of the holy sword at all, nor the dead general of a certain country.

It is the spirit of this magic sword.

To be precise, they are evil spirits that have been corrupted and corrupted by the magic sword.

What it pretended to tell Liao Yu before was just to get Liao Yu to work for him and help him collect materials that could help it "get out of trouble."

Now that it saw that Liao Yu was not cooperating, it no longer had the patience to wear a false mask.

It's all figured out.

Anyway, Liao Yu came with two people on this trip.

First kill this ignorant young man, and then look at the female human girl who seems to have been frightened. She can serve as her sword servant and continue to help him find materials for resurrection.

It has been waiting for this day for a long time.

It has long been unable to bear the fact that the majestic seventh-level spiritual master was sealed in such a miserable place. This time, this time it must do it! !
"Heart control."

Liao Yu softly uttered four words, and then took the small branch in his hand, just facing the position of the sword spirit.

Heart takes control.

Eighth-level "mysterious" spells.

Liao Yu specially chose a technique that was not so noisy.

Although the sword spirit is a spiritual creature.

But as an eighth-level spell, the "heart" here is just a concept. The sword spirit does not have a heart, but it has a spiritual core, which means the same thing as the heart.

Just as he was about to start killing, the sword spirit, full of evil aura, stopped in an instant.

It didn't even dare to blink.

Because it felt that a pair of hands seemed to have grasped the spiritual core hidden in the deepest part of its body.

The other party only needs to exert a slight force.

It can crush the spiritual core.

At that time, it will instantly disintegrate the spirit body and collapse into pieces, with no possibility of survival.

Were it not for the fact that spiritual beings cannot sweat.

I'm afraid the Demon Sword Spirit is already sweating profusely.

certainly.Compared with the fear of having his "spiritual core" grasped by the opponent, the Demon Sword Spirit was more frightened and shocked by Liao Yu's power.

This, how is this possible! ? ?

It had no idea what technique Liao Yu used.

Its most profound understanding of magic is only the sixth level.

It doesn't matter if you don't know him, but the magic sword spirit was still keenly aware of the magic power that exploded at that moment when Liao Yu released the spell.

And what is that concept?
If we compare it, a majestic seventh-level spiritual creature constructed of pure magic power, to a river.

The magical power of the human young man opposite
As vast and infinite as the sea.

It's not that the other party's magic power is the sea, but with its poor vocabulary, the only way to describe its terror is the sea.

"Master, master! Master!"


The Demonic Sword Spirit, who was as fierce as a ghost in the last scene, was more straightforward and knelt down in front of Liao Yu in the next scene.

It closed its legs and pressed its head firmly to the ground, not daring to release another breath. The trembling spirit body was enough to prove the extreme fear in its heart.

"Do you still want Flower of the Other Shore?"

"No! No more!"

"What about the bones of the prince from before?"

"do not want!"

"What about the Resurrection Pill and the Sword Crest?"

"No! I don't want any more! I only want you, Master!!"

The Demon Sword Spirit banged its head on the ground. It felt no physical pain anyway. After that, it almost crawled to Liao Yu's feet and knelt down to lick it.

"I still prefer your bohemian look before."

"I understand! Master, I, I will change now!"

Demon Sword Spirit seemed to understand something all of a sudden.

Its spirit form began to blur for a while, and when it reappeared, it still looked like a beautiful girl with demonic aura.

Good guy.

Spiritual creatures only have one chance to transform in their lifetime.

Once confirmed, what the transformed form will look like is difficult to "reshape" and modify later.

In order to survive, this demon sword spirit directly used its only opportunity to transform into a "witch" sword spirit.

This time
This time it really found a way to survive.

In line with the principle of "not revising history too much", Liao Yu spared the sword spirit. After he released the "heart control", the witch sword spirit went limp, and the feeling of powerlessness that was tugging at her heart finally disappeared. Let her collapse to the ground, breathing heavily, as if to thank Liao Yu for the preciousness of life, Liao Yu raised his noble hand.

After that, Liao Yu ignored the Witch Sword Spirit and walked directly to the ancient stone slab, reaching out to hold the end of the "Sword in the Stone".

"Master! No! That's a magic sword! I, I didn't lie to you at the beginning, you must purify it first."

The Witch Sword Spirit was almost frightened to death when she saw Liao Yu.

She was polluted into a demonic sword spirit because the murderous intent of this sword was too strong and her sin was too deep.

If Liao Yu holds it directly now, Liao Yu will also be impacted by the evil spirit and vicious energy deposited on the sword. Who knows, it will also be contaminated. If he loses his mind and starts killing on the spot, then they will all have to do it. die.


The Witch Sword Spirit quickly changed from panic to strange, because Liao Yu just pulled it out like that, as if nothing happened?
On the other hand, all the malice, murderous intent, and cruelty in those magic swords seem to be curled up in the deepest part of the sword.

(End of this chapter)

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