Chapter 212 Great Guardian Melvin
After walking out of the hidden cave behind the waterfall, Freya still felt dizzy.

Although the result was achieved.

The brave man successfully obtained the holy sword.

Freya secretly glanced at the sword on Liao Yu's waist that exuded strong evil and was walking in front of her. Can it really be called a holy sword?
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The barefoot witch sword spirit who is currently floating around the hero, wearing revealing clothes, is the kind of barefoot witch sword spirit with bare breasts, waist and navel that Freya would feel so ashamed to wear even just by looking at it.

Is this really the Spirit of the Holy Sword?
Freya had a big question mark in her heart.

But anyway.

This process went much smoother than she imagined. Just one day later, she got the important holy sword in the prophecy. Now Freya is even more convinced that they will be able to save mankind from the future catastrophe. , save the world.

And at the same time.
Liao Yu looked at the Philosopher's Stone in his right hand.

After completing the plot of "Searching for the Holy Sword", just like the previous rules, no matter what the process is, as long as the results are similar, it can provide energy for the Philosopher's Stone and stabilize the world line.

But this time, there are new changes to the Philosopher's Stone.

The smooth surface of the gemstone was originally empty, just reflecting light, but now, Liao Yu seemed to be able to see some phantom image from the gemstone surface.

Although it was very vague, there was no doubt that Liao Yu was familiar with the races with distinctive characteristics, the big demon with red wings, the sword demon with blades on its limbs, and the bloated rot demon.
That is, the demon clan.

Is the Philosopher's Stone reflecting the demon's shadow for itself?

If you look carefully, you can find that these demons are flying, as if they are moving outside the universe, heading towards a certain destination.

Combined with this, at the bottom of the screen, there seem to be a few numbers vaguely representing time.

Liao Yu quickly understood that this should represent the time when the demons will come later, right?
However, what does it mean that the Philosopher's Stone suddenly has this phantom?
And isn’t there something wrong with this timing?
Liao Yu tried hard to identify the time number displayed on the Philosopher's Stone, which converted to a little more than eight years.

But according to the historical plot in the original game, the demons should have arrived ten years later.

What is the missing year or two?
and many more!

Aren’t these two years a process of “speeding up”?
In the original game, if he wanted to get the Holy Sword, he had to go through a lengthy task process. In the real world of the game, it might really take him a year or two.

In other words, because I got the Holy Sword two years in advance, the demons from outside the world are coming two years in advance?
Does that mean
I don’t really want to experience all of “history”.

As long as certain key nodes can be completed quickly, the entire "Devils Arrive" plot can also be accelerated?
It's like "the coming of the demons" is not a fixed time.

It is the end point of a "task chain".

It will change as the "brave" himself completes various "preliminary tasks" such as "getting the holy sword".

The reason is why we should consider it later, Liao Yu believes, at least it is good news.

After all, most of the history he wants to change happened after the demons came.

But according to the original plot, he still had to wait ten years.

But now, as long as he speeds up the process, the demon can also speed up accordingly, which is tantamount to helping him save a lot of time.

Even quickly.
Maybe one year, no, no, no, half a year, three months can bring the demons to come?
Thinking of this, Liao Yu quickly returned to Freya.

"Freya, now that we have obtained the Holy Sword, in your glorious prophecy, where should we go next?"

Although Liao Yu already knew the follow-up development, he still had to ask Freya for insurance.

The saint thought for a moment.

"Lord Liao Yu, the next step is for us to go to the Daran Empire."

"There is the best magic academy in the world. I believe that the brave man will be able to make a breakthrough there and learn the real way to save the world!"

Freya waved her fist encouragingly.

The way of a brave man, after harvesting the artifact, really still requires "advice from an expert".

Liao Yu nodded.

It is exactly the same as the plot development in history.

The Daran Empire?
He felt a little emotional in his heart. As Freya said before, another chosen one who runs through the plot of the game, and to a certain extent, is more cheating than his "brave protagonist", is about to... On the stage.That is, the absolute leader against the demons in the future.

He is also the great guardian of the human world.

He is also the mentor of his "brave".


Daran Empire.

It is recognized as the hometown of magic in the world, and countless dazzling magicians have come from here.

However, even with such a glorious history, everyone must admit that the Daran Empire is still reaching new heights. The emergence of Melvin has eclipsed all the talented predecessors in the past.

Melvin did not come from a high background. On the contrary, he came from an orphanage. Without any enlightenment, he understood and deduced the theory of "magical relativity" on his own. Later, he was admitted to the arcane arts with perfect scores in all subjects. Early admission to colleges and universities.

After that, at the age of 18, Melvin won the world's Arcane Competition championship and lit up four destiny stars.

And now, he has become the absolute leader of the human magic world.

Countless magicians regard Melvin as a legend and firmly believe that under Melvin's leadership, the development of mankind in the field of magic will be pushed to a new level.

Logically speaking, a transcendent existence like this should have few roads and live in seclusion.

But just in the past year, Melvin announced his appointment as professor and vice president of "Daran College", expanded the college's enrollment scope, and opened open classes on magic techniques. Any student can come to observe and learn for free.

At the same time, Melvin also vigorously promoted arcane competitions and personally held college competitions.

There are rumors that whoever can win the title in the "Academy Competition" will have the opportunity to become a disciple of Melvin and become the disciple of this legendary human magician.

Because of this, Daran College almost became the center of the world.

Geniuses from all over the continent flock to this place and regard it as a holy place.

And many magician students in the academy are gearing up one by one, trying their best to improve themselves and prepare for the upcoming academy competition. Everyone hopes to win Melvin's favor.

"Okay students, that's it for today. Thank you for your hard work."

In a huge auditorium and a large classroom with 400 people, Melvin on the podium put away his textbooks and nodded to the students below.

Every student stood up one after another and bowed to the teacher in return, with strong respect and admiration on their faces. No one dared to make a noise on such an occasion. All the students packed their schoolbags quietly and orderly and walked out one by one.

It wasn't until they left the classroom and came to the corridor that the students were relieved and started chatting excitedly and happily with each other.

"Professor Melvin's lectures are really good. Many knowledge points can be understood at once."

"Yes, it has also given us a lot of cutting-edge advances in magic that are not in the textbooks. It's amazing!"

"I can't believe that such a legend is willing to teach us students. Oh my god, I still feel like I'm living in a dream."

"It's a pity that each person can only sign up for Professor Melvin's open class once at most."

"There is nothing we can do about it. After all, there are so many students out there who have never heard of it and are just waiting in line to draw lots. We have to give the opportunity to everyone."

"If you really want to be guided by Professor Melvin all the time, just sign up for the college competition and get a good ranking. You've heard the gossip, whether it's that Melvin will come to our college to be a professor, Or hold a competition, actually, the purpose is to prepare to recruit disciples!"

"Hey, to put it lightly, everyone knows this. You can imagine it with your toes. This year's academy competition is going to be bloody. It brings together the geniuses from all over the world. I, I'd better forget it."

Melvin in the auditorium could clearly hear the discussion of the students outside the corridor.

After he packed up the teaching aids on the podium, he waved his hand and the space in front of him was torn apart, revealing a deep portal.

Melvin raised his eyes and quickly disappeared into the portal.

Wait until you show up again.
He is already on the top floor of his own "Mage Tower".

In fact, the rumors outside are correct, and the students' guesses are also correct.

He would lower himself to become a professor and hold competitions, just to recruit disciples, or to be more precise, to
Looking for hope for the future for mankind.

(End of this chapter)

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