Chapter 213 Dark Forest
After returning to his mage tower, Melvin's original image of an amiable professor disappeared, replaced by deep fatigue and sorrow on his face, as well as a look of solemnity and uneasiness.

He quickly walked to a position similar to a "star observation platform" at the top of the mage tower.

This was the technique he was most proud of back then, and the most timeless technique he had developed.

That is the barrier that can break through the "native world".

Allowing him to glimpse other worlds that belong to the "outside".

Melvin vaguely remembered that when he used this technique for the first time, he was extremely excited and looked at the cosmic plane with excitement and anticipation.

However, in his imagination, the colorful universe did not exist.

What he saw was loneliness.

Dark jungle.

It's fine if that's all.

But due to his self-aggrandizement and ignorance, he made a fatal mistake, a mistake that could bring destruction and catastrophe to their world.

A communication spell was sent to this "dark jungle" plane.

Melvin's original intention was to long to find other civilizations and communicate with other worlds.


It was not any world that responded to his "communication technique".

One symbolizes destruction.

A reason why the plane universe is so "lonely".

The most powerful hunter in the dark jungle.


For Melvin to know so much, including the name of the "demon race", he had to rely on another kind-hearted race, the elves.

Fortunately, the kind elves also received Melvin's communication spell and took the initiative to contact Melvin. Only then did the legendary human mage know that he was in trouble.

It was from the elves that Melvin saw the worlds and civilizations destroyed by the demons, including the powerful elves.

And unfortunately.

Just because of his previous "communication" technique, the coordinates of his world, the human world, were also captured by the demons, and now the demons are heading towards their world at full speed.

In other words
An unprecedented catastrophe is about to come.

The human race has arrived, and the key to life and death is counting down.

Now, every time Melvin stands here at the observatory, he feels extremely painful and self-blame. It was him, it was he who harmed everyone, mankind, and the entire world because of his momentary curiosity.

Although he learned about the terror of the demons from the elves.

Even the elves, a civilization much more advanced than today's humans, were destroyed by the arrival of the demons.

But Melvin would never give up like this.

That's why he no longer keeps anything private, and wants to serve as a professor, set up open courses, and do his best to spread his knowledge to benefit more humans, so that the level of the entire human race can be improved as much as possible.

But this alone is not enough.

The great elder of the elves, "Naxi", told him that the real terror of the demons lies with the seven apostles and the demon king.

The showdown between top combat forces is the key to victory or defeat.

The top combat power on the human side is him, but Melvin knows that he is only on the same level as the great elder Naxi, and even in terms of talent, he is far from the young heir to the Queen of the Elfs. The little princess "Weilxi" is strong.

So Melvin can only place his hopes on others.He vigorously carries out college competitions in order to select people from all over the world who have real "savior" potential.

Melvin sighed deeply.

A few strands of white can be seen from his hair on the temples.

This kind of arcane competition, the college competition, has been held for several times, although each time there are also several students and contestants that make Melvin stand out.

But not enough.

They may be great, but they are far from saving the world.

Even if he couldn't surpass the achievements he had achieved when he was young, how could he talk about fighting against the terrifying catastrophe outside the plane?
Melvin was enveloped in a deep sense of powerlessness and anxiety.

Too bad there was nothing he could do.

We can only rely on the "star observation platform" to continuously detect the outside of the plane, to observe how much distance is left before the demons arrive in their world, and how much time is left for them.

Melvin closed his eyes and stepped into the "magic pool" inside the observatory. With the help of the rich magic power inside, when Melvin suddenly opened his eyes again, his eyes burst out with silvery white light, looking towards the sky above his head. Looking up, it seems as if the sight can penetrate everything and see the cosmic plane on the far side.

Melvin was already familiar with this technique, but soon he felt as if he had suffered a violent earthquake, his whole body was shaking, and the magic water pool in the observatory below seemed to be shaking and flowing with Melvin. .

With a violent ripple, Melvin exited from that "observation" state, the white light in his eyes gradually dissipated, and what was left revealed was
Horror, panic, confusion, and anxiety.


"How could this happen? When we observed yesterday, the shadows of those demons were still very blurry. Our world is still at least ten years away, but now, it's wrong. Could it be that I saw it wrong?"

Melvin, who kept mumbling to himself, immediately rearranged the observatory and prepared to perform another observation spell.

"No, no, no, no! Speeding up, the demons speeding up? This, what exactly is this..."

Melvin sat in the magic pool a little collapsed.

The current legendary human mage has disheveled hair and a broken face, because no matter how many times Melvin observes, he always gets the same answer.

The demons are indeed getting closer to their world. It originally took at least ten years to arrive, but now it has been shortened to maybe eight years.

There was not enough time left for their human race.

As a result, this number is still accelerating. What Melvin is afraid of is not that ten years will turn into eight years, but whether it will change from eight years to six years if we observe again tomorrow, and it will shorten again if we observe again.

This made his original plan to tighten the layout within ten years and work hard to narrow the gap between human civilization and the demon race be on the verge of failure.

How to do!
How to do!
The anxious Melvin could only think of one solution now.

Turning to his only allies, the elves, for help.

At least we need to find out from that elder Naxi the reason why the demons are accelerating.

The vast and boundless plane universe.

An elven starship whose entire body was woven from "ancient trees" floated in the darkness.

They are the last survivors of the "Elven World", the only group of Elf refugees to escape from the catastrophe that befell the demons.

The great elder's room at this moment.

A young barefoot little loli was sent out by the elves with all their strength. The last young princess, Velxi, was now running towards the depths of Xingcha.

In her nervous and milky voice, she shouted towards a figure deep in the room who was practicing with her eyes closed.

"Grandma Naxi! Human beings, there is another communication from the human world. It is red, the most urgent communication!"

(End of this chapter)

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