Chapter 214 Naxi’s decision

Naci withdraws from meditation.

The great elf elder glanced at a withered yellow seed in the box in front of him, and finally sighed.

As the last World Tree sapling withers, the civilization and inheritance of their Elf race will cease to exist and will be completely eradicated.

She tried to cultivate new saplings, but the result was just the same failure as now, and the seeds did not respond to her.


Shaking her head, Naqi had actually expected it. She just wanted to take a gamble.

After all, the World Tree is a symbol of authority that belongs to the "natural" destiny. Only the queen of their elven clan can have the ability to cultivate it, but
Naxi raised her eyes and looked at the anxious little loli opposite who came to report the news. The elder felt helpless and guilty in his heart.

Wilsey has indeed inherited the bloodline of the Queen and is the purest princess of their clan, but now that they are wandering in the universe, their meager resources cannot support Wilchy's training.

What's more, the Queen of the previous generation had already tried her best just to cover their and Wilchy's escape, leaving no inheritance or knowledge for Wilchy at all.

And just by being a great elder, she cannot really inspire the royal power in Welxi's bloodline.

This leads to an infinite loop.

If you want to germinate the seeds of the World Tree again, you need extremely high "natural" fate track authority, and only Wilsey can do this. But Wilsey, who has lost her mother, wants to improve the "natural" destiny track. It can rely on absorbing the inheritance from the World Tree.

Naxi knew that if things continued like this, it would be tantamount to slow death for the elves who were fleeing and wandering. Without the World Tree, the inheritance would be broken, and the power of the elves from generation to generation would only become weaker and weaker.

She must never let down the Queen and so many of her fellow elves who sacrificed for them.

That's why Naqian was eager to find a breakthrough.

This is why, after she accidentally discovered the "communication spell" sent by Melvin to the cosmic plane, she hesitated before choosing to respond.

In her opinion, the human world undoubtedly has great potential.

If the human magician named "Melvin" was not so ignorant and knew how to hide himself in the cosmic plane to avoid being discovered by the demons, then such a world would undoubtedly be a good place for their elves to build a new home. place.

She can receive Melvin's communication, and so can the demons. A beautiful and rich world like this is just like fat to the demons.

The human world has been targeted by demons.

Destruction is only a matter of time.

After finally finding a new homeland, it turned out that it was destined to follow the footsteps of their elves' country of destruction. Naxi was really unwilling to do so.

That's why she was willing to contact Melvin, giving the human mage a channel to communicate with the elves.

Just like her, she was betting on the tiny probability that the seeds of the World Tree could "germinate on their own."

Naqian is also betting on whether she can help human civilization survive the catastrophe of the demons by going to a distance.

But now it seems.
"Wilsey, give me the vine."

"Okay, okay grandma."

Little Loli carefully handed some kind of conch-like plant to Naqi.

Each civilization and race has its own unique magic. The elves are nature. As long as the corresponding seeds are sent to humans, they can communicate with each other through plant communication without using magic.

Soon, the vines on the philodendron began to grow and entwine with each other. In just a few breaths, they transformed into a vague human form, which was none other than Melvin.

"Ms. Naxi, this is my latest observation result on the demons. Why did they suddenly accelerate?"

At other times, the Archmage might have exchanged a few polite greetings, but now it was about the life and death of the human world, so Melvin didn't go through so much red tape and went straight to the point.

Naci did not answer in a hurry. At first, she thought that Melvin's observation technique was not mature enough, but then she took over it herself and conducted the observation. The result was exactly the same as the image that Melvin sent her.

Now even Naqi frowned. "The demons are really speeding up?"

Unlike Melvin, Naqi was the Great Elder after all and had much experience. After the initial confusion, she quickly thought of a possibility.

"I think this might be good news, Melvin."

"Good news!??" The human archmage suspected that he had heard wrongly. The demons causing the catastrophe were moving faster and faster, and it turned out to be a good thing?
"Looking back at the entire history of the universe, at least in the observation records of our elves, the demons have never behaved like this. They like to enjoy the way their prey struggles under the countdown to death, but now they have broken this tradition. I I think the biggest possibility is that it’s a threat.”

"There must have been some changes in your world that made the demons feel threatened, so they had to speed up."

After hearing what the great elf elder said, Melvin finally understood.

The demon's acceleration turned out to be a sign of nervousness?
In other words, do you really regard the human world as the "enemy"?

Thinking about it this way, it is indeed good news that they can transform from "ants" to "enemies".

Now a new problem comes.

What are the demons afraid of?
What is the "threat" that can speed up the demon race?
"Sorry, I don't know this either. You can only find it yourself. But I believe that it may be the hope to fight against the demons and an opportunity for your world to survive."

This ends the communication between the two parties.

Melvin hung up hastily. For the hope of mankind, he must understand what the demons are afraid of.

Naqi, on the other hand, was also lost in thought. The expression on her face was very complicated, as if she was hesitating about something.

The only one who was relatively "relaxed" was probably a little lolita who was the third person present.

Seeing Naqian's serious look, Wilsey didn't dare to say anything, let alone leave, for fear of disturbing Naqian's grandma and disrupting her thoughts.

The well-behaved little princess had no choice but to stand quietly in the room. However, when Wilsey's wandering eyes accidentally caught sight of something in a certain box, the little Loli's eyes suddenly widened with an expression of disbelief.

"Grandma! Grandma, look! The seeds of the World Tree, the color of the seeds has changed!!"

The little lolita wearing white silk stockings no longer cared about the princess's elegant demeanor, nor did she bother to bother Naqi. She hurriedly ran to the wooden box where the seeds were previously stored, her excited eyes full of excitement. .

As for Naqi
what! ?

The great elder also stood up quickly and came to Wilsey's side. When he looked into the box, he showed the same expression as the young granddaughter beside him.

"It sprouted? It sprouted!?? What on earth is this??"

I saw that the seeds that were withered and yellow before were now somewhat green again.

If you look carefully, you can still see the slightest cracks on the seeds, as if the young natural life inside is about to break out of the shell.

It's a pity that it only stops here, as if some kind of "energy" is not enough to support its full development.

"Is it the communication with the human world just now?"

"The seeds of the World Tree used the short-term communication connection to absorb some kind of "natural" energy emitted from the human world? "

As expected of a great elder, Naqian quickly analyzed the reason.

And this also made her hesitate no longer.

"Wilsey, pack up, we are getting ready to leave."

"Leave, leave? Grandma, aren't we going to continue wandering? Where are we going?" The young Wilsey was a little scared, but her last tone still contained a bit of yearning and excitement.

"The human world."

(End of this chapter)

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