Chapter 215 Satisfied Freya

After three days and three nights of long journey, Liao Yu looked far away and could vaguely see the magnificent magic relief hanging high above the city opposite.

The relief carving looks like an old man with a thick white beard. Under the ancient and ancient mage's high hat, there are deep eyes looking at the stars.

There is only one place in the world where the fifth-level "Floating Technique" can be applied to buildings in such a luxurious way.

Daran College.

As soon as Liao Yu and Freya entered the city, they could feel the strong atmosphere from the "Land of Magic".

The streets are lined with rows of various magic potion shops. Even the vendors who set up stalls in the alley corners sell mostly spell-casting materials. Even if you pick a hawker at random, he may be a third- or fourth-level magician. division.

Freya only took a few cursory glances, and the radiant saint was surprised enough.

I saw that rare magic materials that are usually difficult to find in other places seem to be everywhere in the city of Daran and can be easily purchased. Of course, the price is not cheap.

In addition to the rich material resources, Freya also noticed that even the pedestrians on the road were almost all wearing robes and high hats, with various magic weapons hanging from their waists.

Passers-by were either holding secret books and studying hard while walking, or they were in small groups, enthusiastically exchanging the latest magic techniques and various intelligence news from the academy.

On the contrary, ordinary people in plain clothes like her and Lord Liao Yu are a bit like aliens in this city of "the land of magic".

Freya was undoubtedly very happy and excited about this.

Almost all the elites and genius magicians from all over the world are gathered here. Freya believes that these will become the backbone to support mankind in future catastrophes.

And from now on, she must follow the glorious prophecy and lead the brave men responsibly in such an ocean of magic to learn knowledge, improve themselves, and lay a solid foundation for future salvation!

It seems that my hero-sama is already very powerful.

Freya secretly glanced at Liao Yu who was walking next to her.

On the way to the Daran Empire, she had been secretly looking forward to it, because according to the "Glory" prophecy, the road to salvation was not that easy, and they would encounter various setbacks and tribulations.

And her duty as a "saint" is to stand firmly behind the brave and become his strongest support.

The tortuous and arduous journey of salvation that Freya imagined did not happen.

in contrast.

They had a smooth ride.

There was almost no trouble.

It's as if the brave man was born with some innate ability to "seek good luck and avoid evil".

He can always predict the future and avoid trouble.

Even if she encounters one or two occasionally, before she can take action, they are easily solved by Master Liao Yu in a few strokes.

This made her very distressed.

Freya always felt as if she had changed from a "radiant saint" to some kind of "mascot".

Do not.
no no!

She also has "indispensable" value!

Freya was not discouraged.

After all, no matter how powerful a brave man is, in the end, he still has to cook his own meals every day, and he also has to wash his dirty clothes and underwear by hand over and over again!

Taking care of the daily life of the brave is also an important part of the saint's practice!

Finally, she regained some "saint" dignity in her heart. After giving herself some encouragement, Freya cheered up and took Liao Yu to find the nearest hotel to check in.

Unexpectedly, the result was a bad start.

"What? You want two rooms with soft beds!? What are you thinking? We have the last guest room left. It has the most ordinary hard bed. You can do it if you want." The innkeeper asked Freya impatiently. Wave your hands.

If it weren't for Freya's cuteness and beauty, he wouldn't even bother to take care of this kind of customer. "Ah this."

Seeing Freya's hesitation, the boss shook his head and kindly reminded you: "Little girl, let me tell you, the same thing happened when you went to other hotels and asked, they were all full. You don't know how many people are like you." Many foreigners are sleeping on the street with bunks on the ground!"

"The reason why I still have one person left here is because the unlucky tenant accidentally injured himself while preparing a new magic move for the "Academy Competition" in the house and had no choice but to quit."

"Study, college competition?"

Seeing that Freya looked unfamiliar with this word, the innkeeper looked surprised.

"No way, little girl, you don't even know about the academy competition? Then what are you doing here? Although every academy competition is very popular, the latest one has the most people, because that person The legendary mage "Melvin" announced not long ago that whoever wins the title in this competition will be officially accepted as his disciple!

"Although there were rumors before that Melvin wanted to recruit a disciple, this time the legend admitted it himself, which is why it caused such a big sensation. Moreover, there are no restrictions on the participants of this competition. He is an internal student of Daran College."

"Anyone who has attainments in magic, even outsiders, can sign up. Otherwise, why do you think those elite geniuses from all over the world are pouring into our city like crazy?"

"This, that's it"

Freya nodded, because they had been traveling these past few days, so the news was somewhat blocked.

But there is no doubt that the information brought by the innkeeper is exciting news for them.

In fact, Freya felt that this might be the guidance of "brilliance" and the inevitable fate.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that as soon as they arrived at Ran Academy, the legendary figure released the news that he was recruiting disciples.

"That's right, boss, we are here to participate in the competition, please be sure to give us your room!"

"Okay, seven silver coins per day, plus an additional five silver coins as deposit. If meals are included, add one more silver coin."

Freya, who had been in high spirits just now, was immediately discouraged after hearing this string of numbers from her boss.

The saint gritted her teeth and secretly opened her small purse.

Most of the money from the Glory Temple is used to maintain its operations, so most of the expenses during the trip with the brave came from the personal money she saved through frugality over the years.

One silver equals one hundred coppers.

Ten copper coins can almost feed a family for a day.

Of course Freya was reluctant to buy such an expensive house. This was the first time she spent money so lavishly, but...

In order to allow Master Liao Yu to have a good sleep and a good resting place, so that he can recharge his batteries and prepare for the upcoming college competition in the best condition, Freya didn't care about it. Now she is the Saint Women, show up when you need to!
Seeing that there seemed to be other passengers coming to check in, Freya quickly paid the money.

As for the food expenses?
"No, boss, Mr. Liao Yu still likes to eat the food I cook. I can just do it myself!"

"Are we a couple? I'm envious. When my wife and I were young, we were as sweet as you and traveled around. It's a pity that until I got an arrow in the knee, I could only be an innkeeper."

"Come on, little girl, I'm optimistic about you!"

At the end of the conversation, the boss winked at Liao Yu, who was standing behind him, as if to say that he should cherish such a beautiful and virtuous partner.

Liao Yu smiled and said of course.

In fact, there are many ways for him to get better and free housing, but how can I say this?
"Let's go, hero!"

Looking at Freya, although she looked pained with spending too much money, she could not hide the happiness and satisfaction on her face, as if her role as a saint could finally be put to use, and spending money for the brave made her extremely satisfied. .

Liao Yu admitted that along the way, he did neglect Freya a little in order to speed up the plot, so at this time, being a little invisible and letting Freya take the lead can be regarded as compensation.

Just when the two were about to go upstairs to put their luggage.


Liao Yu's strong sense of perception made him immediately turn back and look towards the street outside the hotel. It was this glimpse in the crowd that made Liao Yu's expression immediately turn into surprise and surprise.

and many more.

Could it be that the big one and the small one are? !
(End of this chapter)

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