Chapter 216 Goo!
"Freya, please go back to your room first. I have something urgent to deal with. Don't worry, it's nothing dangerous. It's just that I saw an old friend just now."

After Liao Yu briefly explained to the saint, he immediately chased out.

Liao Yu was not sure about the figures, one big and one small, because he was shorter and was blocked by the crowd. But for the big one, even if the other party used magic to disguise himself to change his face, due to the disparity in levels between the two sides, Liao Yu could see through the gap at a glance.


Isn't that the great elder of the elves?

Why is she here?
According to the plot in the game, the elves from thousands of years ago should only exist in the notes of "Melvin".

Do not.
That's just the "player" perspective in the game.

Maybe there were many hidden events behind the scenes in the first episode, but he, the brave man, was too weak at that time, so he was not qualified to participate.

Whether it is historical changes or hidden events, since Liao Yu has bumped into it, he will definitely not let it go.

not to mention.
What concerned Liao Yu the most was the little Lolita who was holding hands next to Na Qian.

If he guessed correctly, that should be it.
Soon, Naqian and the little girl gradually moved away from the main line of the street and headed deeper into the secluded alleys with few people.

After turning another corner, Liao Yu continued to follow, only to see Na Qian on the wall there with a wary face, waiting for him, looking at his stalker with a critical look.

This is actually what Liao Yu wants. He did not deliberately hide his actions. Rather, taking this opportunity, Liao Yu can finally see clearly. He is now hiding behind Na Qian, holding on to the elder's clothes with his small hands, and sticking his head out is a bit... The little loli looked at him nervously and curiously.

The little Lolita's face suddenly made Liao Yu feel hot and excited.

Can't go wrong.

Although it is much more immature.

But after all, they are an old married couple.

Sure enough it was her!

Good news, I have found a wife who will be a thousand years later.

Bad news, my wife has turned into a lolita.

It doesn’t seem that bad?

After all, they are small and very cute!


Liao Yu calmed down the expression on his face a little. It would be bad if he was misunderstood as some strange man, although judging from the gloomy expression on Na Qian's face opposite, he probably was.

"I'm sorry for frightening you. I just saw the haggard faces and weak steps of the two of them, and wondered if they needed help, so I followed them on my own."

Liao Yu apologized first, but what he said afterwards was all true.

The current appearance of Naqi and Wilsy is indeed not good.

The clothes of both of them are very simple, which is a nice way to call them, but a bad way is called wrinkled, as if they haven't changed for a long time and are dusty.

The shriveled feeling, as if they had been hungry for several days, could be seen on their faces at a glance, especially on Wei Erxi. The little loli's cheeks were all sunken, and her dry abdomen was almost... The front waist is close to the belly.

"This is none of your business. This is your last warning. If you continue, don't blame me for being rude!"

As expected, this great elf elder is still as cold and arrogant as he was thousands of years later.After she said these words coldly, she was about to turn around and leave, but Naqian's eyes only felt blurry. The next moment, the strange young man who was clearly some distance away from them before suddenly came to them. Blocking her way.

Of course Liao Yu would not let Na Qian go.

Although he didn't know what happened to Naqian to become so depressed, it didn't matter to Liao Yu how the Great Elder was doing, but he couldn't let his Versi suffer the same hardship!
On the other side, Naqian seemed to have been ready for battle. Although Liao Yu's teleportation surprised her, as a proud elf elder, how could she do this to a mere human being?
About five seconds passed.


With a mournful cry, Naqian half-knelt on the ground and disappeared in an instant.

The youthful version of the elf elder now looked at Liao Yu with shock and disbelief on his face. Of course, there was also humiliation and fear hidden deep in his eyes.

Na Qian only felt that Liao Yu took a small branch and tapped it at her, and the surging magic power that followed was like a huge wave and tsunami, flooding her from all directions.

The magic barrier that she was so proud of was like a thin film in front of the other party, which could be broken with a single poke. On the contrary, the other party's seemingly slender branches were like some kind of scorching magic wand, leaving her with no resistance. Power.

Now she was panting heavily and could only rely on the wall to stand up. All the strength in her body seemed to be drained out, and a strong feeling of weakness enveloped her.

But Naqi seemed to still want to struggle.

Suddenly, several extremely thick vines sprouted from the ground on both sides of the Elf Elder.

In the blink of an eye, the vines wrapped around Naqian's hands and feet, bound her waist, and fixed her directly to the wall. No matter how hard Naqian struggled, it was to no avail.

Victory and defeat.

The disparity in strength between the two sides was so large that Naqian once doubted who she was facing. The last time she felt that despair was when she faced the demon king who destroyed the world.

Of course, what shocked Na Qian even more was the last spell Liao Yu used to restrain her.

"Natural faction? You, you can actually control plants!?"

"No, why can you? Even my "natural" destiny cannot take effect in this world. You, who are you! ! "

Na Qian's words aroused Liao Yu's interest.

Speaking of which, it is true that although the battle just now was short, Naqian did not use even a single natural spell, which was very strange.

Did it turn out that "Nature" didn't respond to her?

Liao Yu realized something, and then he quickly walked up to Na Qian, lifted up the cloth strip around Na Qian's waist, and under the angry eyes of the elder, who was blushing with shame and anger, he He put his hand up.

"Try your natural magic now."

Liao Yu didn't do anything excessive, just to make contact with Naqian with his hands. Naqian, who was embarrassed and annoyed, didn't need Liao Yu to say anything, and immediately tried to awaken the power of nature again.

And this time.
Buzz!Several new vines actually sprouted from the surrounding ground. This was Naqian's natural magic, which suddenly made Naqian surprised and happy.

Ready to use?
Can she use "natural" magic again? ?
But before Naci was happy for long, the vines broke away from her in an instant, lost control, and all fell towards the human young man.

Now Naqi, no matter how stupid she is, can see it.

"You, you can control the "natural" fate! ?wrong!Wait, there is a "natural" destiny path in you! !And this aura, royal family?you you! "

After closing her eyes and sensing carefully, Na Qian saw that Liao Yu's expression had changed when she opened her eyes again. Her hostility was much reduced, and she was more deeply confused.

(End of this chapter)

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