The hero who saves the world in the first eye, and the devil king in the second eye

Chapter 218 I really hope that this happy day can come soon

Chapter 218 I really hope that this happy day can come soon
Wei Erxi's "Dad" almost made Liao Yu stagger.

You can eat the food indiscriminately, but your father can't bark.

When she became a daughter, Wilsie, she was seduced by a succubus and it was okay to scream. But now, it doesn't matter. If it were changed to this kind of history, it would be a tragedy.

In order to prevent such nonsense from happening in the future.

No matter how reluctant Liao Yu was, he would bear the pain and give the little Lolita in his arms a violent shudder!

"What dad, call me brother!"

Facing the ferocious Liao Yu, Wei Erxi miserably covered her painful little head and said a little aggrievedly: "Yes, I'm sorry, big brother, because Wei Erxi has never seen her parents since she was a child, so, that's why "

Thinking of the tragedy of the elves' national subjugation, coupled with the fact that the little Lolita's big eyes were now a little teary, Liao Yu suddenly softened his heart.

He quickly went to rub the little head that Wilsy had been knocked on just now, and said comfortingly:
"Don't cry, don't cry. Brother can also be a relative. Come on, you must have suffered a lot along the way with that old woman. You must be starving. Let's go! Now brother will take you to have a big meal!"

"That's Grandma Naqi, not an old woman." Welch retorted weakly.

But soon, the little Loli's attention was completely attracted by the second half of Liao Yu's sentence "eating a big meal".

She swallowed secretly.

Even though Grandma Naxi had taught her a lot of etiquette as a "princess", Wilsey still couldn't help it, clutching her shriveled belly, looking impatient.

Look at the hungry children!

Liao Yu immediately hugged the little Loli and quickly returned to the hotel. As soon as he went upstairs and was still in the corridor, Wei Erxi sniffed his little nose fiercely. Liao Yu could also smell the fragrance of the dishes, and the source It was their room.

Maybe because she heard the footsteps, the door of the house was opened automatically. Freya, the little cook wearing an "apron", was just about to greet Liao Yu, but...
"Uh, who is she?" The saint looked at the Lolita in Liao Yu's arms with confusion and curiosity.

"It's my friend's child. She had something to do temporarily, so she entrusted Wilsy to me. This child may have to travel with us for a long time."

"That's it"

Freya nodded, accepting it quickly.

She didn't reject Wei Erxi, but after hearing Liao Yu add some background information about Wei Erxi, Freya felt even more distressed after she was the last little princess who lost her country and her clan.


Grumpy Grumpy!

When Liao Yu introduced Wei Erxi, the little Loli's attention had long been taken away by the delicious food on the table.

Freya's cooking skills were very good, and Wilsey stared at the dishes on the table eagerly.

Roast chicken that is crispy on the outside and sprinkled with salt and cumin on the inside, fresh fish with fragrant milk sauce, refreshing and delicious mixed vegetable salad, and finally, two bowls of fragrant white rice, and Thousand-Flower Golden Crispy Cake as a snack .

The several "gurgling" sounds just now came from Wilsey's stomach, which had already protested strongly.

If she hadn't cared a little about the "princess"'s face, she would have wanted to rush up to Feng Juan Can Yun.

"Okay, come in quickly. The food here is ready. Let's chat while eating."

The considerate Freya immediately satisfied Velsey and added a pair of tableware and chairs to the little Lolita.

"Then, big brother, big sister, I, am I going to start?" She excitedly swayed her short white legs that could not reach the ground, and Wei Erxi held a knife and fork in her hands, shy but eager to try.

"Yeah, eat quickly, sister is not hungry."

The more Freya looked at the polite and cute Wilsy, ​​the more she liked her. She had done a little too much, so it didn't matter.

What's more, how much can a child eat?
But just a few minutes later.

The saint wanted to take back her last sentence.

"Uh-huh, it's delicious. Uh-huh. It's delicious. One more bowl!" Wilsey, who buried her head in her rice bowl, spoke vaguely.

"It's okay, eat slowly, there are still a lot of them." "Uh-huh. Uh-huh. One more bowl!"

"Yes, do you want to drink some water first?"

"Uh-huh. Another bowl!"

"Uh" Freya had a stiff smile on her face and gradually realized something was wrong.


Liao Yu, Freya: "."

This time the empty bowl that was stretched out was not taken away, which made the little Loli look up from her meal in confusion.

When she saw the empty rice pot next to Freya, Wilsey realized something and quickly calmed down her expression.

"I, I'm full!" The guilty little Loli seemed to have made a mistake, and lowered her head in embarrassment.

But she secretly licked the rice grains at the corner of her mouth, and she still looked like she was still interested, which undoubtedly betrayed her.

A large pot of rice was completely wiped out by Wei Erxi, and only soup was left on three or four plates.

It’s definitely too late to cook new dishes now.

Freya gritted her teeth in her heart. She asked the little Loli to wait for a while, then took the small package of her personal money and walked towards the innkeeper.

Since she is the friend of Lord Brave, she is also Freya's sister. No matter how much money she spends on her sister, she doesn't feel bad, well, she doesn't feel bad!

Soon after, plates of new dishes were served by the waiters, as well as three large pots of rice.

The price was Freya's obviously shrinking wallet.

Seeing that it was time to eat again, Wilsey, who just said "I'm full", immediately swallowed hard.

The little loli looked greedy, as if she had never eaten just now.


Liao Yu finally knew how the elves declined.

With Velxi's appetite, I'm afraid it won't be possible for the elves to become poor all by themselves!

After half an hour.

After eating like crazy, the little Loli finally burped with satisfaction and touched her round belly. Next to it were eight or nine empty rice bowls.

As a child, he gets sleepy after eating a full meal. Seeing Wei Erxi dozing off, Liao Yu carried the little Loli to the bed and covered her with a quilt. After a while, there was that cute "huhu" sound. The snoring started.

Freya and Liao Yu sat on both sides of the bed, one on the left and the other on the right.

The Saint looked at the sleeping pretty little Loli, and at Liao Yu who was taking good care of Velxi from the side. This was the first time Freya had seen such a gentle and careful side of Lord Brave.

In addition, it was the leisure and quiet time of the afternoon at this moment. Such a beautiful and peaceful scene made the saint's heart ripple for a while.

She would be so close to Freya and love her because she had not been an orphan since she was a child. She only grew up in the confinement room of the temple, and she longed for family and affection deep in her heart.

Therefore, after the catastrophe is over and the world is saved, it would be great if the future can be like this, living happily with the brave man and taking care of the baby that truly belongs to them.

Bah Bah!

What was she thinking about!

Freya quickly lowered her head, not daring to look in Liao Yu's direction again, for fear that her "shameful" thoughts would be discovered by Liao Yu. However, the red ear tips peeking out from the girl's hair still exposed her.

really hope.
Such a day can come sooner.
(End of this chapter)

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