Chapter 219 Don’t bully young girls!
After a nap to recharge your batteries.

Liao Yu held the hand of the energetic little Loli, and together with Freya, set off towards the registration office of Daran College.

According to the historical plot, it was at this "Academy Competition" that he "first showed his prowess" as a brave man.

At first, I was not favored by anyone and had no reputation.

It was by relying on hard-core group battles again and again, passing through layers of screening, passing the test, and constantly training with battles to support battles that he finally broke out of the siege and won the title of this college competition.

Looking at the difficulty and arduousness of this plot, Liao Yu thinks it can definitely be considered top-notch when looking at the entire game.

Of course, the rewards were also great. Taking this as an opportunity, he was announced as a disciple by the legendary mage "Melvin". From then on, he finally appeared on the world stage, and his social status jumped several levels.

Now, because of my own modifications to history, under the butterfly effect, the intensity of the current "Academy Competition" is obviously much higher than in the game.

In the past, there were only strong men from Daran Academy, but now they have gathered almost all the talented magicians from all over the world.

The registration office alone was already crowded. In order to save efficiency, the organizers of the academy placed several magic stones for testing talent in the center of the big stage.

All contestants who come to register for the college competition must first go on stage to undergo a magic test.

The operation method is also very simple, just go up and put your hand on the magic stone. Then this crystal clear jade stone will flash based on the purity of the user's magic power to estimate the opponent's talent level.

The rougher the magic power, the lower the talent, and the slower the magic stone will flicker. On the contrary, the higher the purity, the higher the talent, and the faster and stronger the magic stone will shine.

"Demon power, third level!"

Another young man came up and put his hand on the magic stone full of expectations. As a result, the magic stone flickered weakly for three times and then stopped. The organizer's tester shook his head at him regretfully and repeated the rules.

"If you want to be exempted from the audition, the minimum is four levels. Sorry, please go and register over there and prepare to draw lots for your opponent."

Afterwards, several people came on stage to conduct tests, and they were generally around the third or fourth level. Occasionally, there would be one of five or six levels, which was enough to draw exclamations from the crowd of onlookers.

The genius magician who was certified as a "Sixth Stage" came down from the test magic stone on the stage and was immediately praised by the stars.

Some of those who opened gambling games rushed to learn more about each other and try to get close to each other. After all, the talent of the sixth-dan players was very high. Not only could they win the championship, they would at least have the potential to reach the top eight.

Not long after, it was the turn of Liao Yu and his party.

After all, even though there are so many people gathered here, there are not many players who actually dare to go up for testing.

Because he was detected to have extremely high talent, he was indeed the center of attention and enjoyed everyone's admiration.

But if the detection level is very low, like that third-level young man, it would be embarrassing.

"You go up first, Freya, come on, I'm optimistic about you!"

"Eh? But it's me"

"I'm here anyway, let's give it a try."

Just like the plot in history.

Freya was a little reluctant at first. After all, she didn't like such eye-catching occasions, but she still stepped onto the stage after Liao Yu's persuasion.

Immediately afterwards, when Freya put her hand on the magic stone, after a delay of two or three seconds, the magic stone began to flicker.

Once, twice, three times. When it flashed to the fourth time, the crowd of onlookers looked forward to it. When it flashed to the fifth time, the attention of all the contestants had been gathered. After the sixth time, the formation There was an exclamation of surprise, another sixth-level genius?
The magic stone did not stop, but continued to flicker for a while before finally extinguishing.

And this was enough to make everyone in the entire testing area, including the teachers from Daran College, both surprised and happy.

"Wait, wait, am I dazzled? Did the magic stone flash seven times just now?"

"It's seven, that's right, I've been counting!"

"What the hell? Seventh level of demonic power?? Look at her age, she's only twenty, right!?"

"What kind of monster is this!"

"Tsk, tsk, this year's college competition is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. After Melvin's reputation for wanting to take a disciple is revealed, how many monsters and evildoers will have to explode." "Quick! Now, immediately, get the information about that girl. , this is definitely the favorite to win the championship!”

The crowd was so excited that they seemed to want to rush directly to the stage.

In the distance, on the top floor of a mage tower, Melvin, who was silently watching the college competition from behind, immediately frowned at this scene.

With a wave of his hand, a wall of transparent air rose up on the field.

As if this was also a signal, the teachers at Daran Academy also reacted and immediately used magic to maintain order and warned the onlookers who wanted to test Freya in various ways.

It is also their responsibility as the organizer to protect the personal privacy and safety of the contestants. No other outsiders are allowed to interfere too much without Freya's permission.

After the scene returned to order, Melvin on the mage tower nodded with satisfaction.

He stared at Freya's face and felt that it looked familiar.

After taking a closer look, I recognized this. Isn't this the saint from the Glory Temple?
At this time, the Glory Temple was still just a relatively low-key and ordinary one among the many "destiny path" belief sects, and was not considered outstanding.

So when Melvin recognized Freya's identity, he wasn't too surprised.

It can only be said that this year's Glory Temple is really good, and it has cultivated such an outstanding young man that his heart is moved.

After all, when he was tested for the "Magic Stone" when he was young, he was only at the eighth level.

In fact, testing talent is not the point.

The real focus of Melvin is.
So, is she the "savior" I want to find?
The demons are speeding up their progress. The threat they are afraid of is this year's radiant saint?

It seems the more I think about it, the more likely it is.

Melvin's heart suddenly became hot and he couldn't even sit still. He immediately planned to leave and directly contact Freya.


Just when the legendary archmage was about to take a sip of tea to calm down his shock, tidy up his appearance, and go to find Freya as a teacher.
The next scene coming from the testing site made Melvin spit out his tea.

I saw that after Freya, it seemed that the saint's partner followed on the stage for testing.

That's a weird combination.

A handsome young man brought a cute little loli.

Handsome man, beautiful woman and cute baby.

This combination is extremely eye-catching.

So when Liao Yu asked if Wei Erxi could also test it, the organizer's college teacher readily agreed.

With the help of Liao Yu, the little Loli put her fleshy little hands on the magic stone.

And then the next moment.

The magic stone began to flicker, once, twice, five times, six times, seven times, and eight times.

After the eighth blow, the magic stone finally dimmed.

Wilsey still doesn't quite understand it, but she just thinks that this sparkling stone is quite fun, but unfortunately it can only shine a few times.

If these inner words were heard by the surrounding crowd, they would probably vomit blood on the spot.

Although the current effect is similar.

When the little Loli turned around and was about to find Liao Yu to continue hugging her.
As a result, what she saw when she turned around was that everyone around her, whether they were bystanders, contestants, or teachers from the host college, all had petrified faces. They looked at her with wide-eyed expressions of extreme shock.

(End of this chapter)

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