Chapter 220 Master and Disciple spanning a Thousand Years
"Duan [-]?"

"The magic stone is broken! There must be something wrong with the magic stone!"

"So far, the record of this eight-stage record is only held by Lord Melvin back then!"

"Is there another legendary mage about to be born??"

"No, no, no, have you forgotten? Melvin was already an adult at the time of the test, but how old is that little girl now?"

"Hey, then, is it possible that this little girl is more talented than Lord Melvin?"

"Who is she!!"

"You guys, go and investigate her identity for me immediately!!"

After the petrification of the scene, there was a flood of noise from the crowd of onlookers.

In the huge college inspection square, there were at least thousands of forces from all sides gathered. It could be said that it was a mixed bag, but everyone's eyes were fixed on one position at the moment.

It was Wilsey who was still confused on the stage.

Not only that, the grandness of this academy competition is such that it attracts the attention of the whole world.

So in addition to the onlookers at the scene, I don't know how many magic projections transmitted the image of this scene to many other places.

said with no exaggeration.

It is no exaggeration to say that today's little Loli has attracted the attention of the whole world.

And as a price.

The Philosopher's Stone in Liao Yu's right hand is flashing crazily.

The energy he had accumulated through hard work and relying on the original plot was being rapidly consumed.

After all, in the original history, there was no such super genius little loli whose talent was comparable to that of the legendary Archmage and who attracted the attention of many forces.

Liao Yu stared at the Philosopher's Stone in his hand.

His purpose was achieved.

There are already enough “witnesses” to this “new history”.

Then it should be next
"Sir, congratulations!! You are so lucky!" A senior person in charge from the organizer came forward.

Following these words, a powerful wave of magic power radiated from the direction of Daran Academy. Wherever it passed, the crowds who were too restless due to shock all fell silent in an instant.

Fifth-level magic, group silence.

To be able to release it over such a large area from such a distance, it is self-evident who did it.

Of course, the onlookers who were forced to "silence" would not leave.

They are more curious about what will happen next.

What does the person in charge mean by "too lucky"?
"Excuse me, is she yours?"

"It's my sister." Liao Yu walked over and took Wei Erxi's hand, not caring that countless pairs of eyes in the crowd immediately focused on him.

Little Loli, who was a little frightened by this kind of battle, was now nervously and fearfully hiding behind Liao Yu, her little hands clenching Liao Yu's clothes.

Liao Yu smiled and touched his head, and after calming down Welch's emotions, he continued to talk to the person in charge opposite.

"What do you mean by luck just now?"

"Sir, Vice President Melvin has always believed that luck is often a part of talent and strength, so in our audition this time, we have specially added a hidden rule, and we will select one lucky person. This player can enjoy the "bye" treatment and directly enter the top [-] competition. "

"And the trigger sign of this "bye" is"

When the teacher in charge said this, there was no need to continue. Many people on stage and off stage also understood.

The magic stone flashing eight times does not mean that the talent is in the eighth level, but it means that the lucky draw of "bye" was drawn.

As for why it was eight times, it should be a tribute to Melvin.

So this is ah.

Many onlookers showed expressions of sudden realization, and many people nodded, thinking that this explanation was reasonable.

After all, to say that a kid who is only six or seven years old is more talented than the legendary archmage who is the pinnacle of all mankind, they think it is too ridiculous and they cannot accept it at all.

And if this is a set "lucky easter egg", it would be logical.

"However, your sister is too young and will definitely not be qualified to participate. All the rights of this lucky bye will automatically be transferred to you as a traveler."

"Is it okay if we are not related by blood?" Liao Yu asked one more question deliberately, in front of everyone.

"Of course, as long as the little sister agrees."

The teacher in charge focused on Wei Erxi. Although the little Loli didn't quite understand what was going on, since it was beneficial to brother Liao Yu, she nodded, of course she agreed.

"Very good, the qualifications have been transferred. Mr. Liao Yu, can you and your companions move to the backstage with me? We still need to register your personal information."

"Okay, lead the way, thank you for your hard work."

Under the leadership of the college teacher, Liao Yu and the others quickly left the stage and disappeared from the eyes of the public at the audition venue.

The flickering light of the Philosopher's Stone in Liao Yu's right hand finally calmed down.

Although energy is still being consumed, it has been greatly reduced compared to before and is within a controllable range.

This proves that the vast majority of ordinary people and contestants still accept the "bye easter egg" setting.And this influence on history is definitely much smaller than that of "evil genius".

Of course.

There will definitely be those thoughtful or suspicious people and forces who will be skeptical about the "bye". They don't believe it is that simple and will definitely continue to investigate secretly.

This is why my Philosopher's Stone is still consuming energy.

Liao Yu can accept this and is happy to see it.

The current situation is much better than the "risk" he imagined.

Should I say
Didn't his "teacher" really disappoint him?
The final destination that the college teacher led Liao Yu and the others to was no other place, but a tall spiral mage tower located at the core of Daran College.

There is only one magician in the world who can enjoy such a magician tower.

"Okay, now please just keep moving forward along the corridor. Vice Dean Melvin has been waiting for you in the room for a long time."

The teacher in charge bowed respectfully to Liao Yu and the others and left quickly.

Inside the mage tower, only guests invited by Melvin are allowed to enter.

Freya next to Liao Yu was very nervous.

I even felt dizzy at one point.

This feeling is exactly the same as when I went to find the "Holy Sword".

It should obviously be a very difficult and tortuous journey.

Suddenly the goal was achieved.

Last time, I found the Holy Sword when I arrived at the entrance of the village. This time, before the competition, I was invited by Melvin to meet?

"Don't worry, he's fine."

Liao Yu comforted Freya and then walked at the front.

When he finally stood at the door of the room at the end of the corridor, Liao Yu took a deep breath, and slowly pushed it away with a complex mood of nervousness and anticipation in his heart.

A familiar figure leaned against a hill of stacked books.

Because he "accelerated" the plot, the Melvin he meets now is much younger than in the game.

This legendary mage, who was in his prime, closed the book in his hand and hurried over to greet him with a smile.

"Miss Freya, when I first visited the Temple of Glory, I saw you as a baby in the arms of the Archbishop. I didn't expect you to be so old in the blink of an eye. Time flies so fast, tsk."

"As for this one."

"Liao Yu." Liao Yu naturally extended his hand to Melvin.

"Hello Mr. Liao Yu, nice to meet you."

Melvin was very happy to hold it. He didn't seem to be a legendary mage, but an ordinary person who was happy to make new friends.

"Come in, oh, sorry, sorry, it's a bit messy in here, I hope you don't mind."

"No need, Freya, please take Wilsey to the tea room first. If I remember correctly, it should be on the third floor of the mage tower, the fifth room from the right. After entering, um Yes, remember to click on the third honorary trophy on the cabinet, it is a mechanism, and below it is the most precious rare tea collected by Teacher Melvin, I think Wilsie will definitely like to drink it."

After Liao Yu spoke, Freya was a little confused.

The same goes for Melvin.

His body, the smile on his face, everything was clearly stiff to the naked eye.

The very next second.

A powerful momentum instantly enveloped Liao Yu.

The source of the surging magic power comes from this legendary human mage.

Melvin seemed to want to "see through" Liao Yu.

But soon.

The tense atmosphere at the scene disappeared.

Melvin, who had recovered as before, not only nodded to the confused Freya, but also "reminded" him thoughtfully:

"The location of the tea room is correct, but, haha, the tea we collected was placed at the bottom of the table before we could hide it. But it doesn't matter. I can share it with the Holy Lady and the little princess. It's mine. pleasure."

Freya: "."

The Saint always felt that Lord Brave and Melvin seemed to have something to say, like two Riddlers, but she couldn't hear it at all.

In the end, the helpless Freya could only look at Liao Yu to the left and Melvin to the right, and then left in a daze step by step while holding the hand of Versi who was looking forward to "treasure tea".

The last two people left at the door.

"Shall we go in, teacher?"

"Don't forget to use the "Exorcist Curse" first. "

Liao Yu smiled and shrugged: "Of course."

(End of this chapter)

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