Chapter 221 Master and Disciple spanning a thousand years (Thanks to the leader of the Little Book Fairy!)

Remove the curse.

A very simple first-level spell, the effect is to shield the external magic debris attached to the body, so that subsequent spell learning and research can be smoother and eliminate external interference, similar to disinfecting before entering a laboratory.

Of course, no magician would actually do this.

The error caused by the weak external magic power is almost negligible. Only Melvin has such mandatory requirements for his "students" internally.

And as Liao Yu, who has followed Melvin for a long time in the game, this rule has become a natural habit.

"Teacher, you should have noticed that the threat of demons is approaching."

After entering the house, Liao Yu got straight to the point.

Melvin seemed to have already understood something tacitly. He nodded and did not hide anything from Liao Yu. Instead, he nodded seriously and said:
"Yes, and the process of the demons coming is still accelerating. I just communicated with the great elder of the elves a few days ago. Naxi told me that it is because in our world, there is an object that the demons feel threatened. , that’s why they accelerated.”

"For the sake of humanity and the world, and also to repay my mistakes, I must find this last hope, but now it seems that, well, "hope" took the initiative to find me first, which is really shameful. "

Melvin shook his head with emotion.

"I know teacher, you must be very confused right now, but before that, can I ask you a question?"

"of course."

Afterwards, Liao Yu stood up and did not ask questions directly. Instead, he looked around the room as if he was looking for something.

Soon his eyes lit up and he spotted the target.

It was a black dumpling lying lazily on the balcony.

"Meow meow, come on, meow meow, come here."

Following Liao Yu's voice, the black dumpling on the balcony raised his head. It turned out to be a slightly obese big black cat. Now the black cat was staring at Liao Yu strangely.

It felt strange to Liao Yu, but this stranger called his name.

After a few hesitations, the big black cat jumped down from the balcony and came to Liao Yu's feet.

"You're so good, I can borrow you for a while."

Liao Yu picked up the black cat and placed it on the experimental table.

Next, Liao Yu turned to look at Melvin again and started his question: "Teacher, let's assume a future. When you taught me the art of musketry, I forgot to cast the "Exorcism Curse" before entering the house. , as a result, the little external magic impurity interfered with the magic, causing the musketry to go out of control, killing Mow Meow. "

"I know, teacher, that you like Meow Meow very much and regard Meow Meow as a family member. So if you were given a chance to go back to the past, how would you save Meow Meow?"

Melvin didn't pay much attention to the slightly unreasonable and abrupt question raised by Liao Yu.

Instead, he thought about it seriously and treated it as a project.

"I think the simplest way is to remind you before entering the house and ask you to cast the "Exorcist Curse" properly. In this way, history will be rewritten. "

"But I guess it's not that simple, right?"

"Yes, because I still have one condition that I haven't mentioned. In the future I assumed before, it was precisely because of Miao Miao's death that I, as a disciple, felt extremely repentant, thus stimulating my potential and allowing me to I will repent from now on and be extremely rigorous in my future practice of magic. When fighting against a certain enemy in the future, it was this rigor that saved my life."

"If this condition is added, teacher, how else would you modify history?"

This time, Melvin's thinking time obviously became longer.

Even his brows were wrinkled.

Very simple.

The previous future was very simple, where a student's mistake led to the death of the black cat.

But it's different now.

The death of the black cat taught the students a lesson, and it was this lesson that allowed the students to be saved in the future.

In other words
It becomes a “choose one” dilemma.

What if I really changed the future of "black cat's death"?

Then it will inevitably lead to students not getting lessons.

Indirectly, students may die because of this lack of "caution" in future battles with powerful enemies.

This is the butterfly effect.

It may seem like a history has been modified, but it will later involve countless other changes in the future.

Melvin had to admit.

This question is really difficult.

Since he is a "teacher", how can he be asked by students?

Melvin smiled.

The frown he had before has long since disappeared.

He already has the understanding.

It's not difficult either.

Just let the black cat be both dead and alive.

Melvin quickly found an empty cardboard box from the side.after
Put this cardboard box over the black cat.

The carton is not transparent.

Liao Yu couldn't see the inside at all from the outside.

It can only be judged from the "meow" sound made by the black cat inside the cardboard box that the black cat is "inside".

Afterwards, Melvin raised a flame in his right hand and threw it at the box covering the black cat.

The flames engulfed the carton in a flash.

Wait until the flame goes out.

Only ashes were left at the scene.

It seemed that both the black cat and the cardboard box were burned by the flames.

As such.
The history of the death of the black cat is achieved.

At least from the perspective of Liao Yu, the "witness".


"Meow meow?"

The black cat that was supposed to be burned to death in the cardboard box now poked its head out from behind Melvin and let out a confused cry.

It turned out that in the carton, Melvin had already set up an extra hidden teleportation to send the black cat out in advance.

After doing all this, Melvin opened his hands to Liao Yu.

"In this way, history has been modified. In the eyes of my apprentice, the black cat is still dead, and he will still learn a lesson and defeat the enemy in the future. But at the same time, the black cat also survived, but..."

"It's just that the black cat has to disappear forever, maintaining its state of "suspended death" in the eyes of witnesses. It can't be "resurrected" until its influence disappears. "

"As expected of a teacher."

Liao Yu applauded and sighed from the bottom of his heart.

It took him a long time to figure out the method from the rules of the Philosopher's Stone, but Melvin quickly realized it after thinking about it for a while.

It's a pity that the teacher is not good enough.

"If black cats are allowed to disappear like this, there will be a great risk, and they will really be submerged in the long river of history. It is like people die twice, one is physical death, and the other is when everyone forgets When I got you."

"So to be on the safe side, the black cat needs to have its own witnesses, and the more the better."

As Liao Yu spoke, he used the "transformation" technique on the black cat.

Soon the black dumpling turned into a small white dumpling.

Not only the hair turned white.

The age has also become smaller.

Although you can still vaguely see the shadow of the grown-up black cat, it is almost impossible to recognize it unless you go out to investigate and identify it.

"I will let this cute little white cat participate in the beauty pageant so that all viewers will remember such a beautiful kitten."

"In this way, we can completely revise history."

"The original history is that a student made a mistake and killed the black cat. The student will feel guilty for the rest of his life. In the future, he will win from a strong enemy because of this lesson."

"The current history is that the student "killed" the black cat and felt guilty for the rest of his life. In the future, he defeated a powerful enemy because of it. However, suddenly one day, when he returned to the laboratory back then, he found some clues and sensed the possibility. The black cat is not dead.”

"So he immediately went after the black cat according to the "clue" and found that the white cat in the beauty pageant was the black cat. In the end, he successfully found the white cat and lifted the illusion on the white cat. A big A happy ending. "

Finally, Liao Yu walked to a world map hanging on the wall of the room.

"Teacher, I now want to use your power to leave clues to the future student."

Liao Yu identified the location on the map.

Found somewhere a thousand years later.

Later, Liao Yu looked at Melvin's pile of miscellaneous books next to the map.

The teacher likes to read all kinds of books.

The three books on the top stack are "The Fall of Icarus" (novel), "Using and Being Used - The Balance between Magic and Magicians" (reference literature), and "The Price of Promise" (philosophy book)
Liao Yu: "Teacher, I hope a country can appear in this position."

"As for the name of the country, you can come up with it."

Melvin nodded.

He also saw the three books closest to him next to the map.

So, Melvin simply combined the first words at the beginning of these three books.

"I know, let's call it 'Illinoe'. "


Thanks again to the leader of "Chang'an Little Book Fairy", thank you boss! orz!

(End of this chapter)

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