Chapter 222 Future Promise

After walking out of Melvin's mage tower, Liao Yu scratched the little nose of Wilsy in his arms.

"How's it going? Does that uncle's tea taste good?"

"It tastes great! I drank it all! Burp!" The little Loli put her hands on her hips as if she wanted to show off to Liao Yu.

Freya next to her covered her face with self-blame.

She couldn't stop it.

In the blink of an eye, Wilsey had poured all the tea leaves into it.

As for Liao Yu, he was certainly happy when he heard it. If he remembered correctly, those tea leaves should have been collected by Melvin from all over the world. Each portion was not only tea leaves, but also had the power to strengthen the magic power and enhance the understanding of spells. Waiting for the miraculous effect, the legendary archmage himself would not be willing to drink it on weekdays, but now all the good guys have been wiped out by Velxi.

Look at the attitude of the little Loli princess, and she licked her lips with unsatisfied content. She is a complete foodie.

Damn it, if you continue to raise her like this, will you make Wilsy fat in the future?
Liao Yu felt that Freya would have to restrain the little Lolita from now on.

"Brother, what did you talk about with that uncle?"

On the way back to the hotel, Wilsey blinked and asked curiously.

Although Freya pretended not to care at this time, the girl actually pricked up her ears. As the saint of the hero, she must be lying when she said she didn't care, especially since the hero actually went out of his way to push her away. , which made Freya even more curious.

"Just talk about some future plans."

"Future plans?" Wilsey tilted her head to show that she didn't understand.

"Well, Wilsey, if one day in the future, your brother and you are separated, what will you do?"

Liao Yu did not answer directly, but asked little Loli first.

When the young elf princess heard this, her face that was quite happy just now suddenly fell.

Although she had only gotten along with Liao Yu and Freya for less than half a day, how should I put it?
Just like when she was a child, her family was very poor and she was having a hard time without enough food and clothing. Her relatives and elder brother in the city came back to visit her. Although the time was short, he always brought her all kinds of beautiful toys and took her to eat. A wide variety of delicious food.

This is how Liao Yu feels to Wei Erxi now.

Before, she was wandering in the cosmic plane on the Elf's Demonic Jupiter. She could only get a pitiful small portion of food every day. Her daily activities were basically all under the supervision of the strict Grandma Naxi, and she practiced hard. The magic of meditation.

But since I was picked up by "Brother Liao Yu", in the past half day, I not only had a big meal, slept on a soft big bed in the hotel, played games on a big stage with a huge crowd of people, but also went to the Mage Tower and met that human being Master and many delicious and delicious teas.

Coupled with the sense of closeness that she seemed to be born with, she liked it very much.

Therefore, when she heard that she was going to be separated from her brother Liao Yu, Wei Erxi immediately waved her little fist and said anxiously: "Then, of course, we must find my brother back as soon as possible! I will search all over the world to find him!"

"How good! My brother thinks so too and will do the same!" Liao Yu happily rubbed the little Loli's head.

But deep down in his heart, Liao Yu couldn't help but sigh and quietly said sorry to Wei Erxi.

Unless you give up the "Devil King" line in the second week.

Choose everything and start over.

Otherwise, according to "history", "that day" of separation is bound to happen.

Because of this, he asked Melvin like that before.

Calm down your emotions a little.

Liao Yu continued to answer the confused little Loli:
"But you see, searching for each other all over the world is very inefficient. It may take a long time to find each other. So, I asked that very powerful uncle to build a common secret base for us!"

"Secret. Stronghold?"

"Yes, in this way, once we get separated from each other and lose contact, no matter where we are, we will immediately return to the agreed upon secret stronghold. After we meet there, we can meet again!"

"Okay! The secret stronghold! Yeah, this way I won't be afraid of getting separated from my brother! Welsie likes it! Brother, please tell me where the secret stronghold is!"

After hearing this, the little Loli's eyes sparkled and she was very excited. She tugged on Liao Yu's clothes and acted coquettishly, eager to know. "Haha, don't worry. It will take time to build a secret stronghold. But, brother, I can tell you the name of our "stronghold" in advance."

"What is it called!"


"Illino. Well! Wellsie remembers it! Illino!"

The little Loli murmured and repeated it several times, with a serious and focused expression on her face, as if she wanted to imprint the name into her mind.

"Okay! Then if my brother disappears in the future, Wilsey will go to Illinois to find her brother. However, now my brother has to promise Wilsey that he will go there to see me and meet with Wilsey. !”

The young elf princess said, extending her cute little finger to Liao Yu.

After Liao Yu's big hand reached out, they hooked each other.

After seeing the "contract" signed, the happy smile reappeared on the little Loli's face. After that, she mustered up the courage and quickly approached Liao Yu's cheek, using her small and cute soft lips, she kissed her hard A kiss.

"This is a reward for my brother." Even though she was young, she still blushed a little, and Wei Erxi lowered her head shyly.

But the poor little loli was quickly returned by Liao Yu with a "mua" on her porcelain-like childish face.

"Then this is also a reward from my brother to Wilsey!"

Freya on the side should feel very warm when seeing the intimate interaction between the hero and the little lolita, but for some reason, she always felt something bad in her heart.

Especially Liao Yu at the end, when he said the name of the "secret stronghold", he deliberately whispered it.

Freya counted her ears and tried hard for a long time but still couldn't hear anything.

This feeling is like being stopped at the most exciting place.

The saint felt as uncomfortable as a kitten scratching her heart.

No, it doesn’t matter!
She doesn't care!

You are not jealous of a child at all!

Freya honestly denied the jealousy.

But actually from the outside, the saint herself didn't notice it, her little mouth was almost pouting to the sky.

After returning to the hotel, the boss and the guests around him were still happily talking about the interesting things in the "Testing Square" today. The first one among them was naturally the "eight-section" shining easter egg for the little girl.

The boss also joked with Liao Yu with a smile, saying that you also have a child with you, he must be the lucky one in the square.

It is normal for people not to know Liao Yu and Wei Erxi.

After they left, Melvin immediately acted as an official on the grounds of "protecting the personal privacy of the players" and prohibited the leakage of the images at that time, especially the appearance of Liao Yu and the others.

Although it will definitely still be spread privately, the intensity will be much smaller, and unlike Liao Yu's Blue Star, in this fantasy world of swords and magic, no one dares to disobey a legendary mage who stands at the top of the human magic world.

Despite the official pressure, people are still talking about it, but the protagonist of the incident has long been much vague, just a mysterious little girl.

In addition, in the next few days, several dark horses with "seventh-level" talents appeared, attracting and diverting the public's attention.

Now, when Liao Yu and Wei Erxi walk on the street, they are basically the same as ordinary people, and they don't have to worry about being recognized anymore.

There is still more than a week left before the "big game" starts.

Liao Yu will continue to follow the original plot and use this to play against the players, but in order to make up for the energy of the Philosopher's Stone that was previously lost on Velxi, he will have to find other ways.

When he was worrying about how to make more energy, Liao Yu on the street accidentally caught a glimpse of an abandoned wooden box on the roadside.

Suddenly, he had a sudden thought, and some kind of instinct from the "player" started to take action.

(End of this chapter)

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