Chapter 223 Freya in the middle of the night

Slap it.

Liao Yu stretched out his sinful hand to the wooden box and smashed it into pieces.

It was at this time
The Philosopher's Stone in his right hand suddenly shone with a faint light.

The energy that was originally lost actually recovered a little bit.

Um! ?

You can also recover energy by opening boxes! ?
Liao Yu was immediately pleasantly surprised. Then, in order to verify, he turned his head left and right, immediately locked the nearest wooden box, and ran over quickly.
The wooden box was brutally smashed. Although there were no resources or props inside like in the game, the Philosopher's Stone in Liao Yu's right hand indeed emitted a faint light again and restored its energy.

Liao Yu can probably understand.

The Philosopher's Stone restores energy by "reproducing" the original history on its own, which is the behavior of the game during the first round.

That's natural, not just based on the plot.

Those "heinous" behaviors like his in the game also count!
Smash pots, open treasure chests, seize vehicles, steal cultural relics, break into private houses, kill succubi, and snatch lollipops from children.

Liao Yu counted his gaming behavior in detail.

According to the experiment just now.

As long as you do the above, you should be able to add energy to the Philosopher's Stone!
Now that he has started over, Liao Yu feels that he must be a more "competent" brave man.

It was because he was too addicted to the above that his relationship with Freya was a bit tense, and he was even chased by the saint to arrest him.

This time, Liao Yu wanted to be a good person.

So he made a list in his head.

The ones that went too far, such as seizing vehicles and breaking into private homes, were deleted.

The remaining irrelevant behaviors can be done by yourself to replenish your energy.

then first
Liao Yu focused on the little Loli next to him.

"Wilsey, do you want to eat a lollipop?"

"Yes? Lollipop?"

The young elf princess didn't know what a lollipop was at first, but when Liao Yu bought one for her later, she saw that it was for food and it was her favorite sweet. The little Loli's eyes suddenly filled with envy. eager.

"No, here it is!"

"Brother is the best!"

Wilsie held the lollipop in her hands with joy, quickly opened the package, and then gently licked the candy with the tip of her tender red tongue. This lick was okay. After licking it, the little loli's eyes were immediately full of little eyes. Star.

So sweet!Delicious!
After that, Wei Erxi looked at the lollipop and sucked it again. She couldn't bear to put the candy directly in her mouth. She cherished every bite of the candy. It can be seen that the lollipop is really a killer for children. The device has endless appeal.

This should have been such an extremely happy time.

In a moment of confusion, Wei Erxi licked the air with her little tongue. When she regained her consciousness and looked again, the lollipop in her hand disappeared and was taken away by Liao Yu.

"Children can't eat too much sugar!"

"Destroy the teeth!"

"Yes, but... no, no, brother Liao Yu."


Although Liao Yu couldn't bear to see the miserable and begging little Loli, he still ate the lollipop in one gulp, completely extinguishing Wilsy's hope.Seeing Liao Yu's cruel behavior.

The heart of the young princess was full of grievances. If she thought about it any more, she would burst into tears with little pearls spinning inside.

"Woah! Big bad brother! I want to find Sister Freya, woah."

The little Loli, who had always been close to Liao Yu, was stunned and ran directly to the saint next to her for a hug.

It can be seen that snatching a lollipop in front of a child and eating it on the spot is a huge blow to a child.

Freya from behind cast a helpless look at Liao Yu, tried to comfort the little Loli, explained to her that Liao Yu was joking, and promised to buy her another one, only then did Velxi feel satisfied, but It seems that he is a little angry with Liao Yu, and this time he will follow Sister Freya all the time.

In fact, this is what Liao Yu wants.

After all, it would not be good to have children with him for the things he was going to do in the future, and Liao Yu didn't want Wei Erxi to teach him bad things.

After finding an excuse to escape and act alone, Liao Yu began his "box-breaking" journey.

That day, the entire city of Daran shivered and experienced the darkest day.

All the abandoned wooden boxes, earthen jars, ceramics and the like lying on the roadside that no one wanted could not escape Liao Yu's vicious hands.

At one point, the sweepers behind the street who were responsible for street sanitation cursed loudly.

Who is so wicked and ungrateful?

Fortunately, Liao Yu eliminated the item "turning through trash cans" from the list. The brave man in the game is a ruthless person who can even turn over trash cans.

Who said there is a "glowing" mark on the trash can?

After smashing boxes for a few days, you can't tell, I feel inexplicably refreshed. Seeing that most of the energy of the Philosopher's Stone has been restored, Liao Yu stopped without knowing what to do.

Later, he chose a quiet night to go to the Ministry of Health to deposit a sum of money.

This is to make up for the extra workload he has added to the sanitation staff these days.

However, on the street at night, Liao Yu discovered a very unexpected figure.

When there was a second vacant room in the hotel, Liao Yu and the others grabbed it as soon as possible. After all, with the addition of Velxi, there was really no room to fit in one room.

Behind them is Liao Yu's room, and Little Loli's and Freya's room.

The current saint actually sneaks out late at night?
what is she doing?
This is a plot that absolutely does not exist in the game.

Out of curiosity, Liao Yu did not walk over directly, but observed silently from behind.

I saw that Freya had changed from her saintly demeanor during the day, and now she seemed to be a guilty thief, doing something secretly and quietly.

This made Liao Yu even more strange.

Could it be that he discovered some unknown secret that Freya had hidden?
Later, when the saint came to the first place, Liao Yu suddenly felt that this place looked familiar. After taking a closer look, wasn't it the place where he smashed the first earthen pot during the day?
Freya came here, could it be
I saw the next saint looking around at night, looking for something. Soon, she came to Liao Yu's "crime scene" during the day.

There were fragments of earthen jars scattered on the ground now. Freya didn't mind it being dirty, so she squatted on the ground and collected these fragments bit by bit with her hands.

Then she started chanting magic spells.

Under the weak holy light, these jar fragments were gradually spliced ​​together, until finally they were restored to their original complete appearance.

After finishing this, Freya carefully put away the new earthen jar, walked to the opposite street, and then rearranged it and placed it in a very conspicuous position.

After doing this, Freya clapped her hands, took a long breath, and then walked towards the next "crime scene".

(End of this chapter)

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