Chapter 224 The Emperor’s Past
Liao Yu: "."

Looking at Freita's hurried back and the brand-new earthen pot that had been repaired and placed on the roadside, Liao Yu couldn't calm down for a long time.

As a player, he takes many things for granted.

Just like a broken earthen jar, it can always be refreshed.

But the scene he accidentally discovered tonight made Liao Yu understand that there was no way to refresh it, only the saint who worked overtime and silently rearranged it for him late at night.

and many more.

Based on this, it's possible that all of his other "heinous" behaviors were also Freya's.
Perhaps he sensed Liao Yu's ups and downs of emotions.

The Philosopher's Stone in his right hand was emitting a strange light at this moment.

Serves as a powerful gem with the in-game "save" ability.

The past recorded in the Philosopher's Stone is not just about brave men.

Especially after the hero "disappeared", the gem was transferred to Freya, and was held by the saint as the "Emperor" for thousands of years.

Therefore, the part belonging to the "Emperor" in the gem was also stored in the past.

In game parlance, it is a "hidden" plot that players don't know about.

They were activated with Liao Yu's accidental discovery. Now, he only needs to pay the energy to find out with the help of the Philosopher's Stone.

Of course, Liao Yu chose to consume energy without hesitation.

The gem suddenly changed from its original full state, and its light suddenly dropped by about one-third.

But instead.

This part of the blue light, which symbolizes "memory", envelopes Liao Yu's consciousness.

It was as if he briefly traveled through time and space.

When he came back to his senses, the scene in front of him had changed into the first perspective of the "saint".

Or to be more precise.
It was Freya who walked on the "Emperor Line" back then.

In the history of weekly games, I have not pushed the main plot crazily, but focused on exploring the big world.

Therefore, as the main NPC, the Glory Saint was naturally left out. Basically, there was very little interaction. At one point, she even almost forgot that such a character existed.

But now look at it from Freya's perspective.

Even if he doesn't advance the main plot and ignores the saint, the saint will still follow him silently.

The first scene is in Shijian Town, where they obtained the "Holy Sword", and it was also the first village on their journey.

There are many earthen jars here.

Liao Yu remembers clearly that the journey of smashing earthen jars also started here.

From the perspective of Freya who was following him, the hero arrogantly smashed the earthen pot in front of a family, leaving a pile of dregs on the ground and then walked away.

The angry civilian was about to catch up angrily and argue, when Freya hurried forward from behind.

The saint kept bowing and apologizing to this family.

And used magic to repair the earthen jar.

This made them curse and stop pursuing it.

The brave man breaks every jar.

Freya would have to repeat it later to apologize.

It wasn't until the hero went to complete the commission that the saint could relax a little.

Liao Yu, who was from Freya's perspective, could clearly hear the saint's voice at this moment.

Although she didn't understand why the brave man did this.But she believed it.

A brave man must be brave.

Freya had an idea, and then she visited every house in the village and bought all the earthen jars that she, the brave man, had broken before. Then she secretly issued an expedition commission in the name of a stranger.

Liao Yu remembers this plot very clearly.

Because it was this commission that allowed him to develop a new wild map.

Unexpectedly, it was Freya who sent it?
After the saint successfully guided herself from the village to the wild relying on the entrustment, the earthen jars she had bought before came in handy.

It turned out that Freya had already placed all these earthen pots in various places in the woods one day in advance at night.

What the saint thought was that since the brave man had a hobby of "breaking earthen jars", she would not stop him, but she hoped that the brave man would not affect other people, so she would put all the earthen jars in the wild, which would satisfy the brave man. , and also prevent everyone in the village from being disturbed.

On the day of the commission, Freya, who was hiding behind a tree and observing secretly, was very nervous and didn't know whether her "inspiration" would succeed.

It wasn't until she saw the brave man immediately becoming excited after discovering the earthen pots she had placed in the woods, that he rushed over and smashed them, that Freya smiled happily.

From then on, the brave man really liked this forest full of "ceramics", "earthen pots", "wooden boxes" and various fragmentary "destructible objects", and rarely went to the village to cause damage.

Yes, in order to deepen the attraction to the brave.
Freya spent her own money to not only go to the village craftsmen to order a large number of cans and porcelain products with different patterns, colors and textures, but she also tried to put some items in these small containers.

For example, she found out that the hero was injured in battle that day, so she would find bandages to stop bleeding and put them in the next day.

For example, if you observe that a hero's weapon is dull due to wear and tear, you buy a sharpening stone that can sharpen it.

For example, she saw that brave men always eat meat, so she picked fresh fruits in the early morning.

As for why these are not handed over to the brave man face to face.
As the "party", Liao Yu knows the reason best.

Due to Freya's positioning as a "mainline NPC", if you talk to her too much in the game, the plot will be forced into the mainline, and many unexplored areas will never be returned to.

But in other words, as long as I don't have a "dialogue" with Freya, the main plot can be delayed forever.

So from Freya's perspective, as a "brave", it seems that he hates her and is deliberately avoiding her.

But even so.

From his memory, Liao Yu could clearly feel Freya's tolerance and understanding of him.

Even if she is abandoned by the "brave", she cannot abandon the hero. This is her duty as a saint - to take good care of the hero.

Even if it is silently contributing behind the scenes that the brave man does not know.

But every time Freya saw the different fresh cans that she, the brave man, had arranged with great care, she was very happy and delighted.
Freya, who was hiding under the shade of a tree, couldn't help but smile and became happy.

Even if she waits for the brave man to return to the camp to rest every night, she will take action immediately. At dawn the next day, she will use magic to repair the broken earthen jars and then relocate them to different locations in the forest.

Although very hard.

But Freya thinks it's all worth it.

She saw the brave man "smashing" these gadgets, and after getting her supplies, he became more brave as he fought, and became more and more comfortable in the forest. He became more and more comfortable with various tasks, and his reputation in the village also increased from the original level. The "King of Destruction" has now become an adventurer loved by almost every villager. Freya is proud of the brave man, but also feels some relief and joy in her heart.

After all, the hero grew with her help.

This is the best feedback for her as a "saint".


Such a simple and happy time did not last long.

As the strength of the brave becomes stronger and stronger.

Gradually, Freya found that the little things she put in the cans were no longer liked by the brave.

(End of this chapter)

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