Chapter 225 The Emperor’s Past
The brave man began to complain.

"Only this little money?"

"It's all this garbage in there again."

"Let's get some good stuff."

"Why are there apples again? The backpack is full and thrown away."

The cans she had carefully arranged no longer appealed to the brave man.

She silently picked up the things that the hero called "garbage" and threw them on the ground, and put them away properly.

Looking at the muddy apples, Freya felt a little aggrieved, but she still walked to the stream, cleaned them with clean water, and silently ate them for dinner.

Yes, because as the brave becomes more and more demanding about the items in the can, the more time and energy she has to spend.

Sometimes I don't even care about eating, just to find more delicious and rarer fruits, more useful bandages, and more advanced whetstones for the brave.
at last.

It seemed that her hard work had finally paid off, as the brave man on this day took the initiative to find her.

Although Freya was extremely excited inside.

But she didn't dare to show off too much for fear of being disliked by the hero again.

Fortunately, the brave man didn't seem to care too much about her nervous state. He just expressed his willingness to continue the journey with her and set off to the next destination.

Not to mention how happy she was.

She thought her relationship with the hero had finally eased.

She talked a lot with the brave man along the way, and the brave man seemed to have a great time chatting with her.

However, only Liao Yu himself knows the real situation.

Because he had already finished exploring the low-level map, he thought at that time that if he wanted to obtain high-level materials and better weapons and equipment, he could only advance to the main line and go to a new map, so he went to talk to Freya.

This leads to the following
From Freya's perspective, as soon as they arrived at the new location, the brave man seemed to have changed into a different person immediately, and returned to the way he was before, not coming to her at all, avoiding her, and then going out alone to wander around. .

Freya was just depressed and lost for a while, but she quickly regained her composure and seemed to be used to it.

She cheered up and prepared to imitate the way she had done in the village, and continued to silently support the hero behind the scenes.

Because this time they arrived in a city.

Therefore, it is much more convenient to obtain high-end items than in the small village. Freya can use her status as a "saint" and her small treasury to buy many rare items.

At the same time, as a lesson to others, she was one step ahead of the brave and placed cans all over the city.

Because Freya discovered that the number of "cans smashed" by the brave every day was always constant.

Never more than fifty times.

Then, as long as the brave man smashes her cans these fifty times, the brave man will not destroy other public goods like he did before.

Even for this reason, she specially did some tricks on the cans, such as using the radiance spell to make her cans look more "shiny" to the brave than others.

These sparkling ones are indeed more favored by brave men.

The high-end items she bought from the big stores in the city really rejuvenated the brave man. He no longer complained about "junk" and showed the kind of smile she liked to see again.

Nothing more than that.
Although you can buy more good things in the city, the prices are also much higher. Seeing her dwindling wallet, Freya can only find extra jobs in the city during the day and work hard to make money so that she can support herself. The expenses of the brave.

However, one day, there was a sudden commotion in the city. It turned out that someone was robbed of his carriage at the city gate.

Freya, who was working at the time, felt bad when she heard this.

He quickly went to the scene of the incident.

After asking about it, I found out that he was indeed a brave man. He directly pulled the passerby off the carriage and then rode on it himself.

Seeing that the city guards were about to arrive, in order not to make a big fuss, Freya immediately apologized to the victim and compensated her for a whole month's hard work before she had to move out of her "Glorious Saint" house. Identity, let the city guards go back and not arrest the brave man.

After doing all this, Freya was actually very confused and blamed herself that day. After all, the behavior of a brave man was no different from that of a robber.This is all due to her previous indulgence of the brave, because she failed to educate the brave and failed to guide the brave to the right path.

Will she continue to cover up the "evil deeds" of the hero?

still is
Just when Freya was struggling in her heart.

She accidentally discovered some clues from the commission in the Adventurer's Hall.

Just earlier today, a villager anxiously came to the Adventurer Association. He urgently asked the adventurers in the association for help. Their village was attacked by monsters, and he begged the "adults" present for help. them.

But a small villager, with a low status, no money, and no authority to issue commissions, was quickly kicked out by the on-site staff with wooden sticks.

The villagers who had no choice but to kneel at the door outside the association begged the adventurers passing by, but all they received was indifference.

after all.

There is no formal power of attorney registered.

And no pay.

What's more, according to the number of monsters described by the villager, there are more than ten monsters, and there may also be elite leaders. This risk factor may be enough to put his life in danger.

Whoever picks him up is a fool and has something wrong with his brain.

There really was a "fool" who accepted it.

The people of the Adventurer Association are still joking around after drinking. They are joking about that stupid young man who doesn't even have decent equipment or horses. He still helps others. Isn't that just going to die?It is estimated that by the time we get there, the whole village will be dead.

Listening to the cynicism of the adventurers around her, Freya's eyes suddenly lit up. When she immediately set out to find the villager, after checking his appearance, it was true.

That "fool" is the brave man.

Her hero.

The robbery of horses at that time must have been a last resort to save the village that was attacked by monsters.

Immediately afterwards, Freya suddenly became worried.

Will the brave man be in danger?Can one person handle it?She, she has to come back quickly!
When Freya raced forward and rushed to support anxiously, she found that the battle had ended long ago. There were corpses of monsters everywhere outside the village, and there were even two high-level elite leaders.

In the village at night, warm bonfires have been lit. The villagers who have escaped from death surround the brave man and express their thanks. The brave man does not seem to dislike it. Their meager reward is very friendly to each other. chat.

At this moment, Freya seems to really "understand" the hero.

He was a brave man who loved money very much, had a collecting habit, was willing to smash cans for a few silver coins every day, and loved petty gains.

But he is also a brave man who is willing to lend a helping hand and do all kinds of dirty work even if there is no reward, no matter how humble the other person's status is.

Such a brave man.

Freya also wanted to join the celebration of the brave man and the villagers, but unfortunately, the saint left silently in the end because she knew that the brave man did not like to talk to her.

Freya noticed that the hero still had many scars on his body.

Some may cause big trouble if not dealt with in time.

She could not go over to heal the hero, so she could only use the power of the "Glory Saint" again and brought a bottle of "Holy Healing Potion" from the temple as a tonic.

And she couldn't give it directly to the brave, but it didn't matter. Freya quickly returned to the city, found the villager who originally issued the commission to the brave, and then gave the precious "Holy Healing Potion" to the villagers, asking them to serve as The "entrustment reward" is then given to the brave man.

The brave man behind was indeed back. When he saw the unexpected surprise reward of "Holy Healing Potion", he was so excited and happy that Freya, who was hiding behind the scenes, felt that everything was worth it.

Fate always plays tricks on people.

Her frequent use of her identity as the "Glory Saint", coupled with the Hero's increasing activity, finally aroused the dissatisfaction of the "Temple".

So that day.

Several temple elders worked together to forcefully recall Freya.

(End of this chapter)

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