The hero who saves the world in the first eye, and the devil king in the second eye

Chapter 226 As long as I am here, none of you can touch him.

Chapter 226 As long as I am here, none of you can touch him.
"Freya, do you know your guilt?"

The auditorium of the Glory Temple was always dazzling with light. The six elders sat high on their seats and stared coldly at the saint who lowered her head in the audience.

"Due to your insistence, the temple has lost two outstanding templar warriors, and you still don't know how to repent and continue to allow the so-called "brave" to continue causing trouble outside."

Among them, a middle-aged woman wearing a hierarch's hat spoke. Although she was dignified, her face was stern and her tone was sharp, full of dissatisfaction with Freya.

Before the saint could explain.

Another elder sitting next to her, a woman wearing a half-mask, also echoed:

"The monks in the temple have reported to us many times, Freya, that you have withdrawn funds from the temple and embezzled public funds many times. Even a few days ago, you dared to take the "Holy Healing Water" from the temple!"

The masked elder's voice was very angry, and it became even sharper and harsher at the end, especially when he mentioned "Holy Healing Water".

There is no other reason.

These elders must rely on "Holy Healing Water" to maintain vitality and stay young forever.

Yes, because the Temple of Glory believes in her as the Goddess of Glory, the top six elders of the sect are all women.

Relying on the power of radiance, even if they are old, their skin can still be crystal clear and shiny, like a girl, becoming a sacred symbol of beauty and nobility in front of outsiders' believers.

And now this masked elder who was extremely angry with Freya was wearing half a mask because the glorious divine power that maintained her appearance was declining. So when he was about to get the holy healing water, he found that it was gone.

"I'm sorry, Elder Linna. I will communicate with the statue as soon as possible and replenish the holy pool."

Freya quickly apologized.

Holy water cannot be obtained by anyone else. Only the "saint" who communicates with the statue has such a magical transformation ability.

Thinking of this, Freya hesitated for a moment, but still chose to refute.

"But, Elder Linna, I did not embezzle public funds. All expenses of the brave men were paid from myself. I, I did not use the funds of the temple."

Upon hearing Freya's words, several elders frowned, and one of them slapped the table in annoyance.

"Spend it from yourself? Oh, where does your money come from? Isn't it what our temple gives you every month? What's the difference?"

"Freya, your labor should be free for the temple. We reward you out of love for you, but you greedily regard it as your own?"

"That's right, without our publicity, opening up relationships with nobles and providing venues for you, do you think you can really make those believers pay their bills just by yourself?"

Maybe it's because of the excitement.

The elder behind him accidentally said something sincere, and then she reacted and coughed a few times.

The momentum of the elders also weakened a bit, and they were no longer so aggressive. Among them, the elder with a slightly gentler tone said to Freya:
"Holy Girl, actually we don't care about these gold coins. As long as the money is used in the right place, no matter how much funds you need, the elders of the temple will support you. However, with the "brave" you have chosen, "So far, we have fully seen that she has the potential to save the world as you said."

"On the contrary, we have also collected a lot of information about this brave man. Look at Freya, what he has done, destroyed public goods, snatched other people's vehicles, broke into noble mansions and manors, and even sneaked into those houses many times. Go to the big family's castle to steal property and loot all the treasures in the treasure chest."

"Freya, is this what you call a brave man?"

Freya was unable to refute the words of the elders.

The saint lowered her head and tightened her grip on her skirt, but soon she recalled the scene when the monster attacked the village, as well as the various commissions on the journey.

Freya still mustered up the courage, raised her head, looked at the elders and said:
"Indeed, Lord Brave has many shortcomings. I will help him correct these in the future, but I also hope that the elders will not ignore Lord Brave's efforts. He has completed a total of 143 commissions along the way, including 19 high-risk commissions. This is almost equivalent to the workload of other adventurers for half a year, but the brave man only spent less than half a month."

"Not only that, even if it is a request from a rural village that is not included in the Adventurer Association, a down-and-out businessman, a wandering beggar, or even an orphan, the brave man will do his best and complete it seriously without discrimination. I think these are the things that the savior should do. He has some qualities, but he is still immature, so I, I implore the elders to give him a little more time, and his growth will definitely satisfy the temple."

Freya thought that this would change the elders' view of the brave.

Unexpectedly, it had the opposite effect, causing many sighs and shaking heads.

"The brave man, the future savior, ended up putting most of his energy on these unimportant things? Saving villagers? Helping orphans? Giving alms to beggars? It's just nonsense! What has he done for our temple? Helping these people can make us happy. Can the teachings of "Glory" be spread? No!"

"He should find those nobles who cooperate with us! Help them as a brave man, so that we can expand the influence of our Glory Temple among the nobles, so that the nobles can better support us, so that we can have Use money to build more temple churches and expand the number of our "glorious" followers!"

Every word spoken by the elders was particularly harsh to Freya.

It also made Freya particularly chilling.

It turns out that the elders’ real dissatisfaction with the brave has never been the seemingly evil deeds, but the
The brave man has no use for the temple.

They just want to use the brave as a tool.

It’s just a tool that allows the “Temple of Glory” to rise and grow.The predicted future "catastrophe" was not taken seriously at all.

"Freya, after the resolution of the Council of Elders, you are now ordered to go immediately and bring the brave man back to the temple. We will deprive him of his identity and not allow him to act recklessly outside and ruin the reputation of our glorious temple."

From the eyes of these elders, Freya saw hypocrisy and greed. Quite simply, although they had been belittling the hero, none of them denied the growth rate of the hero's strength.

Now they want to deceive the brave man back. In addition to depriving him of his identity, they may also want to harm the brave man to seize the power that belongs to the brave man.

To this
"Sorry, I can't do it."

Freya suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

She no longer lowered her head, but looked forward calmly, looked around the six elders solemnly, and said firmly: "As long as I am here, none of you can touch him."

"If you take action against him, I will resign as a saint."

Sure enough, as soon as she said these words, the atmosphere in the elders' meeting in the temple suddenly became tense, and several elders became furious.

"Freya, what do you mean? Do you want to disobey me?"

"Resign as a Saint? You, how can you say this!!"

"We raised you as an orphan back then, and now this is how you repay us? You disappoint me so much!"

The elders were angry, but panic was really panic.

After all, as mentioned before, the saint is the only person who can communicate with the "god statue" and can create holy healing water. If Freya does not cooperate with them, once the holy pool dries up, their elders will age rapidly and may even lose their lives. All gone.

It is precisely because the saint is so important that they always choose an orphan as the saint, and lock her in a solitary room since she was a child. She is isolated from the world and has always been their bird in the cage.

In the past, Freya had indeed never disobeyed them. She had always been obedient, as innocent as a piece of paper.

Unexpectedly, they were greedy and curious about the power of the "brave" in the prophecy, so they released Freya for a short period of time. As a result, the result became like this.

Freya, who is going against them like this now, is undoubtedly very strange.


That brave man is indeed not a good thing!

Freya was forced to abdicate. Although the six glorious elders looked gloomy, they had nothing to do unless they could find a new saint with better talent than Freya.

Under the stalemate, both sides could only take a step back.

"I will leave Lord Brave, declare that he no longer belongs to the Temple of Glory, and promise not to use the power of the temple to provide him with any help. Moreover, if he continues to do evil, I will be the first to lead the Templars there. Arrest him. Are the elders satisfied?"

What Freya is worried about is that the elders will directly attack the brave.

Although the Brave Lord is also very powerful, the strength of these six glorious elders who have lived for more than a long time is unfathomable. They must have started at at least the seventh level, and even peeked at the threshold of the eighth level.

This is undoubtedly force majeure for the current brave men, and they have no room to fight back in front of the elders.

Even if the elders don't take action, secretly using the power of the temple to hunt down the brave man is still a huge threat.

That's why Freya took the initiative to take on the mission of hunting down the brave man.

In this way, she not only blocked the mouths of the elders, but also controlled the "intensity" of the "wanted" in her hands.

The six elders naturally knew Freya's plan.

They could accept it, but there was also a condition.

Now that everyone has lost their skin, the elders no longer pretend to play any kind role.

"Idol, at the beginning of every month, you have to sacrifice the glorious idol. As long as you sign this blood contract, then, we can keep that brave man."

Freya: "."

After a brief silence, she nodded, although she knew she would lose a lot, but...
"Okay, I will."

[Your teammate "Freya" has left the team]

(End of this chapter)

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