The hero who saves the world in the first eye, and the devil king in the second eye

Chapter 227 As long as I am here, none of you can touch her.

Chapter 227 As long as I am here, none of you can touch her.
The light of the Philosopher's Stone gradually dissipated.

Liao Yu's consciousness returned to reality from the memory of the "Emperor" in the gem.

In Daran City at night, Liao Yu was speechless for a moment, and a strong feeling of discomfort surged into his heart.

It can be seen in the "Achievements Settlement" at the beginning that the saint in the future had a hostile attitude towards him for a long time.

And the starting point of "fighting" is here.

Starting from the system prompt [Your teammate "Freya" has left the team].

Liao Yu still remembers it clearly.

At the beginning, he was indeed a little surprised by this sudden reminder, but it was just an accident.

At that time, I took it for granted that he must have accumulated too much sin value in the city. He was always smashing cans, opening treasure boxes, etc., which made the glorious saint of the justice camp hate him, and his favorability was getting lower and lower, until Then left the team completely.

He didn't take it seriously.

just go.

After all, in order to delay the main plot, he had been avoiding the Saint of Radiance and deliberately not talking to her, so it made no difference whether Freya left the team or not.

But now, after seeing the memory of the "Emperor", Liao Yu understood the truth of that year.

From the beginning to the end, Freya never said she gave up on him.

Instead, he tried his best to help him and protect him.

He even did not hesitate to go against the entire Elder Council of the Glory Temple.

Liao Yu took a deep breath.

Looking at the bright moon at night above his head, he knew that instead of regretting and blaming himself here, it would be better to take action now.

Don't forget.

The current self is in the "past".

He can change everything.

The Temple of Glory, right?

Liao Yu changed his mind and stopped looking for Freya who was still "putting cans" for him in the city. Instead, he locked the location of the Glory Temple based on the map location in his memory.

The real temple is actually far away from Daran City.

It is estimated to be several hundred kilometers.

But this is not a problem at all for Liao Yu.

After all, he is no longer the miserable RPG protagonist in the game.

LV99-Demon King
Liao Yu took out the small branch pinned to his waist.


Still a twig.

Then he used a small branch to draw a circle in the air in front of him.

In an instant, a powerful force of magic quickly gathered from all directions. Almost all the magicians within a few miles were awakened, confused and nervous about the unusual surge of magic.

Soon, the huge magic power condensed into a blue void door, tearing apart the space and appearing in front of Liao Yu.

Liao Yu immediately stepped into the void and disappeared.

After waiting for three or four seconds.

Another figure came over in a hurry.

It is none other than the leader of the human magic world, the legendary Archmage Melvin.

"Phase transfer, an eighth-level magic."

Melvin analyzed the remaining magic fluctuations in the air.

The eyes of this legendary mage showed surprise and disbelief.

After that, he first waved his magic staff, and invisible barrier ripples enveloped the place, shielding the magical aftermath of Liao Yu's eighth-level magic just now.

This allowed the magic power fluctuations in the city to stabilize and allow the awakened magicians to relax.

Melvin shook his head.

In addition to lamenting that Liao Yu, a student from the "future", had reached a level of strength that he didn't even know he had, he also expressed deep regret and sympathy.

after all
Melvin was very sure that if his students could use magic so violently, someone must be in trouble tonight.

"Elder Linna, the latest information is here!"

A templar warrior respectfully handed the information to the elders and left quickly.

The glorious temple in the middle of the night was different from that in the daytime. It was no longer brilliant, and shadows enveloped the auditorium.

Now the six elders are gathering together, working overtime even at night to hold a meeting about "Freya".

"The brave man has already obtained the Holy Sword?"

"Is that true?"

"From the information, it seems that the hero has never used that sword. I doubt it."

"Not to mention a holy sword, but a twig as a weapon? What the hell is this! What on earth is Freya doing!"

It can be seen from the emperor's memories that the temple has always paid attention to him.

However, this time the brave man of "Three Three Eyes" took an unusual path.

Due to fast-forwarding through many plots, the current Presbyterian Council is a little confused and confused about this brave man.

"Look at the photo taken with this technique. This is the talent selection for the college competition. Have you noticed the young man holding the "eighth-level" gifted child?"

"This, this seems to be a brave man?
"Yes, that's him. I remember clearly that they came on stage after Freya."

"So who is this kid?"

Melvin lied that "Eight Sections" was an easter egg, but some forces behind the scenes obviously didn't believe it. They believed that Wilsey was really a legendary genius, including the Temple of Glory.

Therefore, the current six elders immediately started thinking about Velxi.

"What about ordering Freya to bring the hero and the child back immediately?"

"Agree, if that child really has such potential, bring her to the statue of the god and train her into a new saint, then we will definitely receive more glorious blessings than Freya did!"

Following the elder's words, others could not help but show their yearning and greed.

It seems that cultivating saints will also reward them with "god statues". The higher the talent of the saints, the more attractive the "brilliant grace" they will be rewarded by the glorious statues.

After being greedy, there are still some sensible elders. "Wait a minute. I heard that they were summoned by Melvin. Is it okay for us to do this?"

"Hmph, this is a family matter in our temple. No matter how powerful Melvin is, he can't interfere!"

"That's right, unless he wants to go against the Fate Track Sect around the world!"

"Then the last question is left. If a new saint is cultivated, what will happen to Freya?"

As soon as these words came out, the elders were still a little hesitant.

After all, Freya also spent a lot of their efforts.

"With the new saint, the old one will naturally be useless."

"It is impossible for the temple to have two people at the same time. Freya must disappear."

"Don't waste it. Sacrifice Freya to the statue. This is her best destination as a saint."



"Ha ha."

The last "haha" was obviously out of place.

The six elders frowned immediately, and before they could react, they wondered which of them would disagree?

It took a second or two for him to come back to his senses, making every elder instantly feel terrified, and some even stood up from their chairs.

Because that's a man's voice.

Are there any men among them?

The six glorious elders were shocked and looked around nervously. Only then did they realize that at some point, there was someone hiding in the shadows of their conference room.

Liao Yu walked out of the darkness.

Before he could speak, the light of daylight flashed from the side. It was an alert elder who directly used the spell, the sixth-level spell Aurora Spear, to kill Liao Yu directly.

And Liao Yu.
Without even turning his head, he raised his hand slightly, and the magical spear, which was full of rich brilliance, was forced to stop in the air while flying.

Then the entire body of the light gun seemed to be screaming, being ravaged by great magic power, and completely collapsed with a "pop" and was shattered into pieces.

what! ?

They can also resolve sixth level spells.

But looking at Liao Yu, he didn't cast any additional spells. It was as if the rich magic power around him was enough to collapse the structure of the sixth-level spells, and he couldn't even get close.
Such terrifying magic power fluctuations made the six glorious elders panic.

of course.

What shocked them even more later was that as Liao Yu stepped out of the shadows and revealed his true face.
"Brave, brave!?"

After recognizing Liao Yu's identity, several elders relaxed a little. Although they did not understand the powerful power of the brave, they
Looking at each other, one of the elders asked nervously:
"Master Brave, you are here."

Just when she was halfway through her words, Liao Yu's figure disappeared, and the next moment, a huge force came from his face.

Liao Yu said nothing and slapped the elder away.

The other party's skin, which had been kept supple and shiny by relying on the "holy water", swelled rapidly under Liao Yu's slap, blood was spitting out of his mouth, and several teeth were knocked out.

"you you!"

Liao Yu's speed was so fast that the other five elders were still in a daze, maybe they were too shocked by what just happened.

After all, the six of them are all high-ranking beings. They are the leaders of the entire Glory Temple. They are the respected and revered Glory Elders. Never, never...
Another slap.


Another elder who was vomiting blood was slapped away by Liao Yu, and his plump body was heavily hit on the wall of the temple. He kept twitching and could not stand up.

at last.

The movement here made the Templar guards outside a little strange.

Several guards walked quickly to the door and asked the elders inside uncertainly: "There seemed to be some noise just now. Does the elders need any help?"

In the room, two were slapped away, and the remaining four glorious elders were trembling in front of Liao Yu. There was no trace of the aura of the elders.

They didn't even think about resisting or running away.

To them, Liao Yu was no longer an enemy at all, but a desperate feeling of powerlessness.

Later, Liao Yu walked up to an elder who was extremely frightened. He showed no pity and no pity for the jade, nor could he be called a jade.

After all, these elders all look like they are eternally young and beautiful women, but in fact they are all maintained by holy water, and their inner skins have been aged for who knows how long.

Like an eagle catching a chick, he directly grabbed the elder's slender neck and lifted her up. The elder's limbs were swaying wildly, and her face turned red due to suffocation.

In front of Liao Yu, the seventh-level strength they were proud of seemed like a decoration, like babies and adults, with no resistance.

Now being held by Liao Yu's neck and suspended in the air, perhaps because of extreme fear, the glorious elder clamped his legs for a moment, and then a foul smell began to fill the room, and some liquid flowed down the roots of his legs.

"No, it's fine!"

"Don't come in! Don't! Get out! Get out of here!"

The frightened elders naturally understood what Liao Yu meant and immediately yelled at the guards to stay away. Although the guards had never seen such an elder shouting so hard, they finally left quickly.

Seeing the elders cooperate.

Liao Yucai casually threw the elder who had just strangled his neck and was about to suffocate into coma aside.

Afterwards, he walked to the conference table and sat on the main seat, looking down coldly at the six glorious elders who were in a panic in the room.

"Climb over."

Liao Yu hooked his fingers. The remaining three elders dared not to obey. They were really like dogs, using all four limbs together. They didn't care about the holy robes they were wearing. They prostrated in front of Liao Yu with their buttocks stuck out. of ground.

"I came here to tell you two things."

"First, how do you say that sentence?"

"As long as I'm here, you can't touch her."

Who does Liao Yu’s “she” here refer to.

The elders are not fools and they all know this.


"Take me to your idol."

(End of this chapter)

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