Chapter 228 Behind the Statue

The glorious statue is under the main hall of the auditorium.

There are very few light sources in the corridor leading to the statue. There are only weak torches every few meters. Dark shadows cover almost the entire path. It is hard to believe that this is a sect that believes in the "brilliant" destiny path.

The explanation given by the elders to Liao Yu was that they believed that light and darkness complement each other, and the darker the image, the more majestic it is.

It's like, no one cares about street lights during the day.

But I will always remember it as a beacon in the dark night.

As the "dark corridor" under this glorious cathedral came to an end, the thick stone door was slowly pushed open by the elders.

Liao Yu looked inside and saw a shimmering statue of the goddess standing in the huge basement. And just as the elders said, in the boundless darkness around it, this shimmering statue of the goddess was so dazzling and eye-catching. .

The glow exudes warmth and softness.

The faces of several great elders couldn't help but show pious expressions. Bathed in such light, it seemed as if the fear they originally had under Liao Yu's control was reduced.

of course.

As Liao Yu spoke later, several elders suddenly came back to their senses from the luster of the statue, and changed back to that trembling, fearful look.

"Tell me, what is the blood donation contract, and what does it mean to have the saint sacrifice the statue to the gods."

Because the memory of the Philosopher's Stone is broken.

Liao Yu could only rely on the clues in the memory pictures to continue investigating the hidden story behind the "Emperor Line".

What concerned him the most was naturally the statue of the Glory Goddess, and at the end of the "Emperor's" memory, Freya was forced to agree to the "blood contract" sacrifice proposed by the elders in order to protect him. Require.

Judging from the expressions of the elders now, they are all very surprised at themselves.

Obviously, this is a secret that only a few of them know.

The three elders hesitated a little.

It seems that he is still hesitating.

It wasn't until Liao Yu took another cold glance that they recalled the tragic situation of the other three elders, and their bodies suddenly trembled. They didn't dare to hide it anymore, and quickly explained to Liao Yu:

"Yong, Lord Brave, the blood contract means literally. As long as you water the statue with the blood of the saint, the statue will absorb the blood and return the favor to us."

"Any more?"

"The saint must donate blood voluntarily. Apart from that, no, there really is no hero! We don't know anymore. Also, we have never forced Freya, not even once. You must believe us!"

Several so-called elders seemed to have only a little knowledge of this statue.

Liao Yu didn't bother to talk nonsense to them anymore. The surging magic power surged out and directly smashed the three elders against the wall and fainted.

After that, he walked to the glorious statue and prepared to investigate it himself.

The quickest way is to wrap the idol with consciousness.

However, for ordinary people, the risk of doing so is too great. If there is anything weird about the statue, it is like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

but how to say
[You have switched the title you are currently wearing to: Son of Destiny→Heinous]

Compared with the spiritual world, Liao Yu really has nothing to fear.

Closing his eyes, he walked over and touched the statue. At the moment of conscious contact, Liao Yu immediately felt the boundless darkness coming in like a tide.

It turns out that the interior of the statue is not as bright as the surface at all. Instead, it is filled with destruction, darkness, and evil.

It's a pity that when these people wanted to devour the foreign invader Liao Yu, they instead became the "sheep entering the tiger's mouth".

The light on the statue was trembling violently, as if it wanted to scream and run away, but it was too late.

The boundless abyss brought by the hundreds of millions of sin points suddenly wiped out the evil thoughts originally attached to the statue, and Liao Yu became its new owner.

Because of this, the real mystery coming from the "god statue" surprised Liao Yu.

After gaining control of the idol, Liao Yu was surprised to find that there seemed to be more than one idol, or in other words, there was another "same kind" emitting a faint aura in the universe outside their world.

Moreover, the distance between the two sides is still getting closer.

Liao Yu immediately deepened his perception and connected his vision through the idol. When his mind finally found another "similar", the scene presented by the other party was both familiar and unfamiliar to Liao Yu.The big demon roared and fought in the magma.

The rot demons in the mud pool devoured each other.

The swords and demons fighting each other clashed.

The breeding demons in the delivery room are multiplying like crazy.

The world on the other side that this glorious goddess statue is connected to is the demon race! ?
But the demons here are completely different from Liao Yu's impression.

Full of chaos, disorder, and cannibalism, as if each race was completely dominated by their own desires and became much more manic.

It's inside such a crazy demon clan.

There is a thin figure hiding.

She is different from other demons.

It has a human-like body and goat-like horns. Although it tries its best to hide it from behind, its pink pointed tail still reveals its identity.

This is a succubus.

Young succubus.

She seems to be hiding in the middle east of the entire demon clan, for fear of being discovered by other demon clans. Her tattered clothes, hungry expression, and weak steps all illustrate the difficult situation of this little succubus loli.

The only valuable item on his body may be the pendant on his chest.

The young succubus also attaches great importance to it and regards it as important as life.

No matter how hard it is to survive, you must keep this pendant safe.

As for the identity of this little succubus
It can be seen from Liao Yu's shocked thoughts now.

That's right.

No wonder there is such a destructive aura inside the statue.

It would make sense if it was linked to the demon clan.

Judging from the current information, the saint is selected by the idol. The idol guides the elders to cultivate the saint by granting favors. The ultimate goal of all this is for the grown saint to "voluntarily" sacrifice herself to the idol. .

The Emperor once said to Elena that saints and succubi are very similar.

If Liao Yu replaces "god statue" here with "devil king" and "presbyterian church" with "apostle", it will be true.

The elders/apostles never change, while the saints/succubi change from generation to generation.

The idol selects the saint, and the succubus summons the devil.

The elders cultivate new saints for the sake of the gods, and the apostles protect the new succubi for the coming of the devil king.

Finally, the saint sacrificed and fed the statue.

When Er Zhoumu first arrived, Elena immediately took the initiative to perform a ritual with herself, hoping to give her power back to him and help him, the new demon king, grow quickly.

Therefore, the pendant that young Elena is holding in her hand is the other half of the statue.

Liao Yu learned from what Na Qian said before that the demons became the Seven Apostles and the Demon King.

This may explain why Elena, as a noble "succubus", is now on the run like a wanted criminal.

I haven’t waited for Liao Yu to analyze it further.

The scene coming from the opposite side of the statue immediately made Liao Yu worried.

I saw that the hungry Elena wanted to find something to eat. She carefully bypassed the patrolling demons and prepared to find some edible food in the rot demon's garbage pool.

But maybe the little succubus was too hungry and relaxed her vigilance. Elena didn't notice at all. Now her every move has been noticed by the other rot demon hiding in the dark.

The other party seemed to be extremely excited about Elena, as if she had found a delicious prey. The bloated rot demon licked its tongue, sticky saliva spread down, and crawled away from behind towards the little succubus who was not aware of it step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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