Chapter 230 Brave, starting from summoning the succubus
Few other demon races come to the territory of the magicians.

After all, compared to fighting, gluttony, or the demon race full of bloodlust, the desire of magicians is more focused on the study of knowledge and magic.

They built a high tower, enclosed themselves in the tower, and set up barriers around it to create a quiet environment and avoid being disturbed by the chaotic demons outside.

Thanks to this, Elena didn't encounter many demons on the way to the Magic Tower.

However, after entering the barrier and entering the magic tower, the little succubus suddenly became confused.

The entire magic tower was like a huge maze. Elena tried several times, but in the end she just stood still and was teleported back to the starting point.

Perhaps the only good thing is that none of the magicians in the tower seem to like going out, and are all bored in their rooms.

Otherwise, as a remnant of the succubus species who is "wanted" by the Demon King, once she is discovered, she will definitely be arrested on the spot.

But even so, the current situation is still not optimistic.

Elena was out of breath.

The little succubus had been hungry for a long time, and was attacked by the rot demon again. It escaped all the way, and now it hurried to the magic demon's side.

If it hadn't been for the magic light of the pendant that kept surrounding her, helping to warm her body, as if encouraging her, Elena might not have been able to hold on any longer.

"Try again."

After a short rest, the little succubus gritted her teeth and mustered some more strength to stand up and climb to the top of the tower.

Because only when you get there can you see the apostle of the Magic Clan—Dadaya
If there was only one person in the entire demon clan who could help her decipher the pendant, it could only be him.

The succubus's young body struggled to climb the spiral stairs that were probably taller than her.

The magic tower may be hundreds of meters long.

Even if Elena just crawls, it will take several hours, not to mention the barrier spell.

I saw that the little succubus was very lucky this time, and managed to climb halfway up the tower. However, the next moment the mechanism was triggered again, and she was teleported back to the bottom floor.

All efforts were in vain.

Elena's nose felt sour.

Tears of grievance almost came out.

But she knew she had to be strong.

Now she has nothing to rely on.

Only on your own.

If she even chooses to give up, no one will help her.

Thinking of this, Elena suddenly withdrew her tears. The little succubus gritted her teeth, stepped forward with legs as heavy as lead, and continued to climb to the top of the tower.

Maybe it's because of the little succubus' persistence and persistence.

This time, Elena had just climbed up the first floor of the stairs when she triggered the teleportation mechanism again. As the light enveloped her, when the little succubus came to her senses again, she was not back to the starting point as she had just been. Rather
We reached the top of the tower in no time!

The magic apostle Dardaya she wanted to see was right across the street. Under the crow mask, Dardaya's expression could not be seen clearly, but she could tell more or less from his words after that.

"You shouldn't be here." Dadaya shook his head at the little succubus.

"When I helped your mother to save you, I just didn't want the demon tribe to lose a race. This would be a loss to the race's knowledge inheritance. That's all. As for now, I have nothing to help you. In the "King" Go back before I find you. "

After Dardaya finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and opened a portal to leave next to the little succubus.

After that, the magician looked away and continued to look down at the book in his hand. He seemed to be immersed in it and issued an order to expel the guest.

But in fact, on the tea table not far from Elena, there was some water, food, and even a few simple props made by magic, which could be used easily without any magic power.

Dardaya said that there was nothing to help Elena, and issued an eviction order, but did not directly teleport the little succubus away, which was already a hint.

As long as Elena wants, she can take away all these aids on the tea table now.

Dadaya deliberately lowered his head to read, which was no different from turning a blind eye and acquiescing.

"Pendant! The pendant my mother gave me has responded to me!"

The little succubus said as she took off the pendant from her chest. The strange light on the pendant suddenly flashed in the room, and the strong magical aura on it even shocked Dardaya.

The magician reacted quickly. He immediately summoned the crow scepter and set up an isolation barrier in the room. Then he pressed the crow sculpture next to the bookshelf, and soon a secret door rose. Before Elena could react, She was teleported away directly.When the little succubus' vision became clear again, she was already in a safer space.

This is Dadaya's most secret library. There are many history books on the bookshelf, all written by Dadaya, recording the historical development of the demon clan for countless thousands of years.

And now the magician is using his sharp fingers to gently lift Elena's pendant. The eyes under the mask are observing the flashing pendant with great solemnity and seriousness.

Anyway, this was the second time Elena saw Daya so serious.

The first time was when he rescued her from the evil demon clan.

"How long ago was this?"

"Today, a few hours ago!"

"What happened then?"

"I, when I went to the Rotten Demon's territory to look for food, I was ambushed and attacked by a Rotten Demon. At the critical moment, it was the power on the pendant that saved my life, and it has been flashing like this since."

Dadaya asked quickly, and Elena told the whole story honestly.

She had nothing to hide, so it was better to reveal everything so that she could better help Jumo study the pendant.

The library was quiet for a long time.

Dadaya concentrated on wrapping the magic power on the pendant to investigate without saying a word.

Although the little succubus was very curious and anxious, she did not dare to make a sound for fear of disturbing the magic demon. After several minutes, Dadaya finally broke away from that state of concentration.

"Sorry, it is difficult for me to understand this pendant based on my ability, but the magic power on this pendant does not come from the pendant itself. It is more like it is refracted to us after being transmitted through the pendant."


After Dadaya paused, he shook his head and said in an upward tone:

"Although the amount of these magic powers is average, the purity is extremely terrifying. It has been diluted by extreme refraction. Even I can't imagine what kind of terrifying existence is on the other side of the pendant."


Elena had never seen Dardaya, the magic apostle, say these words.

You must know that their demons have seen too many worlds, and it is only once that they can be evaluated like this by Dardaya.

The little succubus immediately became excited.

Although she couldn't understand it because it was too advanced, she could still draw a conclusion using simple thinking.

The person behind the pendant is more powerful than Dadaya.

Then who else?
It's the devil!
Belongs to her, the true king of the demon clan!

"Dadaya, what should we do next! We must summon him!"

"It's a pity Elena. If you really want to summon such a king, you must have all the apostles appear in the ceremony and use all the demon resources to make it possible. But now you"

A bucket of cold water was poured down, extinguishing the little succubus' excitement.


Elena lowered her head, clenched her little hands, her hair covered her forehead, and under the shadow was an expression of humiliation and unwillingness.

The reason why Gu Luodan wanted to destroy the succubus clan was in the first place.

Except to vent.

The more important point is to stop them and prevent the possibility of a new king being born, so that Gu Luodan can always be the king and completely control the demon clan from now on.

Now, hope is right in front of her, but she, she can't do anything.

I still can't do anything.
The little succubus endured the tears all the way but still couldn't hold them back, and they dripped down.

Under this scene, Dardaya sighed, and after hesitating in his heart, he finally gave Elena another way.

"I really can't summon it for you."

"But maybe I can... use you as the "summoned" one."

(End of this chapter)

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