Chapter 231 Brave, starting from summoning the succubus
Dadaya's words are a bit convoluted.

It took the little succubus a while to react.

Make her a summoned one?
Doesn't that mean that she will be sent to the Demon King instead?
Elena sniffed sharply.

Take back all your tears.

He wiped the crying face with his little hand.

She quickly asked: "You mean, let me leave the demon clan and go to the world of the demon king!?"

"Yes, summoning a strong man requires a lot of resources, but teleporting a young succubus. I can still do it with this little power."


Dadaya actually didn’t want to give Elena this hope.

It's too risky after all.

No one knows where the Demon King's world is located, what kind of environment it is like, and whether there is any danger.

And now Elena is so young.

It can almost be said that there is no ability to protect oneself.

Not to mention, even if he could do such an ultra-long-distance teleportation across the world, the risk would still be there, and it was not low.

In case there is an error in transmission.

It is very possible that Elena was sent directly to some strange and unknown place. If you think about it worse, it is not impossible that she might even be directly killed by the turbulence of space.

Even if everything is lucky.

They succeeded.

Send Elena to the other party's side.

But the problem is
Is the other party really willing to become this "devil king"?

You know, not only is Elena not an adult now, she does not have the plump body of a "succubus" at all. Let alone serve and help the devil, she is still at a stage where she needs others to take care of her.

In addition, the succubus clan is no longer the apostle race it was originally. She is the only one left in the whole clan, and she is wanted as a sinner by the current Wang Guluodan.

In other words, if the other party really accepts Elena, not only will it be an extra burden, but it will also face the enemy of the entire demon clan.

This is in line with the original tradition of the demon clan. Those demon kings who were summoned brought all the demon clan to surrender when they came up, and they were assisted by mature and stable succubus tutors. A slight comparison of the two sides' starts will show how big the gap is.

Dadaya thought about it.

If he were the Demon King, he would have no reason to accept Elena.

in contrast.

It would be a better choice to capture Elena and hand it over to Grodan as a gift, and then get preferential treatment from the demon clan.

and so.

No matter how you look at it, teleporting Elena is a bad idea. It's not an exaggeration to say that it's a near-death adventure.

Dadaya told all this to the little succubus queen.

Elena was also silent.

She was also hesitant and struggling.

Indeed, in front of her, she was only thinking about how to get better.

She completely forgot that she could not provide the king with high-quality resources like other previous succubi, and she could not even provide the most basic service.

The little succubus looked down at his dry body, which was flat due to malnutrition, with almost no rise and fall in his chest.

Obviously, no demon king would like this kind of succubus.

No demon king would be interested in a young girl.

As a succubus, she doesn't even have the most basic charm.

Why would the Demon King believe her?
And help her get revenge?Fight against the entire demon clan for her?
"give up."

These three words of Dardaya's last persuasion hit Elena's heart like a heavy hammer.

Later, the magic demon was also rarely seen, telling some cruel realities to the succubus.

"Although Gu Luodan destroyed the summoning ceremony and killed the new king, he has indeed been recognized by other demons. The history of the demons has been rewritten. From now on, it will never happen again. There is a summoning ceremony, and there will always be only one Demon King. Whether it is you or us, we must accept this reality."

"Recognition? Dadaya, do you call that recognition! Don't think I don't know! Grodan is using his evil blood to control the demons! He is making our compatriots lose their minds and become beasts!"

"Look at the demons under his rule! All the demons are immersed in evil blood. They are not willing to kill each other and become more and more crazy and violent. You call this recognition? If it continues like this, it will be useless. How long will it take before the entire demon clan will be destroyed by Gu Luodan!"

Elena hissed with all her strength. Although the little succubus was young, she saw the current situation of the demons very clearly.But in other words.

Even Elena can see that something is wrong with Grodan's evil blood rule, can't the other apostles see it?

in the face of absolute power.

The apostles could only swallow their anger and survive only by surrendering. The previous succubus apostles were already bloody examples.

Gu Luodan, who usurped the power of the "Demon King", was no longer something they could resist.

"There are still a few years until we reach the next human world. If you can hold on until then, I can promise you that I will send you to humans by then."

"As native creatures, they will definitely fight against the demons with all their strength. To some extent, their interests should be consistent with yours. Maybe they can help you, so be it."

In the end, Dadaya chose the safer option.

But of course, the hope is also the slimmest. This is nothing more than self-comfort for Elena.

The demons have conquered so many worlds.

Even in the world as powerful as elves, stars, and dragons, they are invincible and swept to destruction. Now, a human world with an even lower level of civilization is trying to claim that it can defeat the demons under the control of Ancient Lordan and greatly enhanced by the evil blood?
Dadaya didn't want to continue.

He planned to end the topic completely, return the pendant to Elena, and force the little succubus to go out.

But at this moment.

The accident happened again.

Seeing Dadaya suddenly facing a powerful enemy, the magic demon under the crow mask became nervous.

The little succubus next to her seemed to have discovered something, and Elena had a look of horror on her face.

"he came."

It’s self-evident who the “him” here is. There is only one person who can make even the apostles feel uneasy.

The current king of the demon clan.

Ancient Lordan.

"He must have noticed the magic power leaked from the pendant before. The barrier cannot be delayed for too long. He will come up soon."

Following Dadaya's words.

Elena seemed to be able to hear the devil's footsteps on the stairs.

Fear gripped the little succubus.

Because although Gu Luodan wants her, he basically defaults to the fact that she is dead when she disappears. Once it is discovered that she is still alive and even has the pendant, if she is arrested, the consequences will be disastrous. Elena knows very well that the evil devil has various methods. of.

How to do!
How to do!
Time passed by second by second, and the little succubus was already panicking, and his mind went blank. Fortunately, Dadaya was still calm. As an apostle of magic, he changed his mind very quickly. Now there is only one option, that The choice they gave up before.

"Hold your pendant."

Before Elena could react, Dardaya started chanting. The crow scepter in his hand burst out with rich magic power and began to communicate with the pendant. Layers of complex and profound teleportation runes began to appear around Elena. Floating.

The only way now is to send the little succubus away.

And it was only after the teleportation magic was actually cast that Dadaya was surprised to find that the coordinates of the "other party" in the pendant turned out to be...
As Dardaya started teleportation.

It seems that this is the opportunity that the pendant has been waiting for.

Next, Dadaya was deprived of control of the magic by the existence opposite the pendant. This was simply unbelievable for a magic apostle.

Layers of protection enveloped the little succubus, providing enough protection. Elena thought these were Dadaya, but in fact, in addition to gaining a head, the succubus now also became a bystander. Everything is dominated by the existence opposite the pendant.

at last.

Accompanied by a more intense wave of majestic magic power.

Elena's face was full of nervousness about the unknown, and her body and the pendant just disappeared completely in the light.

The library ended up empty.

Dadaya looked at the direction where the little succubus disappeared, thoughtfully.

But he didn't dwell on it for long.

After the magician quickly left the secret library, two demons were already waiting for him in the room outside his door.

One of them is none other than the Demon King, Groudan.

And following Gu Luodan was
Apostle of wisdom.


(End of this chapter)

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