Chapter 232 Loyalty
Dadaya did not panic when Gu Luodan and Zhi Mo came to his door so coincidentally.

As usual, he first bowed and apologized to Gu Luodan calmly.

"I'm very sorry. I was too immersed in research just now and couldn't come out to greet you immediately. Please forgive me for my rudeness." "

"But...did something happen?"

After apologizing, Dadaya pretended not to know anything and asked the question first. Seeing this, the wise demon snorted coldly.

Without Gu Luodan speaking, Leon took a step forward, staring at the magic demon with sharp eyes in his snake eyes.

"What happened? This should be what we should ask you! Dadaya, aren't you going to explain the abnormal magic power fluctuations that just came from your side?"

When asked by the wise demon with suspicion, Dadaya smiled instead. He spread his hands and explained: "It's just some plane teleportation tests. I don't think this little thing needs to alarm the respected king."

Leon still did not let go of the magician, frowned, and continued to ask: "Plane teleportation?"

"Yes, according to the request of the "respected king", we need to speed up to the human world. I am trying to research new teleportation techniques to further enhance the speed of our army. "

Faced with Dardaya's rhetoric, Zhimo obviously still didn't believe it.

Leon waved his hand back, and four or five smart demon followers immediately came forward. Next, Leon showed no mercy and directly ordered them to search Dadaya's room.

Dadaya wore a crow mask, and although his expression could not be seen, it was not difficult to feel some anger from his current silence.

No wonder.

For a magician, his room, especially the magic laboratory, is an absolutely private area. It can be said to be an insult to be broken into by others without permission and even rummaged through the cabinets like this.

Under the investigation of the wise demons, the secret library where Dadaya stayed with the little succubus was still exposed.

The smart demon followers followed Leon's orders and carefully searched every corner of the library.

After the search was over and they came out, they reported to Leon and Gulodanhui:
"Lord Leon, Lord Demon King, we did find traces of the teleportation spell in the room, and the location pointed to is the human world. Other than that, there is nothing unusual or suspicious."

Upon hearing this, Leon suddenly became unhappy. He always seemed to feel that there was some secret behind it, and he had the intention of going over and searching it himself.

But here, Gu Luodan, who had been silent since entering the room, finally spoke after seeing this.

As a superior, he is happy to see his subordinates fighting with each other.

However, he has to control this degree and not make the matter too big. Now Dadaya is obviously getting angry because of Leon's insistence. At this time, it is time for him to intervene.

"Okay Leon, I've told you a long time ago that the magicians have always been the most mysterious among our demons. They really like to do weird things, so they may seem suspicious, haha, It’s you who are worrying too much.”

"Besides, I also believe that Dadaya, as one of the apostles, would do something to harm the demons, right?" Gu Luodan's eyes under the bandage looked at the magic demon.

"Of course, my dear king." Dadaya bowed.

The demon nodded with satisfaction: "That's good. Also, Dadaya, I hope you don't mind Leon and I's presumptuous visit today."

"As you know, we haven't been able to catch the last remnant of the succubus clan so far. Although she is most likely dead, she is still a hidden danger after all. Leon is so vigilant because it is for the good of our demon clan."

"You are both apostles to each other and my right-hand man. I don't want another tragedy like the Succubus clan to happen again."

Although Gu Luodan spoke of tragedy and shook his head with regret, there was no hint of condolences in his tone, and it was more like a threat.

As long as you betray him.

Even the "apostles" are not immune. The massacred succubus clan is the best bloody example.

This is a warning to the magicians not to follow in the same footsteps.

How could Dadaya not hear it? "Of course, dear king, I also understand Lord Leon's loyalty."

Ju Mo deliberately emphasized the word "loyalty".

Anyone can understand the meaning.

After Gu Luodan violated the inheritance of the demon clan and sought power, the original eight apostles were immediately divided into three factions.

The largest among them is the pro-evil faction headed by "Wise Demon Leon".

They accepted the evil blood provided by Gu Luodan and allowed their bodies to be transformed by the evil blood. They were willing to violate the demon heritage for Gu Luodan and consolidate his status as the demon king.

The ones in the middle are the Magic Demon and the Shadow Demon.

Although they do not resist Gu Luodan, they do not accept Gu Luodan's evil blood. They can obey Gu Luodan's orders and do things for the demons, but they will not loyally hand over the tribe to Gu Luodan like the pro-evil faction.

As for the last "resistance faction", the succubus tribe, they have been slaughtered and become history.

The brief turmoil is over.

The inspection was fruitless, and all the wise demons including Gu Luodan and Leon left the Magic Tower.

Dadaya returned to his room and looked at the messy library after being searched. The magician walked to the desk and sat down. He didn't move or clean up himself, as if he was waiting for something.

I kept sitting like this for maybe half an hour.

Finally, an illusory projection quietly appeared in the room, and its source was secretly hidden in the messy and awkward room during the search by the wise demons.

As soon as the illusory projection appeared, seeing the silent and silent Dadaya sitting at the desk, the illusory projection suddenly felt a little helpless.

After all, Jumo almost wrote the words "sulking" on his mask.

"Okay Dadaya, I admit that the method I used is indeed a bit extreme, but you must also admit that if Gu Luodan doesn't come, neither you nor she will be able to make this decision, right?"

"Extreme? Ha, Master Leon is still the same as before."

Jumo snorted coldly. In fact, he understood it from the first time he saw Leon, especially Leon's "old-fashioned" stupid behavior.

Thinking about it, the only one who can control the timing so accurately is the wise demon who controls Elena's every move.

Although Elena has worked hard, she, a weak young succubus, can survive to this day in the demon clan that preys on the jungle. Leon's secret operation behind the scenes undoubtedly plays a key role.

Just like the time he was attacked by the rot demon before, in fact, even if Liao Yu didn't use the pendant to attack, the rot demon would not be able to hurt Elena in "various accidents".

However, everything changed as Liao Yu poured magic power into the pendant.

This led to Leon's subsequent "extreme" plan.

The reason why Dadaya is angry here is because this is not the first time that Leon has been so "extreme".

When Ancient Lordan came to power and at the end of the demonic chaos, Elena's mother, the succubus apostle of that generation, knew that there was no hope, so she made two requests to Leon and Dardaya respectively.

Ask the magician to help Elena escape.

and requesting intelligent magic energy.
Leading the genocide.

It can be seen from the ending that Leon agreed to her and asked Gu Luodan to be responsible for annihilating the succubus tribe.

Because of this, he was able to gain the trust of Gu Luodan, and quietly left a loophole in the process of genocide, so that the magician could successfully retain Elena as the fire.

(End of this chapter)

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