Chapter 233 I’m going to pout you!

"You are harming her! Have you ever thought about what to do if you fail! We can obviously find a better way after many experiments and tests!"

It was rare for Dadaya to speak with such strong emotion. Although the shadow opposite him understood, he still shook his head.

"Unfortunately, Dardaya, not everything is the same as your magic research. You can gain experience through repeated attempts. Some determinations will only become more and more courageous as time goes by."

"What's more, we don't have much time left. Gu Luodan's evil blood is more powerful than I imagined. It has already become addictive among the demons. Once other races really develop a craving for evil blood, Reliance, by then we may not need to be called demons, but unified as the descendants of evil demons."

"So, if you want to fight against Grodan and find the source of the evil blood, the pendant in Elena's hand is your last hope."

"Thankfully, since the pendant can flicker, it means that my guess is correct. Grodan has not obtained the true fate of the devil. At least there must be some missing part."

"Judging from the fact that Grodan values ​​Elena so much, it is very likely that Elena's pendant is a key part of the Demon King's fate."

After listening to Xuying's analysis, Dadaya's anger subsided a little. He nodded and said in affirmation:

"The existence opposite the pendant has a level of magic power that even I need to look up to. He can even directly take away control of the spell when I activate teleportation. I can feel that that person is no less powerful than Gu Luo now. Dan, and"

Dardaya paused, but quickly said: "It may be my misunderstanding, but I feel that the other party is also very eager to summon Elena?"

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

Dadaya's new information surprised the shadow, but it was undoubtedly good news that excited the demon.

After all, the other party is strong and willing to accept Elena.

At least the little succubus was safe.

So, now we are just one step away from success.

They have done so much, but their ultimate goal is actually to hope that this "new demon king" will be willing to declare war with Grodan for Elena and for the liberation of the demons.

And declaring war on a race, or a terrifying existence like the demon race, is obviously much different than taking in a little succubus.

Zhimo Xuying was still thinking hard, thinking about what strategies to use, what methods to induce, etc.

Dadaya's attitude was a bit subtle.

"About this, I think Leon, you don't have to worry."

"What do you mean?"

"Because the existence opposite the pendant is already on the absolute opposite side of Groddan."


Leon didn't realize what Dadaya meant at first.

What does it mean to be "confronted"?

And add an affirmative tone like "absolutely"?

But he was a smart demon after all. After Leon had calmed down for two or three seconds, his shadow suddenly fluctuated violently, which was enough to show the ups and downs of his emotions.

I saw Leon's shadow next, his eyes widened, and he said in a tone of disbelief: "Wait a minute, do you mean to say that the plane that summoned Elena is, that's it?"


"It is the world that Grodan will invade and destroy next, the human world."

After Dadaya really confirmed this fact, the wise demon was a little down.

When he went to search the magician's room earlier, he secretly praised Dadaya for making the teleportation so seamless and even modified the coordinates at the end.

In this way, Gu Luodan's suspicion can be completely eliminated.

After all, the next world they come to is human beings. If they send succubi there, wouldn't it be unnecessary and superfluous?

Who knew, it turned out that it was not Dardaya who modified it at all, but the existence on the opposite side of the pendant, the existence that truly has the "Devil King's destiny", in the human world! ?

Leon even had reason to believe that the other party's identity might be that of a human being.


Of course it's weird!

No demon king is human.

But think about it from the side.

Does the Demon King really have a "race"?

The demon kings they have summoned in the past have been all kinds of weird, but this time they summoned humans who were supposed to be "targets of destruction". It seems reasonable?

not to mention.

In this way, as Dardaya said, the new demon king would have a reason to have to fight against Grodan.Even if the little succubus didn't pass.

Both sides are also fighting for the survival of the race, and only one of them is destined to remain.

Now his most troublesome problem was solved.

As for caring about the race of the Demon King?
It can only be said that Leon now wishes that the new demon king was a human. He must be a human, so that he can fight to the death with Ancient Lordan and lead the entire human race to fight against the demons.

What an irony.

The new demon king not only failed to get help from the demons, but also became enemies of the demons. This was his dereliction of duty and was caused by his incompetence.

Leon felt extremely guilty, but he knew that now was not the time to blame himself. While it was still some time before they came to the human world, he had to make changes to his plan quickly.

His primary goal must be to serve as an internal agent to help humans defeat the demons, so that he can overthrow Ancient Lordan's rule.

And the secondary goal.
Leon had to consider that even if he succeeded, as the demons were the loser, would humans in turn pose a threat?
There was little he could prepare for this.

More depends on the attitude of the human demon king.

And the attitude of the human demon king towards the demons finally came back - Elena
Still have to watch Little Succubus.

The fates of the devil and the succubus are always intertwined.

Leon couldn't interfere either.

In the end, Zhimo could only speak silently from the bottom of his heart.

Elena, come on!

And at the same time.

The little succubus, who has high hopes from Leon, still knows nothing about it.

She didn't know the destination on the other side of the teleportation, nor the attitude of the new demon king, or even whether there was a new demon king. All she had was confusion, anxiety, nervousness, and fear about the future.

With all these uneasy emotions, Elena finally broke away from the turbulence of space. As the light in front of her eyes finally dissipated, the dizzy feeling after the teleportation finally disappeared, and the little succubus opened her eyes.

This is the first time I opened my eyes.

It almost scared Elena.

Human beings! Human beings! ?
Now she is in a dark basement.

Just a strange glowing idol.

In front of the statue, stood a young man.

Behind the young man were three humans wearing what appeared to be religious attire.

Although Elena has never seen a human before.

But as the next world invaded by Grodan, Elena understands humans at least.

such as
Humans are very good!
very weak!

They are all trash fish among trash fish!

No, don't be afraid, Elena!
The little succubus obviously thought there was something wrong with the teleportation.

This place didn't look like a place where there was a powerful and tall Demon King like a big demon like she imagined.

Elena kept comforting herself.

Be strong!

no big deal!
Thinking at the best, even if the teleportation fails, at least he is out of Guluodan!
not to mention.

If she could conquer the human world one step ahead of Gu Luodan, then wouldn't she be able to use the power of humans to help her take back the demons?
Just do it!

Elena, who became more and more excited as she thought about it, quickly broke away from the frustration of failed teleportation. She immediately flapped her wings and flew to the head of the radiant goddess statue in the room.

The next little succubus, condescendingly waving her pitiful little fingers, said to Liao Yu and the three glorious elders below in a childish voice:

"You guys, all humans, please listen to me!"

"I am Elena, the great succubus apostle. Now I have come here and declare that I want... want."

The little succubus racked her brains. After all, this was her "Declaration of Arrival" and she had to say it more domineeringly. It would be best if she could frighten these human beings and surrender to her without fighting.

As for Elena, after looking through her limited knowledge of succubi, the most "domineering" speech she could think of was undoubtedly...
The little succubus's eyes lit up and she had an idea.

She straightened her back and said loudly:
"I'm going to poke you!"

(End of this chapter)

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