Chapter 234
These humans must have been frightened, right?
After all, in the history of the succubus tribe, this sentence was so frightening that even the demon king was afraid of it.

Elena took a peek below.

Want to test the results.

But the reality is a bit different from what the little succubus imagined.

I saw those three female humans wearing religious robes. The expressions on their faces were strange, surprised, and confused, but they did not have the fear and fear that Elena most hoped for.

This, what's going on!

Elena suddenly panicked.

If humans are not afraid.

She must be the one who is scared.

The little succubus became nervous immediately. She had a bad start and was unfamiliar with the place. She almost burst into tears on the spot in the statue.


"Ah! Okay, Lady Elena!"

A somewhat exaggerated voice sounded.

The last male young man present seemed to have just realized what he was doing. He immediately expressed his obedience to the little succubus on the statue and respectfully called him “sir!”

Elena quickly took another peek.

I saw that this young man's face was full of sincerity, and he seemed to be really excited about her arrival.

Looking like this, the little succubus felt that it didn't look like acting.

Liao Yu's performance finally made Elena breathe a sigh of relief.

It even made her a little proud.

what the hell.

Her charm is really strong.

No, with just a few moves, she easily captured a human being, making him instantly fascinated by her!
Go on like this.

Conquering the human world is just around the corner!
When the little succubus was still happy.

Liao Yu below was a little worried.

After all, in order to make a major announcement, Elena flew above the head of the Glory Goddess Statue. The statue must be several meters high, so she would be in trouble if she fell.

So Liao Yu quickly shouted again: "Ms. Elena, why don't you come down first? It's too dangerous to stay up there."

But the little succubus was not happy when she heard this.

too dangerous?
A mere bastard human being looks down on her so much, Irene!
The little succubus just felt a little underestimated and wanted to prove it, but she lost her footing and stepped on nothing. She lost her balance and fell down.

She wanted to flap her wings, but unfortunately, when she just flew up, she had already consumed too much strength, and now the small wings, which were not fully developed, were unable to maintain balance at all.


Just when Elena was mourning in her heart, she must be the first succubus apostle to be thrown to death, she suddenly felt a blur in front of her eyes, and the whistling wind in her ears stopped abruptly.

When she came to her senses again, she found herself wrapped in warmth and in someone else's arms.

"Elena, are you okay!"

Concerned Liao Yu carefully inspected the little succubus in his arms.

Elena, who was still a little confused, shook her head to indicate that she was fine, but soon, when she reacted, her little face suddenly turned red.

What's going on!

She, she was actually saved by a human being?hateful!Elena quickly broke away from Liao Yu's arms.

She flapped her wings, which finally regained some strength, and found a stone platform in the room to fly upward.

But because it's too short.

Even if there is a stone pier under his feet, he is still not as tall as Liao Yu.

So, the little succubus quietly tried her best to stand on her tiptoes.

Now I can almost reach one side.

"Of course I'm fine! Just now, it was just that I wanted to test your loyalty! And now, very good! Human being, you have my approval!"

I found a lame excuse and quickly brushed off the previous embarrassment.

This also reminded Elena that the most urgent task at the moment is to regain her strength. The translation is
Fill your belly first!
"Listen up, humans, now the first task that Lady Elena gives you is to find food and bring it to me. The sooner the better!"

The succubus waved her little hand, and then she planned to sit back and wait happily for the food to be delivered to her door.

However, the three glorious elders who had been patient with Elena before finally couldn't sit still when they saw this.

They looked at each other.

All doubts.When they saw the little succubus for the first time, they were really shocked. Could it be that the prophecy of the saint was true and that the aliens who brought destruction were really going to invade the world.

But after that, with Elena's childish behavior and the fact that the little succubus was really powerful, it was estimated that she would only be around level [-] when she died. Although in this infant state, she was indeed far more powerful than a human child. But in front of the three seventh-level glorious elders, it was not enough.

If Liao Yu, the evil star hero, hadn't suddenly spoken and seemed to be cooperating with the little succubus, the three of them would have arrested Elena long ago.

"Huh? What's wrong? You guys are watching what I do, why don't you go quickly!"

Elena was a little dissatisfied with the indifferent three elders.

The three elders ignored the little succubus and cautiously asked Liao Yu in a tentative tone: "Master Brave, what on earth is going on here?"

Seeing that the three elders seemed to have Liao Yu as their backbone and ignored her, Elena was completely annoyed. This was simply a blatant provocation!

After just taking a short rest, the little succubus felt that she had to teach these humans some lessons to make them obedient.

Pink magic quickly condensed on Elena's fingertips.

The succubus horn above her head began to flash with a dangerous light.

The plush tail behind the little butt swayed and accelerated.

After a brief chant, the little succubus looked confident. In the demon clan, she had to hide and be worried, but in the human world, she hummed.

Let these miscellaneous fish natives see what it means to be a demon!

"Charming Thorn!"

Elena was very confident in this attack, and with the third-level power, she released the exclusive fourth-level spell of the Succubus. The pink magic turned into thorn-like vines, directly entangled towards the three elders. go.

The little succubus was even merciful, planning to wait for the spell to stop and not really attack. After all, she would have to use her servants to control these humans, so she couldn't hurt them.

Just scare him a little.

The idea is beautiful.

Reality gave Elena a blow.

I saw that the little succubus' confident thorn vines had just reached five meters away from the three elders when they were blocked by the opponent's own magic barrier.

Even Elder Guanghui didn't take action. The powerful seventh-level magic power directly caused Elena's spell to collapse.

Seeing that his confident attack didn't even touch the corners of these "miscellaneous fish humans".

Completely dumbfounded.

The little succubus tried again without belief, but the result was worse than the first time. This time the elders raised their hands and silenced the little succubus with a simple silence spell.

Silence in every sense of the word.

At this point, no matter how stupid Elena is, she has discovered the true strength of "Miscellaneous Fish".

Seventy-seventh level! ?
Or three in a row! ! ?
You must know that the seventh level is considered mid-range among the demon clan.

After all, he is at the level of a squad leader.

This is different from what Gu Luodan said at the beginning that human civilization is very low-level and they are all trash fish that cannot even reach the first or second level!

In fact, Elena misunderstood here.

The vast majority of human beings are indeed ordinary people who don't even know how to practice magic. The level of ordinary human beings is normal at the third and fourth levels. Those who can reach the fifth and sixth levels are already geniuses. As for the seventh level, they can only be like this Only at the highest levels of the church.

But Elena doesn't know this.

As soon as she teleported down, she encountered three seventh-level ones.

It looks like cabbage on the roadside.

She once directly thought that on the human side, seventh-level powerhouses were the norm on the streets.

After recognizing this "fact".

Elena's eyes went dark.

The little succubus now doesn't have the arrogance of before.

If it weren't for the self-esteem that is still holding on.

She has long been a coward.

In fact, her short legs were shaking and shaking, and she could no longer stand on tiptoes.

The reason why Elena acted so arrogantly in front of her and always called human beings a bunch of fish in her heart was not because she looked down on humans.

She was just cheering herself up.

It was because she was too frightened and frightened.

That's why she had to keep comforting herself that the other person was a loser and a loser, so that she could be brave.

Unfortunately now

(End of this chapter)

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