Chapter 235 The power of the little succubus!
Even the last psychological defense line of "self-deception" has collapsed. Elena can no longer pretend, and the most fragile and true side of the little succubus is revealed.

First, she was exterminated and lived a life of hiding as a wanderer and scavenger. Later, she finally managed to make the pendant glow, but before she could study it, the sudden visit of that bastard Gu Luodan forced her to choose the most risky way. Leaving home.

An unfamiliar environment, a weak body, and a powerful enemy.
All these things were intertwined, and Elena's petite shoulders simply could not bear such heavy pressure.

The little succubus kept shivering and retreated until she hit the cold wall of the chamber.

She cowered in the corner in fear.

With nowhere to escape, she could only wait for the cruel fate that would follow.

How would these humans treat a foreigner like her?

The little succubus couldn't even think about it.

Elena was curled up in a ball, sobbing, feeling cold and darkness pouring in from all directions, swallowing her up. Maybe this was the end, and for her, it was a kind of closure.
"Didn't you hear what Lady Elena said? Go prepare the food!"

With an angry voice, it shattered Elena's inner self-abasement.

Then the warm palm pulled the little succubus out of the huddled darkness.

"I'm sorry, Lady Elena, they are ignorant and dare to ignore your orders. Please rest assured that I have taught them a lesson for you. Please wait a moment and we will prepare food for you soon!" "

Liao Yu picked up the little succubus squatting in the corner.

This was the second time Elena was held in the arms of this human youth.

But not the same as the first time.

This time, Elena listened to Liao Yu's gentle voice and felt the young man's warm body temperature. She did not break away, but was confused and confused.

And then, when the little succubus saw the three seventh-level human powerhouses on the opposite side who had been scolded by the young man, they immediately retreated in fear and hurriedly prepared food for themselves.
Elena's eyes widened in Liao Yu's arms, her little face full of disbelief.

"What's the matter, Master Elena, do you need anything else? I'll help you with it?" Liao Yu looked at the little succubus with a smile.

When Elena heard this, she immediately shook her head crazily after she came to her senses.

"No, no more!"

"You just stay here with me! Don't go anywhere!"

The little succubus shook her head like a rattle, while subconsciously holding on to Liao Yu's clothes, for fear that Liao Yu would also leave.

What is a loli?
Elena's cute look was something that the female version of the succubus a thousand years later didn't have. Liao Yu cherished it and couldn't help but want to tease the little succubus again.

"If this is Lady Elena's order, of course, but do you need me to put you down?"

Liao Yu pretended to ask, but in the end, he directly tricked Elena into using her ultimate move.

I saw that the little succubus just now was just holding her chest with both hands.

Now when he heard that he was about to put it down, he was so anxious that he used all four limbs at the same time. He directly put his two short legs up to clamp his waist, hanging on his body like a treeless baby.

"No! Just, that's it!"

In this strange world, only this young man can give her a sense of security, and he has been loyal to her from the beginning. The most important thing is that he seems to be able to command three other strong humans?
After her clan was exterminated, she lived in fear all day long. It had been a long, long time since she had felt as safe as she did now.

It was as if nothing could harm her as long as she was in this young man's arms.

Elena is greedy for such a sense of security.


While the elders were getting food, Elena made some small moves while waiting.

The little succubus thought that while Liao Yu didn't notice, she quietly pushed her body into Liao Yu's arms and snuggled closer. Only then was she satisfied.

Of course Liao Yu would not expose this.

It was too late for him to enjoy it.

It's small, but also very cute!

that's it.
After the three glorious elders returned with several dining trucks full of sumptuous food, Elena finally left Liao Yu's arms under the temptation of food.

But even so, she forced Liao Yu to stay close to her on the grounds of "rewarding Liao Yu for eating together".

Only in this way can she relax completely.

Enjoy the delicious feast of barbecue, cheese, and delicious milkshake soup.Elena's appetite is not much worse than that of another little loli.

After the storm passed, the plates on several dining carts were all empty.

The little succubus, whose mouth was full of oil, burped and rubbed her round belly with comfort.

Even she had to admit it.

Human beings are simply far ahead of the demons in processing food. It is no exaggeration to say that they have surpassed them by many steps.

This made Elena even more convinced of her previous conclusion.

Human civilization is terrible!
It's not a low-level civilization at all like Gu Luodan said.

If the demons are allowed to start a war and the two tribes start a war, the demon tribe under the rule of the hypocritical demon king Gu Luodan will definitely be defeated at the hands of powerful humans!

The defeated demons will definitely be severely injured by then.

As a member of the demon clan and an apostle of the succubus, Elena must prevent this from happening!Gu Luodan must not be allowed to destroy the demon clan.

After some thought, the little succubus made a major decision.

To help humanity!
Tell humans that the demons are about to come, and let humans prepare as soon as possible, so that the war between humans and demons can end as soon as possible. After humans have eliminated Gu Luodan, she can take over the demons with the feedback of humans and lead them with her. Leave here and find the real devil.

The little succubus has planned a blueprint for the future.

Then her first step is to start with
After eating and drinking, Elena has recovered a lot of strength. Many abilities that she could not use because of her weakness can now be used.

While eating, although she seemed to be busy with her meal, she was actually secretly observing the relationship between Liao Yu and the three glorious elders.

Only then did Elena realize that the three powerful women seemed not to be superiors or subordinates to Liao Yu, but more like they were afraid of Liao Yu and afraid of Liao Yu.

And from their emotions, although they are deeply hidden, Elena, as a succubus, is born with a very sensitive insight into emotions.

Therefore, the little succubus can clearly see the rebellion, hatred, and anger hidden in the hearts of the three glorious elders.

These negative emotions were just not expressed in front of Liao Yu.

Once really out of sight and behind the scenes.

He might make some small moves to cause trouble for Liao Yu.

And here is Elena.

Liao Yu is already her most loyal bodyguard.

He is absolutely his own person.

The little succubus couldn't let Liao Yu's cry of "Sir Elena" go in vain.

She also wants to give some color to these miscellaneous humans who dare to look down on the demons and her as a succubus!
In terms of frontal strength, she really can't beat him.

Let’s talk about “control” techniques.


Elena snorted coldly, but don't forget who she is, she is a succubus.

In the horror of several glorious elders, a strange pink formation suddenly appeared on the ground beneath their feet. Then, they felt hot all over their bodies, as if something strange was beginning to seep into their bodies.

Their bodies began to itch more and more, and the rationality in their eyes was quickly diluted. Their breathing quickened, their blood accelerated, and their plump bodies nourished by the light began to squirm like water snakes.

This strange state tortured them for several minutes.

When they came back to their senses, Elena's authority ended. The sweating Glory Elders were shocked to find a pink curse that looked like a tattoo on their skin.

Whenever they dare to show a little resistance.


The charm pattern from Elena flashed immediately, followed by a scream, and the glorious elder twitched all over. In humiliation and tragedy, he knelt on the ground limply, unable to get up again.

Under this scene, Elena nodded with satisfaction.

If the little succubus doesn't show off her power, think of her as a sick cat!
Now you know, she was really not joking when she said "I'll pout you all" at the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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