Chapter 236
This is indeed an ending that Liao Yu never imagined.

He originally planned to coax Elena to have fun.

Unexpectedly, this little succubus actually had two brushes and directly planted the charm patterns on several glorious elders.

Don't say it.

Liao Yu was still worried about how to deal with these glorious elders.

Just kill him, it will have too much impact on history.

Don't kill them. These elders who dare to bully and use Freya are not good people themselves. They are just keeping them here to add trouble to themselves.

Now Elena takes action and solves the problem perfectly.

Not only did these elders survive, but history was kept on track.

And he can make these elders who are true virgin bitches take a lifetime of "humiliation" as their punishment, so that they can never hold their heads up again.

If they dare to rebel against the age, the charm lines on their lower abdomen can easily turn them all into puffs, causing them to die both physically and socially.

Sure enough, when it comes to punishing bad women, it has to be a succubus!
Liao Yu gave Elena a thumbs up sincerely this time, full of admiration.

The little succubus enjoyed it too.

Finally found some place in front of this group of humans.

However, Elena's happiness did not last long.

She knew that this was all she could do right now.

When it comes to fighting, she is the bastard.

After all, you can't just put "charm marks" on your enemies when you meet them, right?

Before she grows up, she still has to rely on the human youth in front of her!
After recognizing the current situation.

Elena's attitude towards Liao Yu was obviously much lowered.

It is no longer the arrogant tone that he used to pretend to be bold.

"What's your name human?"

"Liao Yu."

"Okay, Xiao Liao, from now on you will be I, Elena, and the second-in-command of the entire succubus clan. When I conquer the human world in the future, and with the permission of the Demon King, I promise you to become The new king of the human world!”

Looking at the little succubus, she looked like she had spent a lot of money.

Liao Yu was a little helpless.

Good guy.

As expected of Elena, at such a young age she already knows how to help her subordinates.

Those who don’t know may still be very excited.

He directly became the second in command of the Succubus clan.

But in fact, Elena is the only one left in the succubus tribe. One more person is not the second in command.

Elena thought she had succeeded in wooing Liao Yu.

After giving Liao Yu a title, it seemed that the little succubus regarded him as one of his family members from the bottom of his heart, and he was no longer so coy.

Elena flapped her little wings and flew in front of Liao Yu.

Looking at Liao Yu who still didn't understand, the little succubus stamped her feet in the air in annoyance, then opened her hand to signal, and Liao Yu suddenly realized.

After quickly taking Elena, who floated in front of her, into her arms, the little succubus was satisfied. After finding a comfortable position and leaning in Liao Yu's arms, she waved her hand in a "driver" style.

"Liao Yu, now Lady Elena gives you the first task, let's go! Take me to see what the human world is like outside!"

"Wait a moment, Lady Elena."

"Huh? What's the matter!"

Liao Yu changed his original look of teasing children and put on a more serious expression. Then he carried the little Lolita to the stone pier opposite and asked Elena to sit down obediently.

"I understand Lady Elena's ambition to conquer the world, but you can't do anything too hastily. For the sake of your future safety, I want to make a three-part agreement with you before going out."

"A three-part agreement?" "Yes, first of all, you see, we are currently very weak. Once discovered by other humans, a large number of troops will probably be sent to capture you. Even I will not be able to protect you by then, so .”

"First, I hope that Lady Elena will disguise herself later, cover up her succubus parts with illusions, and not reveal her identity as a demon when outside."


The little succubus heard that it made sense and nodded immediately. As for pretending to be a human, it was very simple. She just had to close her head and tail. The rest of her was actually not much different from a human.

"Second, because Lady Elena is very unfamiliar with the human world and has just arrived, I hope that after we go out, at least outside, you can listen to me and obey my arrangements."

As soon as Liao Yu said these words, the little succubus frowned subconsciously.

What's the meaning!
Does this mean that she will have to obey Liao Yu's orders from now on?

How did this happen!
Just like a subordinate who talks nonsense to his boss!
But Elena thought again.

What Liao Yu said is indeed reasonable. She is unfamiliar with the place and many of her decisions may be wrong. And to be honest, her mind is still blank right now, and she has no plan or direction at all.

Now that Liao Yu said that he would take the initiative to arrange a "revival of the demon clan" for her, of course she was happy.
Sure enough, it still doesn't work!

How could she, as an apostle, listen to humans!


This is dignity!

It's a matter of principle!
On the other side, seeing that the little succubus was about to refuse, Liao Yu seemed to have been prepared. He stretched out his hand behind his back, and Elena didn't even see it clearly. As if by magic, Liao Yu had a round little succubus in his hand. Great.

"Lady Elena, if you can promise me, then I will offer this to you every day!"

Offer this thing?

Is this something rare?

Elena didn't feel any magic from this round stick.

It's obviously not a magical prop.

what is that?
The little succubus took the lollipop from Liao Yu's hand with a curious look on her face. After opening the wrapping paper, she doubtfully licked the lollipop with her pink tongue.

Licking again, licking, licking, licking!
Demons rarely process food.

The one who likes "cooking" food the most is the Rotten Demon.

Obviously, for a down-and-out little succubus who collects garbage from rot demons, a lollipop that combines the great wisdom of humans and specializes in attacking children is undoubtedly a surefire move.

Elena fell without any resistance.

"If you want me to promise you, you can, but there must be a tribute like this every day, um, a bergen!"

The sweetness of the lollipop burst into her taste buds, it was even sweeter than eating honey. Elena's eyes shone. The dignity of the apostle and the issues of principle had all been forgotten long ago.

The little succubus opened her mouth and started negotiating with Liao Yu.


"Huh!? At least fifty!"


"You, you are going too far, thirty!"


"Two, twenty! This is my lady Elena's bottom line!"


"Promise! I promise you! No more! You, you. Wuwuwuwu, you bully people! Wuwuwuwu."

Elena saw that if things continued like this, there would only be less and less, and she finally couldn't help but compromise.

But after compromising, I thought about it, if I had agreed to ten sticks earlier, I wouldn't have only three sticks like now.

The little succubus became more and more aggrieved as she thought about it. She almost cried when she was bullied by Liao Yu.

There is no trace of being an apostle.

(End of this chapter)

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